Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Shake Up

In the event of a major shakeup of the world as you know it, where would you find the greatest solace and support? Would the financial and governmental institutions that you have placed your allegiance on in the past be strong enough to stand the winds of Truth or will they prove to be a house of cards? Will the religious edifices that have been a refuge in the past be there for you as their very foundations crumble in the waves of honesty? Do the relationships in your life that are not based on Truth and honesty stand a chance of survival if these other edifices are crumbling and shaken to their core? We ask you to step back in your Truth and perceive the real and True in your life. How does this differ from the illusion you have been feeding yourself purported to be true?

Within the next fortnight there are many things that will seem to be an unraveling of the status quo. This is necessary to bring about the shift of vibrational frequency in order to realign your world with the positive vibration of Truth. Imagine if all of the structures in your life that were not aligned with this frequency sere to crumble at once in order to realign with the new energy. What and who might remain standing? Given that the untruth will no longer shine brightly, what does the removal of this distraction reveal about the world around you? What might you have overlooked when you were distracted by the shiny things in your life? What are the small Truths that grow bigger and more important every day as you the elements of your life to reproportion in order of their relevance?

This is a time of recalibration and realignment. Given the overpowering ”importance” of money issues in your life, what if this element were made moot and all things were recalibrated on a scale of importance as to whether they resonated on a scale of Love, not money. If Love became the new currency, how might you wish to reform your priorities in order to get the most out of every moment? What would happen if you tried this as an experiment – just for a fortnight? Or a year? Or a lifetime?

As priorities change you begin to see the absurdity of life around you. Things seem hopelessly skewed when the inconsequential takes a back seat to the profound. Your reality check will be to examine all of the facets of your life and begin to recalibrate people, events and priorities using a new scale of evaluation. Perhaps making a list of the priorities in your life and giving them a numeric value on a scale of Truth and Love. Hello! What is your life telling you about why things may not be working as well as you would like?  How might you alter your schedule and rearrange your priorities in order to accommodate this new shift in consciousness?

The new paradigm is not just about being carried intact into a new world of joy and wonder if you bring along all of the worn-out trappings of the old. If you are to ascend as a fifth-dimensional being, it behooves to reevaluate the things in your life that are no longer part of this higher frequency. How will you alter your choices and your environment to reflect this new energy? The extent that you consciously choose each carefully-reflected step to make this so shows your dedication to becoming the being of light to which you aspire. Make it so…


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