Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The fervent adhering to the present is giving way to the freedom and transforming effects of living in a space, devoid of time. As all is in motion, there are many things in life that do not seem to be in sync with the time/space continuum. While not exactly “future shock” it is a time when many vestiges of the world do not seem in harmony with the present “time”.

As to what this might mean to you, we would suggest that you begin to think in terms of a timeless existence. If there is no time, how might this affect the world in which you live? If there is only the present, how might you alter your perception to coincide with that reality? What things in your life are time-sensitive and will have to be reworked? How does long-term planning figure into this new paradigm of a timeless universe? If there is only now, how does the concept of age fit into the equation? If you were to do away with the concept of age, how would you perceive a person, given their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual condition at this moment? What relation does time have to the state of affairs of the world and those around you? These are some of the dynamics of an ageless/timeless world.

If each moment is all that is, how significant should be the choices you make? If you knew that the sum total of your life was contingent upon how you showed up in life, this very second, how might you alter your behavior? Would you be more caring, compassionate, Loving? Would you have more concern for the welfare of others and less for your seemingly insignificant dramas that are playing out in your life? Might it be easier to see the larger picture unfolding of individuated souls moving together as one in the body of God? Living in the present means that all that exists is this moment in time and how you choose to reflect the image of God in it.

Does anything in your life, experience and actions seem tarnished in this light of understanding? What is relevant to the expression of your Godself and what fails to reflect that presence? This is an opportunity to “clean up your act” just for this moment and to become your Christed Self, just for this moment... and then the next…and then the next… It is one day at a time under a microscope of Now, ever unfolding.

If there were only Now, how might you choose to experience your life different, beyond the constraints of time? How many things in your existence are time-dated? Do you put off things, experiences, to a future time when things might be different? How might you create those preferable conditions to the Now or alter expectations or requirements to enrich the present with the joys you are postponing? If there is only the present, how will choosing to make it filled with Joy and happiness change your perspective? If you choose to perceive something as Joyous, how can it be anything other? If all you can ultimately control is your attitude, how does altering your precipitations, change your reality? This is perception expanded to a global scale if all were to choose to release limitations and expectations and live in the moment of the Now.

What is there to fear if you know and believe you are Loved in the present? If you choose to make this your reality, being and radiating Love to all you are sharing each moment becomes the condition of your life, no matter what the external circumstances. Love is magnified as it is reflected to each other and is the timeless reality for those that choose to see and be it. All else is window dressing.

Begin to live in a timeless reality and you will free yourself of the need to punch the time clock of expectations. Expectations, requirements, and regrets are reigns that tie you to past and future outcomes. In a timeless world, the only thing that exists and is worthy of consideration is our actions in this moment. If we are able to balance on this point of time and space in the brilliance of our God-self, this will be the reality we create in the timeless world of Now. Become that radiant spec of Light right Now and that becomes your new reality. Love on…


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Join Hands

The close of the era of conflict is seeing many vestiges of the past fall away and implode. This is merely birthing pains of the new world of possibilities. Until there is a leveling of the playing field with all obstacles to growth and awareness removed, there will be little room for the new. That is what we wish to speak of today.

In transcending into a higher vibrational experience, there are many things that will be left behind. This is as it should be for there needs to be a revisioning of the future given the lessons of the past. You know the pitfalls, traps and illusions. Now is the time to put into play the lessons of past experience and to build upon this in order to begin anew. Now this may sound like more of the same but in fact, we would like to make a few suggestions that might form a new route of inquiry…

What if in your new world there were no boundaries that separate one from another? No physical limitations, cultural, geographic, or beliefs? What if all were differentiated aspects of the One but with different cellular makeup that was designed to fit together seamlessly in the body of the One? Perhaps this is the new reality…

What if instead of life being a struggle to overcome obstacles in the path, it became a downhill course to be navigated, over and around moguls of experience that merely made the run interesting? What if at the finish line all were waiting, cheering each other onward into enfolding arms of Love? This is the new reality, waiting to be embraced .Gone are the conflicts that are precipitated by outmoded illusions of fear and negativity. In the new world of experience there is not only a common vision of Loving awareness but a commitment to assist each other in removing the scales from each others eyes in order to see more clearly the miraculous change that has taken place.

We say change because this is a radically different approach to life that will leave many disoriented. That is where you come in. As the forward troops of ascension and transformation there is a need for guides and way-showers for those who are new to the process. What if each was to take another by the hand and introduce them to the possibilities of change and understanding at a higher level? Few would turn down such an invitation if they knew that beside them was a champion who would catch them should they stumble and see that they were headed in the right direction. This by no means alleviates the personal responsibility you have for your own decisions and actions, but it is a service you are providing to others around you who may not be as sure-footed on this rocky climb.

