Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Birth of the Inner Christ

Birth of the Inner Christ

On this most Holy of days we wish to remind you of the message of the advent of Jesus, the Christ in form on earth. This was a coming into form of one who personified the true Christed self and how that played out in the world of form. How is Loving awareness manifested in our day-to-day lives and what can we take away from this experience?

If we are to take to heart the life we are living and hold it up beside the image of the life of Jesus, where are we out of bounds and what is lacking in our life? Obviously times are different and the energy of the people much higher, but we can learn much if our ultimate goal is to live a Christed life ourselves. Here are a few suggestions:

Are we knowledgeable about the beliefs and teachings of others or do we live in a world of limited awareness and meaning? Jesus traveled the world, learning from the masters the highest teachings of all times in order to be able to synthesize these into his own, unique message. How open are you to learning new things in order to expand not only your knowledge but your understanding?

Jesus purposefully opened his inner circle to a diverse group that represented those of different cultures and experiences so that all could be represented in the body of the One. Who do you invite into your inner circle? Only those who think as you do or are you open to the diversity of the community of those in the body of God?

Jesus held others accountable for their own actions without judging their shortcomings. Life begins in the present and the choices we make right now, no matter how we have behaved in the past. It is about what we learn from our life lessons and now that we understand, what will we do from this point forward. How about you?

Jesus moved fearlessly through life guided by his inner wisdom. While those around him, fearful of their own loss, begged him not to follow his inner knowing and to save himself, he listened to the inner God and followed what he knew to be the higher path. How many of us are willing to set aside the admonitions of others and follow our inner guidance, despite the consequences?

It takes courage, to be sure, but also a deep connection with your Inner Wisdom to be able to discern the path of the ego from the path of the Higher Self and to trust in your own divinity, whatever the consequences. Perhaps this year you begin to strengthen those connections, to believe in yourself and your ability to move in grace and wisdom through all things in the inner guidance of your divine nature.

All have an internal GPS that tells us when we are on track and when we have veered off course and need to make a course correction. This is the beginning of a new era of coming into alignment with the new programming that has been put into place. Those that realize that by their thoughts and words they are creating the world they live in must become more mindful of both if they wish to create a more Loving world to live in.  Will you live in the image that was personified by Jesus the Christ or do you need to make a few adjustments to your life in form.  This is the Shift that will make it so.  Merry Christmas,


Friday, December 21, 2012

Living in the NOW Age

As more and more come into resonance with the divine blueprint, we have a few suggestions as to where you may wish to go from here. While there will not be the cataclysmic destruction foretold by some, there will be shifts both in the physical world in which you live and equally dramatic shifts in consciousness. Your world is morphing into a new form that calls for the breaking apart of the old pieces of the substructure of erroneous thought patterns and a restructuring of the foundation of beliefs and awareness.

This will not be an easy journey for those that have heavily invested in the house of cards of the old paradigm when these begin to fall into disrepair. The status quo is “made of Jello” and all in subject to realignment, contingent upon the consciousness of the collective. Rest assure, however, that all is in divine order and any temporary inconveniences and challenges will be met with a realignment with tracks that lead to a whole new platform of discovery.

As to how this might affect the way you conduct your lives, we do have a few suggestions.

First, Is there anything that is preventing you from living totally in a space of Loving awareness? Who or what do you need to forgive in yourself or others that is preventing your realignment with this higher frequency? This is the anchor that is keeping you earth-bound and preventing your ascension into the new reality.

Second, What in your old life does not resonate with a paradigm of Peace, Love and Joy? What situations have you refused to deal with that still cause worry, fear or discontent? Time to look deeply at these remaining cracks in your lifeboat that will prevent your sailing clearly on the ascension path.

And finally, have you prayerfully drawn up a new game plan for the new paradigm? What makes the best use of your talents and abilities and would allow you to move gracefully into the new awareness? What innate talents do you possess that will dovetail nicely with others who have chosen to move into the new reality? You have chosen a unique journey that is shared by many others  in your soul group. It is time to begin to put the pieces together in order to form the new mosaic of life lived in higher consciousness. You have an important piece to share that only you can give. Time to look within and see what your soul is calling you to experience that not only calls to you on a soul level but will fulfill many needs of those around you on the higher path as well.

Looking from a different perspective requires that we step out of our comfort zone and examine all the pieces of our lives to see which remain to be used in new ways and which have served their purpose and need to be discarded in favor of a simpler life and less cluttered vision of the future. The pieces are all there amongst the debris. It is just a matter of sorting through the rubble of the old and discovering the pearls that you will recognize to adorn the new You that is coming into form in the new world. This is what is meant by living in the Now Age. The irrelevance of the past is passé, the future will be perfectly unfolded if we live in the moment. Welcome to the age of NOW…


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Communicating Your Truth

Communication between all beings is challenging at this time as all begin to come into alignment with their true nature. There may have been times when you were less than forthcoming and honest with those around you and now that imbalance is being corrected.  All are being called into accountability to stand in the truth of their being and to be held accountable for past missteps.

Beginning today, what can you do to “clean up your act” and come from a place of total honesty in all that you do? How will this affect the way you communicate with those around you? Are some things best left unsaid if they are hurtful to another or they serve no constructive purpose? What things might you have said that really are only reflections of your own insecurities or erroneous thought patterns?

How might you rephrase your speech to begin to communicate things that uplift and empower those around you rather than calling them to task for things you do not like? By emphasizing the divine qualities in another, you empower them to personify these very qualities. Since you give energy to the things you observe, wouldn’t it be more constructive to focus on and reinforce things that ennoble others rather than deride them for the ways they fall short of your vision?

If we wish to direct positive behavior, it also helps to model the things we value in others. Since like does attract like, the more Loving we are to those who may not be demonstrating Love themselves, we plant seeds that when nourished will produce astounding results.  Being the change you wish to see in the world begins to take form when we learn to see through God’s eyes rather than the dirty lenses society uses to separate us by emphasizing our differences rather than acknowledging our similarities and common purpose.

Being able to communicate these simple truths and standing tall in your integrity by proclaiming this higher vision may be uncomfortable but necessary if change is to be realized. Your courage to communicate your truth, regardless of the opinions of others will encourage others to do likewise and help begin the process of changing attitudes and therefore reality.

Now this is not to say that all such comments will be welcomed by those who are comfortable in their rut of complacency. How frightening it may be to some who see life only through the keyhole of experience and are unaware of the greater possibilities of the expanded reality you may be proposing. Rather than making others “wrong” you may find it easier to communicate your own experience, especially your early misgivings and how you overcame impediments to grow into greater understanding. The walk on the upward path is less frightening when one can hold the hand of another who has trod the way before and is willing to share their experience. As more and more step in the experience becomes richer and the way more pleasant for all involved.

