Monday, June 17, 2013


The nearing of the summer solstice brings with it the culmination of the period of fertility and expansion. And so it is with your world. There is a birthing taking place within the hearts of the awakened that portends a season of high inspiration and creativity.  The forms that are being birthed may appear on the surface to resemble those of past experience but that is part of the illusion.  Things that resonate at a deeper level of understanding and inspiration are the underlying substructure of the new paradigm.

As for what that means to you, we might suggest that you begin to view your world with new eyes. It is as if you are moving through a hall of mirrors and all of the images that surround you are not as they appear. Which are the REAL and which fail to measure up?

Given that all are morphing into new forms, how do you wish to be part of this shifting of energetic templates? If you are gestating a new universe, what might you wish to be part of this? Which forms have served their purpose and need to be retired  to the junkyard of worn out ideas? Looking critically at all of the aspects of your life will help you come into resonance with what no longer serves you and society and what is calling to be reborn.

The seeds of inspiration are beginning to not only take root but to grow into new understanding. If there were no limits to your abilities and resources, how might you recreate the pieces of your life? Begin to think of yourselves and your world as limitless. If money were no longer a limiting factor, what might you do in your life? Would it be to satisfy the wants of the ego with things or do you have bigger ideas that serve a higher purpose? Who might you surround yourself with that have similar ideals and abilities? How can you collectively pool your resources to create a more beneficial experience for all? What are the missing pieces in your world and how can you bring more into the process in order to achieve a more harmonious outcome?

Given that creation is limitless, what will you create that can bring more and more into their mastery and achievement? These are the building blocks of a society based on Love if only you will begin to sift among the rubble for the treasures. In a world torn asunder by the uncaring and vengeful, there is an abundance of pieces that will become the foundation for the new.  You KNOW what didn’t work. This is part of the learning process of evolution. Seeing the flaws of previous efforts allows you to correct the mistakes and refine further. This is becoming a refining process where the “bugs” are being worked out.

Do not stifle the faucet of creativity with unnecessary rules and regulations that prevent the free-flowing process of creation. There are no boxes of containment - only matter waiting to be formed anew. You have all of the tools you need for either creation or destruction at your fingertips. Which will you choose? What will be reborn into the world of the new paradigm? Choose well.



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