This is not a solitary journey and the more those fellow sojourners can join hands on the upward climb, the easier will become the transition. When two or more are gathered together and joined at the heart there is God and Light amongst them and all is well. Envision all in not a freefall but an ascent linking hands and forming a circle of Loving energy that will transcend the illusions of a world gone mad. This is the greater reality that is coming into form. All is well and the vision intact. All is Love…


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11-11-11 The Portals

The mysteries of life can all be solved by finding the codex of Love. Any question, no matter how obscure, will ultimately lead to its unravelment and reformation in the vibration of Love. It is the substance from which the universe has formed and to which all will return. All else is process and necessary to get to this basic understanding.
The portal that you have just entered through the doorway of 11-11-11 is merely one rung higher on the ladder of self-realization. For most, the time passed uneventfully. However for others, there has been a shift, depending upon their level of awareness. This is a shifting of not only purpose but commitment to move higher and deeper into the mysteries of life and how we perceive our world and our place within it. Many on the path are in the process of attuning themselves to the higher energies of growth and awareness. It is a time of preparation for the graduation of many lifetimes.

Those in the realm of consciousness recognize that we are past the point of procrastination and it is time to confront the obstacles in our path in earnest in order to clear the way for our ascent.

This is a time of renewal of not only purpose but commitment. The first portal of 11 was the allowing of past lessons and experiences to dissolve in importance and become part of the building blocks of the present. Those lessons are the elementary school of life and have allowed you to become the presence you are today. Lessons well learned - time to move on…

The second portal of 11 is the life you are creating with your intentions and commitment. This is a new beginning, full of promise and wonder. What do you intend to create today, this moment that is of the new energy of growth and awareness? How will you use this moment to become the embodiment of all you aspire to and realize to be in the highest and best good of all concerned? What does this look like today, in this moment? What exquisite creation are you manifesting through your beliefs and commitments that is creating the love-based planet of your dreams? How are you reforming your life that is plying out in this moment of clarity right now?

We might suggest that you envision yourself in a bubble of light, in the world but not quite of it. As you glide amongst the other sojourners you will be able to merge with the energy fields of others so encapsulated and adhere to many in similar bubbles of phospheresance around you. As you float together in the world of form, there is no need to ground yourselves in the harsh “realities” others have accepted as “real” for themselves. Your reality is in the lightness and mobility of the world of Light within your bubble of life. Though somewhat isolated, it allows you to observe “life as usual” without buying into the darkness and fear that are endmic in the so-called “real world”. You are creating your own reality in the present and it is far different from the world you left behind.

The third portal of 11’s is the one of the divine. As you float beyond the confines of the third-dimensional existence, we might suggest that all is not as it seems. Illusions keep others grounded in that reality but you have new eyes with which to perceive the future and all that that entails. The dissatisfaction with the insanities of the past are causing untold numbers to move away from that stream of consciousness and to place new ways of being in the Petri dish of life. These are germinating as we speak and soon will begin to take form in society. As conflict begets growth, discontent is begetting change. All are becoming aware of the insanity in their lives and reformulating and revisioning a new path of togetherness. The shifts are not easy but necessary. The remaining vestiges of a world in chaos are slowly sinking beneath the horizon, giving way for the new forms of existence to emerge.

The portals of 11-11-11 have opened many doors of understanding and awareness. This is a time of movement and tremendous growth. Be willing to embrace all the facets of change and you will find that the anchor of complacency will be set free and your emergence will be into a new world of joy and Love abounding. It is so and it is now. Enjoy…


Sunday, November 13, 2011


You may think that you are in a holding pattern of life but in fact you are on the leading edge, which means that you see only open sky and not the countless behind you waiting to take off. As part of the advance troops of ascension, it may feel like you are lost in a sea of nothingness but in fact this is a time of readying yourselves for the mission ahead. We say mission, because this is divinely orchestrated and not subject to the whims of chance. Rest assured that you are in the perfect position to take off in higher purpose. All is well.

The infinite number of encounters you have in a lifetime help form the image of who you believe yourself to be and what you believe the world around you to contain. All is illusion but there for your ultimate growth and understanding. As you move into an altered space of “time, space and dimension”, we have a few things you may wish to consider in your processing of “facts” and images.

First we might suggest that all is perfect and going according to plan for your desired growth and understanding. That said, there are directions you may wish to take in order to circumvent many of the roadblocks placed in your path. While nothing is set in stone and you are subject to the options offered by free will, some of the routes are rockier than others.

Second, we would suggest that the flight routes of the migratory patterns of ascension are being programmed into the guidance systems of those ready to ascend into higher dimensions. The programming from the soul level is stepping to the forefront of consciousness in preparation for the shifting of dimensional frequencies. Your inner guidance is receiving strong directional impulses that are allowing you to tune into higher frequencies of consciousness.