Truth once shared becomes part of common knowledge. As more contribute their observances and insights, the vision of a common truth emerges which allows all to be part of the process of revelation. It is through the sharing and evaluating and refining the common vision that the greater truth will be revealed that more clearly reflects the common experience. Without the perspective of the collective observances, your truthlet will be a mere drop in the ocean of truth. Be willing to allow other droplets to coalesce until the greater version of truth begins to take form. There will always be other versions of truth seen from a different vantage point that may or may not alter one’s perspective of truth.

If one is rigidly adherent to a version of truth and unable to appreciate the richness of different visions, one will find it difficult to see as God sees life full of the textures and intricacies of diversity in the human experience.  Step back and observe the magnificence…


Monday, November 19, 2012

Overcoming Inertia

When you begin to move into the Light there are many anxious moments as you begin to realize that many of your old beliefs may not necessarily be in sync with what you had assumed to be so.  Many false assumptions are built upon a house of cards with previous erroneous beliefs being the supporting members. When all of the things you believed to be true begin to crumble around you, how do you find the solid ground you require to begin again on a firmer foundation?

We might suggest that you begin with the only thing that is inconvertibly true which is God, which is Love. If something is not based upon a Loving intention then it can only be illusionary. How many of the things in your life fail to measure up to this simple test of authenticity? Those that are based upon anything but a Loving premise are not real because they do not reflect a Loving God and are destined to disappoint and crumble under pressure in the future. Can something be founded upon Loving intent but fail to measure up because of the people involved – certainly. The element of free-will is always at work and it behooves you to scrutinize the participants of any venture as well as the ideals upon which is based.

There is also the aspect of timing. Many a good idea has failed to “catch on” due to the effect that customers may not be ready to accept the new mindset that is necessary to use something that is essentially good in nature. In order for people to switch their thinking and their lifestyle, they have to believe that any costs or risks are greatly outweighed in comparison to the present. Just comparable is not good enough to override the trappings of the status quo. Change requires effort and if nothing is perceived to be worth the effort, change will not happen.

This is what is happening on spiritual realms as well. If one sees no value in switching beliefs and exploring greater possibilities, nothing is going to change that belief system. It will take a monumental shift, either imposed or voluntary before inertia can be overcome. Do we have to reach a doomsday scenario before those placid participants become motivated enough to seek higher, safer ground? If one can see that the old is not working as desired, it stands to reason that only by doing things differently will you obtain different results. There comes a point where Band-aids on the problem are no longer acceptable and all would be well served to stand back and see what the greater ramifications of the process at hand are before making another assault upon the same area of play.

The game of life is not that much different from those on the field. It takes skill, daring, and guts to pull off an event that will not be anticipated and blocked by the opponent. Perhaps that is what is lacking in competitive activities. There is no common approach for working together to find new ways of solving problems of mutual interest. We have been told that we all have all we need to achieve our fondest dreams if only we are willing to put aside the illusions of separation and pool our ideas and resources in pursuit of a common goal. When energy is redirected from finding ways of disabling the opposition and instead working together in pursuit of excellence of all individuals as participants in the universal puzzle solving, the tools will have come into form that will facilitate ascension. Since all are trying to get through the same doorway, there are many different ways of being and working/playing together if we honor and appreciate the diverse ways we have of being in the field of life.

Begin to step back from the events in your life and “brainstorm” with your neighbor to see if there is not a better way to co-create a more evolved process of life together.  If things are not working to our satisfaction, that is likely to continue to be the case until all parties are willing to put aside the ego barriers and find ways of sharing in the solutions for tomorrow’s world. All is not as it seems and the more eyes you have looking at a situation, the higher the likelihood that some of them are attached to a soul who hears the voice of God whispering a new play to be brought into the game. It is in the stillness and the peace of thoughtful moments that the folly of our actions is realized and the possibilities for creating a more evolved world will emerge. Shhhh…Listen…


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So where do you go when it seems that you alone are able to see things clearly and even you have trouble seeing through the fog?  We might suggest that going within and surrendering to the voice of your soul is always a good place to start. But separating the voice of the ego from that of your own inner wisdom can be a tricky proposition. You might begin with meditation.  In order to hear clearly, it is always helpful to turn down the volume and distractions of the outside world. 

If one is to go within for answers, it also helps to know what are the questions.  Many are dissatisfied with the status quo but have not defined for themselves what about it they do not like.  Clear thinking is all about removing the things that do not represent the key issues and allow the underlying source of irritation to rise to the surface. 

Once you have identified your core issue, it would be helpful to slowly examine it for nuances that you have been too involved to notice before.  Slowly examine it from all sides, not just the fixed point that you usually see things from, and consciously begin to see how others might see things differently.  This is indeed a group process of discovery and those who are your partners in the drama of life are there to share their views in order that you might become less entrenched in your singular view and find a more universal vantage point.

Next we might recommend looking to see if there are any soft or tender points that need exploring. Many times what we believe to be true may only appear so because there is a weak structural element that has been covered up to appear whole. On closer examination, the underlying house of cards may fall when it is discovered that one of the supporting member lacked integrity. Begin to explore the possibilities. If this were not as it appears, how might this alter the situation and therefore reality?  Be open to all possibilities for in so doing you allow the ease and grace of higher purpose to flow unencumbered through the process.

Your world is filled with situations that are morphing from the known into a whole new definition of reality.  It behooves you to refrain from attachment to present constructs in order to allow for their transformation into different forms of expression. As the atmosphere realigns with a frequency of Loving awareness, it will necessitate that structures and beliefs that are not in alignment with this are either disintegrating from lack of substance or reforming in the new image.

Being in this world but not of it continues to redefine itself as more and more realize the temporary nature of existence on the earth plane and are willing to trade their present “reality” for something better and lasting. We do not mean that masses of souls are choosing to leave incarnation, though some are doing so, but that the firmament of the third-dimensional world is no longer the place where one feels at home and more and more are choosing to elevate their awareness and create a different reality while in form. 

This is the shift that is happening as we speak.  It is taking place in the minds and structures and institutions of the earth plane as more and more come into resonance and frequency of unconditional Love. Not there yet, but accelerating at a “mind-blowing” rate so that in the next year it will hardly be recognizable to that of your father’s generation.  This is the new world that is forming around you.  Will you be part of it or stuck in a “reality show” of the old and worn-out?  We invite you to switch the channel and become one with the new paradigm of Loving expression. Oh yeah, Technicolor…


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


After all is said and done, what will be the reality of your world?  What do you intend to be the structure of a life lived in the new reality? Will life be just a refinement of business as usual or do you have other intentions? If the old reality is not good enough, what might your new world look like?  We have a few suggestions…

First, how might you make your living? Are you willing to surrender the means and how and trust in the universe to provide in harmony with your needs and intentions? If not what kind of leap of faith might be necessary to make this so? What is preventing you from following the directive of your higher self in doing the very thing that excited and energizes your soul and is your higher purpose that you can share with the world? What gift does the unique you have that you can place in the unfolding mosaic of God expressed in humanity? Only you know what this is. It is time to delve deep within in order to discover this treasure that only you can give.

