Monday, June 17, 2013

Birthing Pains of the New Paradigm

So how do you detect a wolf in sheep’s clothing? We say this because there are many things in your world that are not as they seem.  Masters in subterfuge are doing their best to conceal their real identity and to fool those whose only agenda is to ascend. It takes not only a willingness to examine life at a deeper level, occasionally going behind the scenes when something just doesn’t “feel” or “smell” right. Much as you would like to believe the contrary, when something is of questionable authenticity, it behooves you to examine the real cause of the discomfort since something is still calling to be revealed.

This is a time of great revelation but also of great concealment. There have been those who have manipulated truth to their advantage for too long. All are being shaken loose from their moorings and asked to clarify their positions and defend their actions.  It will not be pretty, but necessary if the standard of Truth is to be upheld in the new Paradigm.  Things that do not resonate with this or truths that have been altered or misinterpreted in favor of an agenda are being revealed in the court of public opinion. While this course of action is not the first place one in the 5th dimension would go to resolve conflict, it is one of the vestiges of the old that is calling to be removed. Allow all of the dramas of the old paradigm to play out for it is revealing the absurdity of separation so that awareness of Oneness will emerge.

As to how this may take place, we have a few observations…

First do not assume that one side is either right or wrong. There is undoubtedly culpability and misjudgment on both sides waiting to be revealed. The challenge is to find a common ground where to meet in a world of duality.

If neither “side” is “right” or “wrong” how far down this dead end street do you wish to go before you begin to engage those directly affected by the outcome? With all cards face up on the table, it is easier to make the adjustments necessary where both “sides” can co-exist in divine harmony…or not. Again, there must be a willingness to step out of an adversarial system of “justice” before this would be a valid point. If one “side” is unwilling to arbitrate, there is little choice other than allowing the outmoded judicial system to take its course.

Be ready to state your real objectives. Is this really about the issue at hand or is it a domestic dispute or dueling egos that clearly got out of hand? Are both parties committed to a higher path of service? The fallacy is that there are no “sides” only different facets of the One. An unwillingness to find ways of coming together in mutual agreement of an issue is something that will resurface again and again in different forms until this is healed.

It might be worthwhile to investigate what Karmic experiences may have contributed to the impasse. Allow for this and try to see the larger issue and solution waiting to be born. ‘These are the birthing pains of the new paradigm that is calling for unworkable forms and structures that do not resonate with the new vibration of Loving Awareness to be shaken apart and reborn in the new energetic template. Allow this process to unfold, knowing that all is in divine order and part of a greater plan of transformation.

Emergence requires breaking of the shell for the chic to step forth. Stand back and allow.  It is all God…        I AM

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