Third, while there are no wrong choices in life, many are dragging their feet when it comes to stepping aboard the transformational highway of understanding. It takes a commitment to stay the course of attunement and committing to stay tuned to that higher frequency during the course of daily life that allows one to transcend the lower frequency chatter of “life as usual” and to migrate to the higher dimension of experience.

The migration that is taking place is relocation from frequency bands in the lower dimensions into higher forms of being. When all that is taking place around you seems to be in slow motion, heavy, and out of sync with what you Know to be in resonance with your inner Truth then it may be time to dial up your level of experience accordingly.

Where and with whom do you feel greater resonance? What is calling you at a soul level to come into being, even though there may be no “logical” explanation for the calling? Do you feel that you are living in someone else’s clothes, a life that is not in resonance with the true person you are meant to be? If so, perhaps it is time to join with others who are hearing the same siren call and are returning to their Home elsewhere.

The migration that is taking place is not just a dimensional shift, but a frequency change within the cellular body as well. Just as environments may feel out of sync, so may the habits and lifestyles of our previous existence. Things that have nourished you in the past may no longer feed your soul and are been traded in for things and people who feel more nourishing. There may be a feeling of wanting to cram everything in sight in preparation for the journey ahead but this is not necessary. What is not entirely evident yet is that this is a group effort and those beside you are preparing as well and will help bring the provisions all require for the journey.

While the sky may seem limitless and the road markers few, we encourage you to let go of these previous signs of achievement and direction for they are no longer relevant. As you assume the forward position in the formation of migration, you can see only the possibilities ahead, and not the countless others who have your back and will fall into formation once you have stepped into the unknown of possibilities. Be aware also that this is not a solo process and there are others who can move forward and spell you for a time in the forefront of transformation. The bonding together in the common pursuit creates an updraft of inspiration that helps give new impetus to the stragglers that are struggling in the back.

There is a process that is taking place around the globe that is calling to many to find their own center and resources in order to move into the higher frequency of Light energy. The call of the masters is being heard in a cacophony of languages, welcoming Home all who are willing to lay down their swords and find reason to surrender to each other in Love. The inner clock is ticking loudly, motivating all of look deeper and awaken the sound within that invites us to the chorus of Life. Hear your own voice resonating with the frequency of life that is inspiration the migration of Now. It is time…


Welcome to the Dance

In evaluating the things that call forth your focus it might be wise to look deeper at the far-reaching implications of your choices. First there is the immediate benefit/gain that you will receive which usually gratifies some aspect of the ego. This is what draws you into the encounter. If, however, you are able to step far enough back from the situation to see clearly the deeper and more expansive possibilities that this opportunity for growth and understanding presents, it is possible to take even “chance” encounters up a notch and to glean valuable lessons in Truth and understanding.
If you were to think of your life as a dance with varying partners vying for your attention, then perhaps you might begin to see more clearly the possibilities unfolding before you. There are partners that provide a momentary spark of excitement but who then vanish into the background as well as those who return again and again to share the intimacy of association. The themes in your life in an incarnation undoubtedly could be likened to the background music that keeps the action moving. How you move through life in step with those swirling around you might be thought of as the path or ray you have chosen for this incarnation. Different frequencies of movement attune to different background themes in the dance of life. You may be more comfortable dancing to one certain style of music but at other times you are being summoned forth to learn new steps and attune to different tempos.

The music is being stepped up a notch as we move into higher frequencies. This is a time of discernment but also adjustment. Higher frequencies call us into greater attention as we learn the new steps of life. It is not easy, but that is only because it is new and untried. As all adjust, there will soon be times when you will have mastered the nuances of the dance and will glide in concert with the divine.

Be willing to engage with others who have stepped onto the floor as well for they are finding their part in the new choreography and not sitting on the sidelines waiting for the music to move back into something more familiar. This is not likely to happen and soon they will be unable to join in for the frequency will have taken the participants into a higher dimension. The acceleration of energy is a natural separation of the committed and the hesitant. All who step forward and join in will be able to take masters classes in the dance of life. Those on the sidelines will miss a golden opportunity to be part of this wave of ascension.

While the swirling energies of change are separating the dancers from the observers, there is still time to step forward and become one with the dance of life. Those on the fringes of the circle are offering outstretched hands, beckoning you to move forward and become part of the One. It is only your own fears that are holding you back. Are you committed to the process of growth and understanding or do you doubt your own worthiness to step forth? It is all choices. When do you think you will be ready to join in? Baby steps may not get you any where but into the turbulence at the edges. This requires bold moves of commitment that will take you closer past the swirling energies of change in order to be part of the peace in the eye of the storm.

