Monday, June 17, 2013

Out of the Shadows

The shadow of the old paradigm still falls across the specter of the new. But, the things that no longer resonate with a frequency of Loving awareness are moving into the shadows. While not entirely out of the picture yet, those who have attuned to the higher frequency of understanding recognize that these are only remnants of the old being absorbed into the ethers for transformation. All is shifting into the higher frequency.

As to what this will mean in your world, we have a few suggestions: First, believe that this is a new world of frequency aligned with the aspect of Love. Anything that does not vibrate at this frequency is an illusion and not to be believed. Despite what your third-dimensional eyes and beliefs may be telling you, this is part of the illusion. Second, if this is not so, what is? Begin to delve deeper into the illusion. If this is merely the holograph, what is behind the curtain that is carrying the projected image? All is not as it seems.

There are those who through their own erroneous beliefs are projecting things that seem real but are they? Do not rely on the interpretations and explanations of others. Be witness to your own perceptions and conclusions. This is a walk through a hall of mirrors where much of the truth has been distorted. You Know what resonates True and what doesn’t. Do not be fooled into accepting what is not because it is something you wish to be true. When you keep your focus on what you Know to be True, all of the illusions will shatter, revealing the complex background of the supporting pieces of the hologram.

Allow the world of form to be reformed in an atmosphere of beauty and magnificence. The old may be tarnished and threadbare. If you are to create a new world of vision, harmony, and beauty, doesn’t it make sense to use new materials and processes that are not stressed by the wear and tear of the past? The things you bring forth are your knowledge and willingness to begin afresh, molding a life that conforms with the new vision of reality. The worn out pieces of the past have served their purpose and it is now time to let go and begin afresh.

The forms of the new paradigm will not be confined with walls and boundaries. Conventions and structures of the past were merely the framework that allowed the growth to take place. It is now time to shed the braces and to walk forward unassisted, knowing that you are strong and capable of seeing, believing and Knowing that all is being accomplished in divine order. You are whole.

Know that this is a time of Oneness. As to what this will mean to you and those around you we wish to point out - all are part of this process. Each has their own unique pebble in the mosaic. It is only when these are brought together that the patterns emerge. It behooves you to come together with those of a similar frequency so that these patterns will take shape. These are also part of the larger mosaic of experience. It is part of the fractal nature of our journey together that the smaller patterns are part of the larger one and so on, and so on, and so on… This is the face of God in form.

All of the activities you find yourself involved in within the third-dimensional reality are part of the patterns of life in the minute fringes of the patterns. Once you discard the film of fear, resistance and negativity that cloud your environment, you will begin to perceive the vibrancy of life lived at the deeper, richer level of experience where LOVE is the dominant reality and all pieces dance to that music. Hold that thought. Be that reality, if just for today…until it becomes your reality.  And so it is…


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