And what about where and how to live… We might suggest that you contemplate deeply, asking to be shown where on Earth you can be of greatest service. The frequency of the earth is changing and many are being called to areas that resonate in closer alignment with their energetic vibration. This will determine not only where but how you relate to the earth mother on a daily basis. Certainly the experience of someone who lives in a penthouse is different from another that resides in a tipi. How close do you wish to be to the heart of the divine Earth Mother? Listen to you your heart as you explore the possibilities. What is to be sacrificed and what would be gained? Listen within to the voice of your soul.

And who do you wish to include in the next phase of life? Is this to be a solo journey? Unlike previous times all are being called together in mutual support for each other in order to pool resources and understanding of the tremendous shift that is taking place. Individual pursuits have been beneficial to the expansion of life on earth but now is time to begin to put together the pieces in order to form a new masterpiece. All of you have interlocking parts in the puzzle of life if only you will put aside the illusions of separateness and find the similarities that will enable the reformation of new structures from the rubble of the old. You will be shown how these fit if you are willing to set aside the blinders put in place by the ego and begin to work together in a unified effort to create the new reality.

And what about partnerships? The old illusion of separation that defined the essence of relationships as being comprised of God, self and others is slowly melting into the new vision of All or Oneness. Defining how all retain their uniqueness but integrate into a viable partnership will continue to define itself as aspects of the mosaic of God expressing in the fifth-dimensional universe. Acceptance and participation will be important as realities warp and reform in a holographic image on the time/space continuum.  The density of matter and form are morphing into new versions of the old, transformed into the “new and improved”. Do not be too rigid in your views and expectations of differing realities as all is being reformed in ways that coincide with this shift.

The only certainty in this time is change. The only thing real is Love. Allow the pieces to fall into place and enjoy the spectacle of creation forming in and through you in this new reality.  Sparkle on…


Tuesday, September 25, 2012



While life might be perceived by some as being chaotic, we might offer that in reality everything is going exactly according to plan. It requires the breaking of the external shell to allow the emerging magnificence to be born. It is all good. Soon the remnants of a life lived in pain, fear and suffering will be distant memories that were discarded in order to embrace the new reality. You are serving, in fact, as midwives to this emerging new world.

That said, we have a few suggestions that might ease the labor pains. First, do not attach yourself to anyone or anything. It is important to be as free as possible to move in your space in order to come into alignment with the new frequencies. Unless those to which you are tethered are of the same frequency, you will not be able to remain in equilibrium when moving through the dimensional portal.

Liquidize - the more “stuff” you try to bring along, the more difficult this passage will become. Allow the dramas in your life to take a backseat for now and concentrate on just being in your higher space while the background rearranges itself. It is almost like being in a state of suspended animation if you are whole, complete and operating in a state of peace.

Peace is the operative word right now. All is peaceful if you choose it to be so.  Many around the world are tuning into this frequency of Love made manifest. The more the global community is able to tune into this frequency of peace, the more this will become the reality. The efforts to make this so have not gone unnoticed on the higher realms.  There are  sparks of peace around the earth that are igniting fires of recognition everywhere.  While many have not entirely grasped the magnitude of what this really means once it is realized, it is a beginning and one that must be nurtured if it is to become a reality.

As it has been said, peace is really an inside job for this is where it must begin. That is the real “grass roots” level of experience. Until one has mastered some level of inner peace and be willing to embrace the concept of brotherhood of all – not just with those that come easy - there will be little chance of uniting a diverse world in this experience. You might begin by thinking of those with whom you have the greatest difficulty connecting. Of these, what areas of common agreement do you share? This must be where peace starts.

Begin to build a common foundation on which to build a sanctuary of peace. The more commonalities you can share with each other, the greater will be the opportunity to find new ones to replace the broken ones of suspicion, distrust and disagreement. Keep searching for there is a common bond that connects all pieces of humanity if only we are willing to dig deeper amongst the rubble of explosive interaction and resurrect the peaceful Home we all long for.

Peace in your world will only be achieved when brothers and sisters put aside the things that make us unique for now and start to bring together the things that unite us in the body of God. This is the core of our creation that is beckoning us all Home. Our differences are the accessories that decorate our lives with joy and wonder. These gifts will go unsung without the body of God that is forged from the Oneness. Be willing to become part of the essential body of creation and you will find ample opportunity to decorate the All with your unique gifts. Come Home in Peace…

Link to Smilebox of Peace One Day in Sedona

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Common Ground

If you believe that you are serving a higher purpose in all that you do, you will ultimately achieve that goal.  If you believe that all is in chaos and that you are at the mercy of the forces beyond your control, then this is what you will create. When all is transpiring in your world within the parameters of your belief system, doesn’t it make sense to create a world of greater potential and awareness?

As for how we might recommend that you go about this, we might suggest that you take some time to sit in your higher self and ruminate upon the things that are going well in your life and those that you would like to change. What might you do to perpetuate the positive energy that you feel from the things that you are creating that serve a higher purpose? What can you learn from these that will assist you in altering the outcome of those that do not seem to be going as well? If these are patterns of experience, what are the common patterns that help create the positive experiences? Is there a common theme such as compassion, connectedness, kindness or love that exemplifies the positive experiences? What about those that are not going so well? What can you borrow from the playbook of uplifting experiences that can help you redirect the events in your life in a more positive way?

Now undoubtedly the things that create conflict in your life are experienced in concert with others.  What lesson is calling to be mastered in this conflict? How is your attachment to a point of view or idea causing an impasse because neither is willing to see through the other’s eyes? If you pause a moment and suspend all judgment and try to see the situation as the other does, isn’t there a third path that honors the truth of each in more respectful ways? Just a suggestion…

Conflicts in the world frequently are the result of envisioning a situation through the blinders of limited vision. You only have to step into another’s shoes to see and feel the scope of the impasse due to differing perspectives.  If all are to come together as One, it will require us to dissolve the barriers to understanding. The more you are willing to find out about your partners in experience and find the common threads that bind you together, the more you will be able to find the common ground on which to walk together.