The dance of commitment is calling you forth. Where do you wish to plant your next steps in order to engage in life? It is time to either be a participant in the process or sit this one out. Choose your partners – the dance has begun…



When you begin to interact with others in a conscious way, it is important that you be crystal clear with your message but also your motivation. There is an energy associated with communication and if the underlying tone is one of resentment or manipulation it will be felt by the receiver and skew the communication. In the new era of truth and clarity, it is one of the areas that will require the greatest adjustment for many.
When you interact with those in your sphere of influence, you may have developed a pattern of holding back the things you believe to be true until you feel a modicum of trust developing. It is not always advisable to lay all of your cards on the table for everyone because it may be more information than they are willing or able to process at that time. We are speaking rather that with those that you share intimate relationships with, there should be no hidden agendas or subterfuge. No one should have to make assumptions as to the intentions or motivations of their partners in life because all are united in process and destination. If all are working together in Oneness, there may be different pieces to the action, but there is a common goal that is being approached.

That said, it is a journey that is fraught with many convolutions as all begin to come into resonance with the Oneness of creation. It is most often the illusions of the ego that prevent our seeing clearly the common threads that unite us. Taking time to step back and view a situation in wisdom and clarity allows all to adjust their perspective in order to create a common vision together. By seeing past the actions and reactions of others and sensing the deeper needs and motivations of their actions, one is able to dissolve the resentments and disharmony that the actions are bringing to our attention.

Few in this time of transformation act with malice. It is rather our personal insecurities and areas we have yet to resolve within our own growth process that are brought to the surface for healing. It is within the safety of those that know and Love us best that we feel the freedom to allow our innermost challenges to be revealed. That is the blessing of openness for it allows us to strengthen our bonds of closeness as we come together and share the process of life.

Rather than lashing out or reacting negatively when one reveals their vulnerable underbelly to us, warts and all, how much more helpful might it be if we were to expose our own vulnerabilities as well and together examine the things we wish to transmute together. We may not be our brother/sister’s keeper, but we are certainly mirrors to each other in the process of life. How we show up in the lives of our friends and acquaintances is the opportunity we have to transform ourselves as well as those around us in the process.

If we are willing to step back and examine what these moments of conflict are telling us about where we need to focus our attention in life, we will find innumerable opportunities for growth and transformation. Be thankful for those you have called into your intimate partnerships for they are your handmaidens to growth and understanding…Namaste,


The Frequency of Gratitude

Coming from gratitude in all that you do does indeed open the doors of manifestation. If you are immobilized by fear and trepidation at the things that bombard you in your life, perhaps it is worth doing a reality check on the things you have to be thankful for. How much can you summon forth in the way of appreciation which helps crowd out the feelings of lack and worthlessness?

Now this is more than just a pep talk from Spirit. When you immerse yourself in a sea of Love and Gratitude, you raise your vibrational frequency. Given that like attracts like, the things that vibrate at that higher frequency will be attracted to your sphere of influence. As in a jar of muddy water that is shaken, soon the elements of dark, dense matter will fall to the bottom, leaving a clearer, brighter field in the area of your residence. The more that you can continue to elevate your vibrational frequency with Love and Gratitude, the less you will be associated with the denser matter of doubt and fear.

In a world of chaos and uncertainty, the waters are constantly being muddied by the turbulence of the times. It behooves you to create your own world of calmness in order for the clarity to reveal itself. Very little requires immediate attention. If you are able to sit with a situation and allow the denser options to fall away, you have a better opportunity for clarity to emerge. As with the muddy water, soon all will be revealed so that the appropriate action may be taken.

In this time of very muddy water, things are being shaken up to a great extent. This is beneficial for it is allowing ideas and situations that have long operated under the cover of darkness to be revealed to the light. Those operating close to the top in clarity are able to discern the patterns and subterfuges which is the requirement for change to occur. The deep agitation that has brought this to the surface is only the instigating cause. It takes the calm, analysis in the less turbulent waters to begin to see the solutions and opportunities that will allow the disruptions to fall away. Only then, when the primary quest for survival is accomplished, will those that have come through the turbulence be ready to address their higher vibrational needs.

It is with those that have risen beyond the turbulence of society into a higher vibrational frequency that the real change that will transform the planet is taking place. These are the ones who are forming the new paradigm where those of a rising vibration will find refuge. This is where the growth and awareness is leading. The inner turmoil is propelling your species forth at an accelerated rate. While it may feel that things are out of control - control is only an illusion. When one cuts oneself free from the limitations of a chaotic world and surrenders to the oneness of creation then true miracles will occur.

It is in this clear, environment at the higher vibrational frequency of clarity and oneness that all come together in the frequency of Light, Love, and Gratitude. By immersing yourself in that frequency, you attract to you all of a similar vibration and life becomes brilliant. Time to don the sunshades until you adjust… Carry on