Monday, June 17, 2013

Getting It "Right"

The shadow of the old paradigm still hangs over the new. As light begins to replace the vestiges of the illusion of separation, more and more will be called into the implications of what it really means to act as One. The emphasis will shift from who is “right” to how we can heal this illusion of separation. This does not necessarily mean that you are to ignore all behavior that is out of resonance with integrity, but that you are being called to step back further in order to uncover the underlying factors that are affecting the holographic image that is being projected and remove the impediments that are obscuring the image.

As to how you might go about this we might suggest that in order to come in resonance with the new paradigm of Oneness, you begin to think of all endeavors as a joint process. Eliminate all vestiges of the old from your vocabulary such as I and you. Begin to think of everything in terms of we.

Do not automatically assume the solutions to conflicts are to be resolved using tools of the old paradigm such as adversarial systems of “justice”. Even business arrangements need to be renegotiated into win-win situations where the needs and desires all parties are honored as being mutually beneficial. If all operate in that mindset, there will be little need for “civil” courts of law but rather those who would negotiate contracts that are aligned with the higher purpose of mutual growth and support.

Personal choices will no longer be thought of as a singular decision. If all are connected energetically at the heart, every decision has far-reaching implications that may not be obvious to those in focus. Being able to feel for the energetic vibration of decisions that affect you and the extended you will be an important aspect of the shift that is taking place on a conscious level.

All are coming into resonance with their divine attributes. Those that are feeling restless, agitated and “out of sorts” are undoubtedly struggling to integrate the parts of themselves that feel out of resonance with these higher vibrations. Be gentle on yourselves but also realize that your soul is lifting you into greater harmony with these divine attributes. Allow yourself to try these new clothes on for size and trust in this inner wisdom. It will undoubtedly feel awkward at first to not have the old rules in place to support you but that is what growth is all about.

Continue to exercise these new muscles until you stabilize into the new form then stretch some more and repeat the process. Just for today, act and believe that all are part of the divine plan and are given opportunities to shed this old skin and grow into the new. This is a time of transformation from within. As we have said before. Allow and Know that all is going according to plan.  Allow your wings to unfold for you will soon be carried aloft by the outbreath of the new world that is carrying you ever higher, ever Home.  Come Home…


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