This all begins with suspending judgment long enough to see the face of God in your counterpart. If he/she also is God expressing in form, what is this mirroring to you to be revealed? If we are to move beyond the confines of our egoic perceptions, we will be able to see the light of common experience peeking out from under the obstacles/excuses we have placed in the way. There is a common thread that binds us all together. It is to be discovered when we accept our own divine abilities that allow us to see others as God does and to nurture those divine traits in ourselves and those we have chosen to share this journey with.  Be willing to move past these impasses in your life and find the higher path that you can walk together on the journey Home.  Come Home…


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Starry Starry Night

Starry Starry Night


In the course of human events there are many shining examples that stand out as lights that are as stars in the background of a sky of mediocrity. Those that seem to shine brightest are when we interact with another on a deep soul level and there is a deep inner Knowing that we are indeed One. What if your whole life were sprinkled with such moments to the extent that this was all you could see? To create this reality, you must be able to give up that which calls you to the desires of the ego and be willing to risk all in search of this higher form of Love.


What would you be willing to risk to live a life filled with ecstatic pleasure, not just in the physical sense, but things that turn on and enliven all of the moments of your life in Joy and wonder? Since this requires an attitude of creativity as well as receptivity, what is preventing you from doing this?


Perhaps you do not feel that you deserve to be happy beyond measure –you get your wish! Perhaps you feel that joy is frivolous - guess what, no Joy. Perhaps you cannot see beyond the illusions of the present to even imagine a world without strife and pain. Guess what you will create. To be able to create a different future, you must be able to discard these images of past “failures” and envision a different play unfolding in your life.


Given a blank slate, what would you put on it that would give you true joy? Would it be more “things”? Would it be wealth? How about romance? Travel? Physical beauty? Given your experiences, what of these made you truly happy and has planted seeds for even greater experiences in the future?


What about power? What has made you feel truly powerful? Was this at the expense of others? How did that make you feel in the long run? Was it joyful? Is power over yourself or others a good thing or does it leave you feeling empty and betrayed? How might this cachet called power be redirected to serve yourself and others in a more meaningful way.” What do you do that makes you feel powerful in a positive way and how can you use this dynamic energy to elevate yourself and others in positive ways?


What about nurturance? On a feeling scale, is it more Joyful to nurture or be nurtured?  What can you do to bring more of this nurturing, caring energy into your life? Is caring and compassion a big part of your life and your daily practice or are you bound by perceived constraints that make this seem difficult? Perhaps it is time to sever these ties that bind you and prevent your giving and receiving the fullest expression of God’s Love in and through others.


The illusions of life are a cloud that prevents our seeing things around us in their natural state as God does. Suspend your judgment and expectations and you will enter a world where beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if you assume your God-vision-goggles, all will be revealed in the perfection of this divine vision.  Allow yourself to live amongst this image more and more each day until this becomes your reality.  The only things preventing us from ascending into our godhood are our limiting thoughts and beliefs. You are more than you can ever imagine and this divine image is being withheld because you are reluctant to open your inner awareness in order to embody the magnificence you are. What will it take to inspire you to get up and accept this mantle of divinity? God only knows… 


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Choosing Life

If you are in tune with the higher realms you have a direct connection to the up-to-the-minute news of what is happening in and through you.  We say that not as an “advertisement” of the higher frequency band but just as an acknowledgement of how important it is to connect with your own higher wisdom throughout the day.  Each of you has within you an inner Knowing of that which vibrates of Love and that which is merely useless chatter in the world of form.  What is meaningful discussion and what fails to measure up?

As part of the discernment process, we would suggest that you begin to evaluate that which is real and true and that which is not. While all are created in God’s image and therefore contain the God-spark of creation there is also the aspect of Free Will. Many do not choose to expand on their divine qualities and instead opt for the “easy way out” in resonating with the desires of the ego. It is all about choices that may prolong the ascension process if they are not willing to listen to the still, small voice within that Knows the path of Love.

Now none of this is new but we merely wish to remind you that you do have a choice as to how you perceive your life. Two may have the same experiences but perceive them differently and choose to react to them differently. Is something a “disaster” because it fails to live up to expectations or an opportunity for growth and understanding because it causes one to move out of the illusion and into higher awareness? It is all perception and we invite you to look beyond the obvious and search for the deeper meaning when dealing with life’s challenges and opportunities.

Now we say opportunities, for anything that takes us beyond the status quo is indeed an opportunity for growth and understanding. Stagnation results when one is content to remain motionless in the stream of life. Though it is frequently a necessity for stopping, reflecting and going within to access a clearer answer, this is never meant to be a permanent way of being. It is meant only as a steering mechanism in the course of life. Once stability is attained it is time to venture out once again on the homeward journey.

So presuming that you are in a state of clarity and preparation, where do you wish to guide your vehicle on the road of life?  What attracts you because you can see clearly opportunities for higher understanding and growth? What is merely tempting because it fulfills desires of the ego without compensating spiritual insights? Can you have both or are they mutually exclusive? Spiritual growth is meant to be joyful. When you can find true Joy, which is a clear indication of divine purpose, you  know you are on a higher spiritual path because it fills in this piece of the divine mosaic.

Remember that true Joy is never at the expense of others. It frequently results when two or more are connected in higher purpose. There is never a “downside” for there is an exhilaration when all “win” together. What situations in your life bring all together in higher purpose and feel Joyful in the execution? If this is the yardstick by which you would measure your life, what would measure up and what would fall short? Perhaps this is something to look at in evaluating what stay with and nurture and what to cut yourself free from so that you can move on.

 The road ahead is narrowing as we get closer to the destination. All are being encouraged to stop and consider the steps you consciously take each day lest they be unsure and cause you to trip and falter. The clearer you are in Knowing where you are headed and what you are willing and unwilling to do in order to get there, the easier will be the process. When the destination becomes the focus, all else will be drawn to you that fulfills that intention. Being unsure of your intent or desires merely allows things that do not support your murky intention to slip in unaware and cloud the path. Where are you going and what are you willing to do to get there? The choice is yours to make…Carry on…

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Real Time

The time in which you live is morphing from a linear structure into a cosmic measurement which better reflects your place in the time/space continuum. It may feel as if time has speeded up and been compressed as you try to fit everything into a smaller box. What is calling for is for you to step back and assess what is important for your spiritual evolution and what are merely time fillers with no intrinsic value in the larger scheme of things. Certainly there are many things in your life that serve no real value and are wasteful of your most valuable asset which is time.

In evaluating what to keep and what to discard we might suggest that you look closer at the things that feed your soul and assist in your spiritual growth. How much time do you spend enhancing your higher understanding of your soul purpose and feeding and nurturing this process?  What importance do you place on this in the overall scheme of things in your life?

How much time do you spend in activities that merely maintain the status quo and fill time in which no real growth is taking place? Do you continue to feed and nourish the creative part of yourself and those around you or is it the same old patterns repeating over and over? Are you taking time to nourish and honor yourself and to delve deeper into your inner process in order to make the necessary course corrections? Time to come to grips with what is important and what is not in the overall scheme of things.

