Monday, June 17, 2013


As more and more come into resonance with their divine blueprint, each will begin to sense the things that do not ring true with that experience. What in your life feels out of resonance with your inner truth? Despite what is said, what are your feelings about a situation? If there is still ambiguity, what parts of it do not resonate? Life is full of complex situations. Perhaps it is time to begin to dissect and removed the spoiled parts before they infect the entirety of the body.

Who in your life seems to be in conflict with what you know to be true? Does what they say in one area ring of truth while that in others fall short? Does the preponderance of truth being expressed validate the whole or does it undermine and threaten the collapse of the structure? Without a foundation of integrity, there will be an eating away at the substructure of institutions of the old which will ultimately lead to their collapse. Untruth is a pathogen that erodes even the most resilient institutions until all that is left is an empty shell of illusion before it crumbles.

So given the illusion of form and those who share this space, on what might you use as a guidepost in the storm? We might suggest that you trust in the ultimate goodness of the world in which you live - believing that all is being accomplished in divine order. The apparent invincibility of corrupt situations and organizations is part of the illusion. Those that are not grounded upon an underlying foundation of Truth are being eaten away from within by a cancer that will ultimately cause them to crumble. It is not a situation of if – only when.

As time and Karma accelerate, those living beyond the integrity of Truth are being called into accountability for their actions. It may not be pretty but this is also part of the illusion. Be willing to see the beauty of the shedding of the old exoskeleton of untruth in order for the butterfly of truth to emerge. It is in the struggle with removing the old that we receive the energy and confidence to go boldly in what we Know to be True and perfect in the now.  All else is the illusion. Emerge…


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