Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Institutional Evolution

Institutional Evolution

As you define the keepers in your experience in the new paradigm, we might suggest you look at the institutions you have known in the past to see those that reflect the ideals and framework of new thought. Are they dynamic and flexible enough to grow and evolve as we move rapidly through stages of transformation and understanding? Do they hold too tightly to the stepping stones of past experience or do they use that as merely the gateway to more complete understanding? Is this a multidimensional classroom with the leaders of the new sharing their knowledge and empowering others to achieve their greater potential as well? Are the remnants of competition slowly disintegrating with new encouragement and appreciation of the unique things we all bring to be woven into the tapestry of life?

Are the religious and governmental institutions of your world being reborn into this new frequency of Loving awareness? What parts need revamping or even dismantling in order to achieve this pattern? How is the pattern of spiritual communities replacing the closed environments of blind faith, limited growth and understanding? What can be done institutionally and governmentally to assure that these new patterns of association will become the norm and the desired form in a new world?  If you begin with those that proclaim to be religious or spiritual in nature, which live that intention? These are the things religious and governmental institutions are struggling with as they come into resonance with the challenges of the new paradigm of Oneness.

Speaking of Oneness – how does this manifest in areas on the world stage? We would like to suggest that all bands or levels of consciousness, even within a person, are not evolving simultaneously. Someone or some country or entity may be quite evolved or advanced in some aspect of life but still quite primitive in understanding and subsequent actions in another. Integration and growth requires that all areas of experience be elevated into a higher frequency for ascension to take place. Allow, encourage and help facilitate growth and understanding at all levels.

So what areas of life need remedial attention? Do the institutions of government proclaim one goal but get mired in lower lessons and frequencies in others? What can be done collectively to patch this leaky spot so that the higher understanding is not eroded by this fracture in the substructure? Is there any person or principle that is causing this to go askew? How can you express your insight, motivate others or in some way shed light on the situation in order to affect positive change? It requires insight, courage, and tenacity to redirect the massive edifices of government but with enough sparks of light a fire will be created that can burn away the dross and leave fertile ground for rebuilding.

Then there are the relationships in your life that are undoubtedly undergoing accelerated growth which does not always set well who find that a fearful thing. Fears are usually grounded in belief in lack rather than abundance. If we believe we live in an abundant universe and that all of our needs are met in grace even though we may be challenged by our resistance and disbelief, there is truly nothing to fear. It comes down to do we truly believe this? What would it take to alter our perceptions and shift our paradigm accordingly? Perhaps we should begin by examining why we may not believe in a provident outcome and that we are worthy to receive God’s grace. Our core issues usually come down to beliefs about separation between God, self, and others which is manifested in our relationships. As we begin to empower ourselves and believe we are worthy of having God’s grace in our lives, the world will shift to mirror that belief. This is what the new paradigm will look like, and no matter what changes, we are protected in a bubble of God’s Love. All else is just details.

As you come into resonance with others who are making this shift together you will begin to sense that this is really a different experience, fully grounded in the energies of peace, love and joy. Some things may resemble the old but the underlying framework has changed. You are feeling and sensing a difference and that is the unifying threads of Oneness are drawing us closer and closer into a pattern of wholeness. Allow the healings of the fragmented parts of the old to take place and be willing to hold this light for others as they step into the new patterns unfolding.  All is good…All is God. And so it is…


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