This goes for people as well. Who in your life energizes and contributes to your life in meaningful ways? Who is an energetic drain with no meaningful contribution to your life or theirs? Are you enabling them to continue their destructive or meaningless practices by your continued reinforcement or do you actually see growth taking place? It is time to look closely at the time we spend on all of the activities in our lives and the cost/benefit from each.

Given that time is an illusion, are there areas of your life that seem stuck in the past or playing out in future time? What can you do or shift in your understanding that would allow you to live only in the present moment? If the only time that matters is now, what do you have in your tool box of experience that is relevant to this moment that will allow you to make more loving, conscious choices? Do you see how worrying about all of the “what ifs” in life reduces the time and energy you have to devote to what really matters which is now? Begin to live in smaller chunks of time without regret, projections, or expectations and you will soon be able to master the momentary consciousness that transcends time and space.

If you could choose a moment in time to be at this very instant, how old would you be? What would you be doing? How would that feel? Try putting yourself in that moment, in that mindset and seeing how that feels given your current commitment and conscious understanding. Try behaving “as if” just for a moment, and another, and another… How does this change your perspective of life and how you have grown beyond those past experiences and no longer need to repeat them? Do you understand why these are no longer appropriate given the current you?

Now, projecting yourself into future time, how will the current you be able to use your new understanding to transcend past lessons and create a higher reality free from the ego-traps you have experienced in the past?  Good Job!

There are many cosmic forces that your solar system is experiencing that are altering the parameters of time and space. Be open to the blurring of lines of time and allow your experiences to flow freely between the lines even though they may seem disorienting at times. The only thing that is stationary is now so learn to be the best reflection of your divine self in this moment and time will flow freely in and through you in perfection. It is time…


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Inner Wisdom

The aspect of free will is an important one as you traverse the roads of life for in choices you make  in your life, you choose the things to bring forth into experience. Certainly your soul has a plan that you bring with you into incarnation but it is how you choose to exercise this under the guise of free will that will determine whether you are truly “on track” or whether you have veered off onto a side road of experience.

So how can you exercise your free-will in order to remain clear and focused upon your soul path? We do have a few suggestions:

First, it is essential to become crystal-clear about your motivations. Ask yourself if this choice is something that resonates at a deep heart level or if is merely exciting and frivolous, set into emotion by the ego?

Second, how does this choice fit into a higher plan of experience that allows you to grow in meaningful ways? What is the Loving by-product that will be the result of this choice?
Third, how does this choice help reveal to you and others a more Loving way of being in the world of form? Is there anything about it that is harmful to others on a physical, emotional or spiritual level? Does it help them to grow and experience more Loving possibilities as well?

If it passes all of these tests, there is a greater possibility that it is worthwhile both personally and collectively. We say collectively because as you shift into a higher frequency of being, the focus shifts from the individual to the Oneness that connects all of life.  The needs of the small self are integrally linked to those of the group soul that is evolving together. Things that benefit one cell in the body of God but are detrimental to the others are cancerous and harmful to the evolution that is taking place and should not be nourished.

So how do you go about discerning what is “safe” and what is toxic? We might suggest that you have an inner wisdom that is an accurate barometer of evaluation. The more you are able to quietly, calmly and objectively access this deep, inner Knowing, the greater will be your ability to sail effortlessly through life. That is not to say there will not be challenges for without them, growth would not be possible. It is merely that if you tuned into to this inner monitoring system and are not afraid to rely on your innate inner wisdom, you will be able to step over the impediments effortlessly and life will flow smoothly.  You KNOW and it is merely a question of do you believe you know enough to put aside conventional wisdom and blaze a trail in pursuit of excellence.

To follow your own inner guidance when the world around you is screaming “Go back” takes courage and clarity of purpose. How much easier it is to go along with the illusions of others rather than rocking the boat of discovery. The flat earth believers would project their own misgivings and insecurities upon you rather than take themselves into places they are fearful to go.  Are you willing to becalm your sails in order to placate their fears?

You are being asked to set aside the negative projections of others and to move fearlessly into the uncharted waters of discovery. Discovery of self leads to discovery of ways to help others in extricating themselves as well. Time to move fearlessly ahead into the surf of a new adventure into uncharted waters for in such you will not only reveal yourself but pave the way for those who will be bolstered by your strength and willingness to find a new path into the Light.  Carry on…I AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

All is Well

Our hearts go out to all who struggle to come into alignment with their divine imprint. Things are not always perceived in black and white but in numerous shades of gray. Frequently something that may seem incongruous only seems that way because all of the forms are not yet in play. For this, we would suggest that it is always prudent to step back and allow all of the pieces to reform in your life.
This is a time of clarity when much is coming into focus. That is what is so disruptive. Pretenses and illusions are giving way to motivations and intents for all to see. This is frequently not pretty but is what is necessary for true healing and mending of the fabric of life into the robes of the new reality. Things that do not resonate with this vision of wholeness (Oneness) are being ripped asunder in the process = hence the pain of rebirth.

Fear not for this is also a time of great Joy as the deeper lessons of Love, compassion and forgiveness are revealed. It is through the surrender to the process and in the allowing of the unfoldment in God’s own way that illumination will occur.

All that is required at this time is the surrender to the process of revelation. The perceived injustices are well known and are being addressed in ways far beyond your comprehension. Your prayers are heard and answered in ways that will be revealed that will remove all doubt. This is a divine agenda playing out in the venue of your lives. The pain is symptomatic of a disconnection with the knowing that you are held in the hand of God and all is well, despite the protestations of the illusionary world in which you live.  All IS well.

So how do you navigate in consciousness when it may seem that all about you is in a state of coming apart and imploding? We might suggest that you continue to concentrate on the only thing that is real which is God’s Love. Anything that not only speaks, but demonstrates this through actions, not words is real.

This is a time for deep inner processing and reflection. It is helpful to spend more time in prayer and meditation to recharge your batteries of faith and awareness. And third, surrender to the process of change and growth. Whatever is going on in the world of form is the process of ascension taking place. This requires the crumbling of the things that are not in resonance with that paradigm. Allow this to happen without trying to “fix” the outmoded and the new will dazzle you with its perfection.
Do not get caught up in the how or the why of the process but Know that all is taking place in Divine order, whatever it may appear to the untrained eye. Allow the obsolete and corrupt to fall away and you enable the process of regrowth and rebirth to happen without fetters. All IS well and so are you. Carry on...


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


If things in your world seem to be in constant motion, rejoice for that means that the transformation has begun. As all of the things that do not resonate with the new paradigm are released from the firmament it will seem that one is in a storm of some magnitude.  Not to worry... This is merely a vacuuming away of the debris that prevents your seeing the Truth buried beneath the clutter.  All will soon be revealed and it is good.
It is those who cling tenaciously onto old beliefs and paradigms who are in for the rudest awakening. It does not bode well for things that are out of alignment with the incoming atmosphere of Love, Truth and Forgiveness. It is time for those who see the writing on the wall of the new reality to step forward and share their perceptions with those who do not as yet trust their own judgment.

Now as to how this might take place, we have a few suggestions.

1. People resist being told what to do or what they see or believe is incorrect. It should never be about making the other “wrong” but more about what you see and how it affects you.

2. You never know what one perceives to be self-evident may not be so for another. If you keep your comments self-reflective, one can hardly questions what is being revealed through another’s eyes and experience.

3. In addition to speaking only from your personal experience, you would be well served to learn how to deflect things that you perceive as being untrue with something like “That has not been my experience but this is…”

4. All do not see life through a solitary lens though they are energetically connected. It frequently takes many viewers to accurately perceive an object or a situation because we all have on blinders of past experience which limit our field of vision. It is in the sharing what we uniquely perceive that the Truth of the greater whole is revealed.

5. In all Truth, there is a place where Love can connect us. Be willing to look for the common thread that binds all together at the level of the heart. This is where “truths” overlap since this is the only reality which is Love. If that can be the pebble that hits the water, all else will ripple out from it in resonance with the divine spark.

6. There is undoubtedly a kernel of truth in any lie or rumor that is told. It is the projections and expectations that we attach to the initial event that color our perceptions and cause it to mutate beyond the reflection of the initial observation. What began as a kernel of truth has been genetically modified by mutations of the ego into something that no longer resembles the seed that was planted.

If you are to live a life of integrity and purpose, you are wise to take all observations of others under scrutiny.  Third-hand observations rarely pass the level of truth to be considered accurate since they are contaminated with the ego-prints of those passing on the message.

Be willing to set aside preconceived notions and the observations of others and confront rumors directly in the presence of the subject and the teller.  Only then will the underlying prejudices and colorations come into view and some semblance of Truth be revealed.

So what if the rumors prove to have substance? How does this alter either your perception of the person in question or your actions? Are you willing to forgive the offender if they have spread untruths? Are you ready to open the wound and discuss the grievance face to face in a Loving manner so that true healing can take place and respect restored? How far are you willing to go to either repair or destroy the other in this breach of integrity?

The coming together of all into Oneness requires us to be impeccable in our adherence to the Loving principles. Things that do not vibrate to a frequency of Love are being put in our face for resolution. This is the requirement of the new paradigm.  What in your life is not resonating to this frequency and what do you intend to do about it?  Love on…


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All Aboard

As you navigate the ebbs and flows of life it might be beneficial to look ahead as to what you wish to achieve in your journey.  Now we do not necessary mean what “things” you wish to have in your life or circumstances but what do you wish to accomplish in this incarnation.  What lessons did you come here to learn and how is that going for you? What attitudes need transforming to bring you into alignment with the divine blueprint? What is preventing you from being the Loving participant in the dance of life? It is the subtle wrapping up of the soul contracts that are calling to you as this final bell is ringing.

If you are boarding the ship for the return passage, what do you Know you have not accomplished that might help complete your earth contract? What relationships continue to leak and require re-bandaging in order to allow deeper healing? Do others require trimming of frayed edges so that both can move forward, Lovingly complete? Is there anyone you have failed to express the depth of your feelings and give a salutation of Loving best wishes so that they are able to continue their own journey in peace? All of the loose ends in life will require smoothing and completing if you are to continue unfettered by past associations.

As you board the carrier to the new reality it might be well to bless those who have been way-showers on the journey Home.  Who has inspired you to take the higher passage?  Who has demonstrated the life you wish to emulate and been a true reflection of the kind of Loving awareness you wish to claim for your own?  Who seems to radiate without words the Christ Light from deep within their being? Namaste for allowing me to be one with your vision and your Light that ever beckons me forward on a sometimes rocky path.

Once aboard what provisions have you brought to share? How have the struggles of the past distorted your image of what is “necessary” to sustain life. Is the baggage you have packed full of things or momentous recalling past experiences and lessons, reminders to stay on a prescribed path, and guidepost to look for or have you mastered those things? If you come free from the baggage of a life lived in conscious awareness, you may proceed to the upper decks. This is a baggage-free zone. Freedom is knowing that you are complete from within and can go wherever you are drawn in order to continue your journey.

Perhaps this is still a work in process. Perhaps you still have some reluctance to leave behind all the fears and trepidations about facing the unknown of a new world. Perhaps you are not ready… We might suggest that this is the time to examine everything you are attempting to carry aboard to see if it is seaworthy. The ship is surrounded by the abandoned baggage of souls who found that the things they once considered important in their lives are no longer so. Consider tossing overboard what no longer serves your growth and understanding. Only then will you be able to fit through the narrow passage to the upper decks.

This is a time of excitement made manifest in anticipation of the new world that is foretold. How you show up in your life right now and the choices you make will determine whether you are able to embark on the maiden voyage into peaceful waters. Dragging aboard too much baggage may hamper your ascent. Get clear and free and you will have little trouble navigating the upward passage.  All aboard…


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Get Real

In the event of a major disruption in the world as you know it, what would you draw to you as the things you consider most dear? Would it be the people who Love and support you? Would it be those who challenge you most but you hang on to because of misplaced loyalty, obligation, or fear of reprisal? (Of course, these may be your greatest teachers that are facilitating your growth on some level) Would it be the trinkets that you have lusted after that once acquired lose their allure? What in this world has lasting fascination and attraction that draws you ever-closer to be examined in depth?
We might suggest that the things that feed your soul and draw you ever-nearer are probably things that you agreed to accomplish in this lifetime. Distractions of the ego are often fleeting and fade from the radar screen once acquired.  The keepers in life are those that help flesh out the divine blueprint that you brought with you on this journey. So what, given the above insights, calls to you for completion? What still has mileage to be used or connections to be made? What have you wanted to explore but have not given the dream the opportunity to unfold? How has this void in your portrait left you incomplete and longing for completion?

We might suggest that given that time is only now; this might be the space you need to fill in the blanks in your earthly resume. If this were your only moment of life, how might you wish to experience it? What are you waiting for?  In times of disaster we are able to focus more clearly on the things in our life that are real and meaningful? Do we need to reach this tipping point in order to motivate us into action? What is preventing you from experiencing the real and extraordinary life you came here to live? When you are able to clear away the clutter in your life, what remains as pure, true and nourishing to the soul? This is the firmament of a life lived in resonance with the divine blueprint. This is where Joy is a constant reflection of life being lived in resonance with the divine.
As you feel yourself becoming submerged in the so-called “real” world, remember to keep tethered to the REAL you which is your soul’s directive. Everything else in this world of smoke and mirrors is merely the illusion of life lived in the distortion of the ego. Allow the mists to clear and you will KNOW what is real and what is beckoning you off the path to self-realization. You have the inner knowing to find your way Home if only you are willing to listen to the still, small voice within that whispers “I Love you, come Home”. Come Home…


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


In sorting out the keepers in your life, you may wish to do a little evaluation as to what they do to enrich your experience. What things enhance your sense of self- worth and the highest expression of your divinity and which are merely there to glorify the ego? Which continue to bring joy to your life and which have lost their luster? As you go about your spring housecleaning, you may wish to let go of the things that no longer serve your highest purpose and those that merely clutter up your environment with pieces of your past life.
When we speak of keepers, we would also suggest that you begin to examine which people you might wish to keep in your life.  Which continue to enrich your experience and which continue to espouse the same worn-out platitudes that you have grown beyond. Does it feel like a broken record when you are with them with the same old tune playing over and over or are you constantly stimulating and growing with each other as new ideas and perceptions feed each other’s awareness? Are you willing to move on in your relationships or is there old business still waiting to be played out? Time to reassess what feeds your soul and what has served its purpose.

We might also suggest that you go a little deeper to reveal the inner motivations of those you choose to bring into your circle of awareness.  Who do you admire and wish to emulate because of the soul qualities they demonstrate in their lives? Who may possess knowledge and insights far beyond your own that might help educate and inform in ways that are uplifting as well as informative? What is to be gained and what is to be sacrificed in each encounter in your life? Do the positive aspects of a relationship outweigh the costs? Few will be all negative or all positive. Is the expenditure of energy in dealing with the negative worth the enrichment of the positive? Time for honesty and a willingness to confront those who challenge you to reach higher.

As the sands of time shift lower, all are being called to remove the impediments to growth and understanding. By removing the things that block your path, you free the flow of energy into more productive venues. If the things and relationships that you cling to require your energy to keep them all running smoothly, you would be wise to see if they still serve you. Things that require constant attention should be those that enrich and support your experience.

Removing the irritants or impediments in your life is a constant process of refinement and discernment. The screens of the filters are becoming increasingly narrow. By removing the things in your life that slow down the flow, you continue to fine-tune the process of awareness and understanding. Take time to sit in a meditative and contemplative process and allow the pieces of your life to flow past in total objectivity. Those that no longer serve you or require a distracting amount of energy without significant benefit should be discarded if your commitment is to personal growth.

The keepers in life are few but the rewards for extricating yourself from the quagmire of distractions are great.  Be strong, objective, and courageous and you will soon be able to bask in the awareness of understanding of the flow of life without limits. Sail on…


Tuesday, May 8, 2012


As you move into resonance with the divine there will be many things in your world that feel “off”. We say that because it will seem that they are no longer part of the world you are creating with your intentions. Now there will undoubtedly be great attachments to things that you have formed emotional alliances with in the past. It would be wise to evaluate these as to whether they still serve your needs and growth or are merely the familiar and worn out.

This goes for people as well. Who in your circle of acquaintances DEMONSTRATES a higher level of understanding and walks their walk in a way that you would like to emulate? These are the leaders of the new world in formation. Those who speak loudly of a world of Love and Joy but have not mastered the essential understanding to create that for themselves may not be the most worthy of your attachment. Intellectual profession of an ideal is fine but being able to incorporate this understanding into every facet of one’s life is far more admirable and worthy of your allegiance.

As to leadership…Who do you not only admire but feel a soul connection for they seem to espouse the same values and ideals? Do they demonstrate these very ideals and values in their lives and their dealings with others? Are they committed to the growth and understanding of those around them without trying to glorify their own accomplishments? Are they willing to admit their own shortcomings and repair their own missteps? It is in the humility of humbling oneself to our fellow sojourners that the meek will inherit the earth. There is a strength but also humility when those who would lead join hands with those on a similar path so that all may arrive together in Love. These are the Bodhisattvas of Love.

This is a group process of awareness. Perhaps it takes the humbling in order to bring all together in the process of growth. Culling out the weakest because of their lapses in strength does little to assure that all will arrive Home together. Humbling oneself to lend a hand up to those who stumble is an evolved form of leadership for it demonstrates the greater understanding behind the message of Love.  Who do you know that may have stumbled and is searching for Love? How can you not condone misdeeds, but assist them in moving past the challenge and realizing the greater learning to be realized from forgiveness and compassion. Accountability to the whole is begun when one admits one’s missteps and receives the grace of forgiveness from the others in order to transform all into a demonstration of Love.

Repairing the tears in the fabric of the balloon of life is necessary if the vehicle is to become airworthy. If all are willing to heal and repair their own “stuff” the collective will become stronger and more airworthy. When we are unforgiving to those who have caused us pain and harm, we leave a gaping hole in the envelope of life that renders the craft un-airworthy until the repair is made. As we all begin to mend the wounds in the body of life, we allow the ascension to take place.
What area in your life is leaking Love and understanding? What/who have you been unwilling to forgive and repair past associations? How has your cowardice, inflexibility, and inability of seeing past the hurt and disappointment prevented you from healing the injury? Perhaps it is time for debrede the accumulated “stuff” that continues to reinjure and allow all to be healed with new skin of awareness.

This is a time of healing but also of assimilation. Courage will be necessary to step beyond our comfort zone and “bite the bullet” while wounds are healed. The deep cleaning of past grievances and misunderstandings must be brought to light in order for healing to take place. All is not as we perceive and it is only by airing our misconceptions that this will happen. The balm of Love can heal all wounds when applied in generous amounts.  How can you humble yourself in the face of Love so that true healing is accomplished? Anything else is merely bandaging over the wound to hide it from others. Choose Love…


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Rough Edges

In the sifting through of the discards and the keepers in your life you might choose to look closely at the far-reaching implications of each choice. Which decisions might ultimately lead to a better long-range objective, even though things might be rough or dicey for the present? Frequently it is in the playing out of the drama that the rough edges of awareness are worn away and the elements of the new reality will fall into place.

Just because the road is rocky does not mean that it is impassible. As more and more come together on this final stretch, it requires that we confront our greater challenges since this is where our more significant growth will take place.  Consider all the work you have done to date as merely preparatory for the greater challenges of exponential growth.  Avoidance merely prolongs the exposure to the jagged edges of doubt rather than leaping into the unknown safe in the knowledge that you are connected to the bunji cord of God’s Love.

Integrity involves setting fears aside and doing what is “right” despite personal consequences. What do you know to be true but are afraid to confront? How has your timidity impacted the road others have had to follow in pursuit of truth and justice? Would your facing up to your truths and Lovingly working with others in righting perceived wrongs made any difference in the lives of others? Cowardice allows the misdeeds of others to go uncorrected and therefore others suffer needlessly when you fail to stand up against injustice. Perhaps the strength one feels when others show up as well is a route you might consider if you are challenged by your own timidity. Mutual support may be necessary until all feel empowered to stand up to the tyranny of others.

Integrity is also being willing to see through the illusions of one’s own judgments and take action to correct the process. It is difficult to let go of visions of people or things that one once viewed as incorruptible. All things and all people have inherent weakness and flaws or they would not still be enrolled in the earth school. Recognizing this and assisting in the correction of these cracks in the façade is what is necessary so that all may evolve into Loving perfection. This frequently requires us to let down the barriers that separate us in order to apply a healing balm of Love to the process.

If someone has caused physical, mental or emotional injury to another it is always a cry for Love at a deeper level. Offering to not excuse but acknowledge the unloving behavior and instead come from a place of Loving forgiveness while holding a vision of corrected behavior is a sign of spiritual maturity and awareness. We are not saying to condone inappropriate behavior, but to see past this expression of a deeper inner hurt and healing the source rather than the symptom.

It is all Love and the misperceptions surrounding this most basic of human experience creates the ills of society as well as the solutions.  Be willing to examine the events in your life and see which ones seem out of alignment with the Loving principal. Your actions, as well as reactions, demonstrate the depth to which you have assimilated this vital connection. It is all Love… It is all God…


Monday, April 23, 2012


When one speaks of mortality, one in the earthly realms is usually speaking of the process of transition in and out of form incarnate in the physical plane.  In fact, the soul is immortal which means that there are no such barriers to be crossed between “living” and “dead”. As to how this plays out in the realm of growth and understanding, we have a few suggestions and observations…

First, to be alive, in form, in the physical world is merely a passage one goes through in order to demonstrate the understanding and process of growth and awareness. It is a limited tour of duty with known beginnings and ends which is played out in the theatre of form. As to the script that is to be followed, there are themes and requirements but the action is under the direction of the ego, which is in many cases the stage manager and director. This is a struggle, whenever one decides to go off script and deviate from the original intent. This can become a positive experience, rather than a negative one, if one is able to screen out the noise of the third-dimensional illusion and reach higher for direction and purpose. When this is done, it is usually the soul that has the ear of the “player” and a new direction that is being undertaken.

That is what is being requested of you right now. Your mortal body is in transition, ever homeward and you are finding more and more reasons to deviate from the path your ego placed you on long ago.  Things have changed and you have grown wiser and more introspective as you step into your maturity. What was once a foregone conclusion about direction is being called into question as the balloons of achievement deflate in the light of awareness.  Time to chart a new course…

As to what route you might wish to take, we might suggest a little soul searching. Given all of the choices you have made in your life, what have been the most rewarding and personally fulfilling because they nourished a part of you that touched your soul? What prevented you from pursuing this road of endeavor? What circumstances have changed that might allow that or something greater to redirect the path of your life? What supporting players are now on the stage that allow you to flow in new directions with those of similar beliefs and motivations? How have the challenges you have overcome in your life prepared you to take on this greater challenge of bringing forth your soul purpose? What remaining pieces do you need to materialize in order to fully open this door of possibilities? These are some of the pieces that need be brought into focus before beginning a new venture in life.

As we have said before, this is not your father’s world and not likely to look like much that has transformed before. We do not mean just in a technological sense which will increase the mechanics of manifestation, but there has been a monumental shift in attitudes and motivations.  More and more are going to the well of success and finding the water polluted. More and more are looking within their own lives and seeing what is merely a house of cards.

With little to sustain and support it and what has true meaning and purpose? The life you live in this incarnation is reflective of the journey you have embarked on and how you have chosen to take the raw materials and mold them into either a thing or worth and beauty or a shell of little substance or value. All have the opportunity to move past the limitations of their challenges and through their perceptions and motivations, choose a path of transcendence into a lighter reality.

As you consider your mortal journey, we urge you to look deeper and begin to find avenues of interjecting the things that give you joy into the process. The more things in life you find joyful, the easier it will be to seed this divine attribute and to manifest the life your soul is guiding you toward. Joy might be thought of as the breadcrumb trail of the divine, ever leading you Home. Come Home…


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Spring is a time of rebirth - rebirth of the earth, but also a rebirth of the awareness within that has been slumbering through a winter of gestation. To everything there is a season and the advent of spring is a time to plant new inspirations so that they may begin to mature in the fertile fields of your lives. We might ask what ideas and inspirations have been lying dormant waiting for the proper time and nourishment to begin to flourish? What do you hold dear as a vision of future possibilities that has been waiting for favorable conditions to send out roots? What have you secretly longed to add to your garden of possibilities that is calling to be brought into your life?  Now is the time to begin to manifest these realities.

The time is at hand to begin to plan your garden in cooperation with the others that are arriving to assist in the endeavor. More and more are finding resonance with the vision that is emerging. How can you redefine your personal space to accommodate the new? Is it necessary to remove all of the old perennial favorites to make way for a totally new vision or is it merely a process of weeding, cultivating, and adding a few enhancements? Gardening in the metaphor of life is a constant process of culling, weeding and replanting in order for growth to continue.

Spring is also a time of refreshment and emergence.  As we shed the protective clothing of the cold and feel the warm, inviting breezes on our face, what new visions of possibilities are brought to mind for enjoyment? Do not forget the Joy, for this is a subtle reminder that something is in divine order and in resonance with your soul purpose. It is also wise to be able to differentiate between mere excitement which is a manifestation of the ego and true Joy which is connected to our divine nature. Things that bring true Joy connect with a deeper knowledge and awareness and find resonance with the heart of Love.  All else is the illusion of momentary bliss that fades quickly in the bright light of summer. Dig deeper and you will not be misled.

And what of the rains that help us grow in awareness and compassion. Without the challenges in life, would there be encouragement to climb to higher ground? These nudges from our soul are opportunities for growth and awareness that should not be avoided but welcomed for what they are as stepping stones through the path of life that is leading us home.  Allow the cleansing and refreshment of the rain in your life to wash away the debris and inspire new thoughts and facilitate growth.

In donning a lighter, brighter wardrobe, one is symbolically casting aside the more confining and protective raiment of past journeys. It is a time for shedding the old and stepping into a whole new outlook of possibilities. If all of the past were wiped away in an instant, what would you cloth your life with that reflects the new you that is emerging? If each new day begins a whole new possibility for rebirth in a bright new world of experience, how do you wish to reflect this in the world of form? How do you wish this to be fashioned to facilitate the new you?

And, we might ask, who is standing beside you to assist in this process? Is this to be a solo venture as you retool for the life ahead or have you emerged from the cocoon of gestation, ready to engage with others? For everything there is a season and both the solitude and interaction are valuable periods for both experiencing the dance and contemplating its significance. In the ebb and flow of relationships, one finds not only fulfillment but opportunities to mirror life lessons to each other. It is in this mirroring that the face of Love emerges and inspires us to reach higher and deeper in our own search to BE Love. Ah Spring…