Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Countdown Begins

As you have gathered, this is the beginning of the countdown to the ascension. While there are those that will not “get it”, nevertheless those such as yourself are hearing and taking heed of the call. Now what does this mean in “practical terms”? We have a few suggestions to make…
Now is the time to clean up any loose ends in your transformational process. If there are those that require forgiving, this is imperative. Things that require healing – begin the process. Attitudes that require adjusting – begin the process. In other words, the countdown has begun and the gates are closing on the first wave of ascension.

If you have any unfinished business in the material world that requires completing we might suggest that this is the time to do that. Any excess baggage that you do not wish your descendents to deal with – time to jettison. It requires a cleaning out of closets and removing obstacles on an emotional as well as physical level. It is a preparation for a journey to the stars from which you may not return.

As for what this will mean for those left behind… All souls are works in progress. There are those that do not “get it” yet, despite the “writing on the wall”. They will have opportunities to make up the lessons skipped, if not in this lifetime, in subsequent ones. The example you have set through your words and deeds, but more so through your Loving presence, have planted many seeds for others to harvest. Yours is far from a life in vain, but rather as a way shower for higher consciousness. You have done well and now it is time to move on.

These remaining months should be spent in preparation. First in unloading the clutter and excess in your life. Time to offload the things that no longer serve you in the present for that is all that is. Your journey has been one of growth and understanding. It is now time to take that to the next level. Sharing the fruits of your labors with those who are starving is a noble venture. You are well served to find ways of making this available to those in need. In other words, time to begin letting go.

Those who you have chosen to share this life with are cleaning house also. This is a time of disengaging from the physical and moving into a place of peace and understanding. There are those that “get it” and those that are too strongly attached to the ego. As we said this is a time of regrouping into those who are ready to catch the first wave and those who are choosing to stay on and learn more. Your choice is evident and so it behooves you to clean up the loose ends. Time is mutable and there are no “dates” set in stone. The six months time frame you have deduced is only the perceived at this time. You may see this adjusting, depending on conditions and decisions made by other souls but that is what we are projecting now. You will continue to receive updates as time goes on. We are merely giving you a “heads up” as to the process that is underway.

As for what this will look like…we might say that this will not be a painful process but an instantaneous transformation into light energy. It will be on a subtle energetic level that will involve a physical transformation of form into the frequency of Light. It will seem as an energetic burst of light in which the denseness of the physical is transformed into a light frequency that is no longer visible to the human eye. You are experiencing many situations where the forms of yourself and those around you seem to disappear on occasion and reappear spontaneously. These are merely trial runs in preparation for the “real thing”. The Lighter you become by raising your vibratory frequency and detaching from the dramas in your life, the easier the transition will become.

You can assist those around you by helping them to shed the denseness of their world as well. The more one attunes to the frequency of Love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness, the easier will become the transition. We will have more suggestions as time goes on but this is the timeline we are projecting for now. Rest assured that this is a time of great Love becoming manifest and coming into form. The call has gone out and those who hear are being gathered for a Homecoming of untold proportions. All is not only well but ordained on the highest levels. Namaste…

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The tests that you go through on a daily basis are ones your soul has created to monitor your progress in completing the coursework you have selected. You may think these are random act of occurrence, however they are directly related to the experiences you require for your level of understanding. Checking that something is in one’s highest and best good when there is any question about the assignment makes sure you are indeed following the curriculum at hand and are not thrown off course by the seemingly random occurrences in your life.

We would like to discuss a little today about the so-called random events in your life. When you open yourself up to receiving new experiences and to sharing the venue of experience with others, you open yourself up also to taking on their lessons as well. When you are in a solitary path of experience, your most important lessons are ones of personal growth and understanding. When you agree on a conscious level to share your experiences with another, you allow the boundaries to merge and to accept responsibility as a mirror to help grow and heal in tandem with this partner. It is in sharing of insights and in bringing to light unhealed parts of the personalities that you frequently experience the most growth and understanding.

Now do not look at this as a restrictive time for personal growth. Quite the opposite. When you are able to see yourself reflected in the eyes of your partner, you frequently are able to see the gaps in your own personae that have been longing to be filled. We frequently choose for partners those who we feel best express the soul qualities that we are lacking and longing to express. By merging with another both physically and emotionally, we are trying on the experience and seeing if it feels right. As we become more in tune with this new vibration, we may feel that we have received all of the nourishment we require of this association and move on to other forms of experience, either in tandem or apart. In this way we become teachers to the others of our association in the journey of life.

Now all relationships are not necessarily based on the needs for healing the personality. Many higher dimensional experiences involve the mutual sharing and uplifting of the partners. It is one thing to shoulder your own burdens but it is even more powerful when you combine your efforts to address and offer insights to your partner. This sharing of emotional and psychological insights and awareness can be a key to opening a door of understanding for both parties. By allowing the uncensored, free flow of ideas and impressions between each other, there is a common vision that is forming that creates a platform for both to move higher into understanding.

In order to gain the most from our partnerships, it might be helpful to understand the dynamics involved. First, is there a balance of power that is being shared equally? Now this is not to say that all situations will be equal for at times one is more needy and at other times it will be the other. What we are inferring, is that both take turns in addressing the illusions in the life of the other and in helping them to see more clearly the options at hand. There is no imbalance of power that is perpetuated by one partner over the other. Both share the positions of givers and receivers of energy in a supportive, Loving way.

In the dynamics of relationships, there is always ones who are the teachers and those who are the students. If this continues to be lopsided, and not an alternated process, there will eventually be a day when the student receives all they can from the teacher and must move on to a new experience. If there is not a mutuality of exchange, it becomes an exercise of a parasitic nature that fails to fulfill the potential of support, and growth of each other.

For a partnership to be self-sustaining, there must be an energy exchange that derives from an influx beyond its borders that is brought together for mutual exploration rather than one feeding parasitically off the other. When one uses another for their substance exclusively, one fails to hold up their part of the bargain to bring their own energy into the process and soon the process will be exhausted. Be willing to act as a conduit for information, understanding and expression from beyond the borders of your relationship and to use this to fire the flames of inspiration between you and you will serve not only the growth of each other but elevate the relationship to a higher vehicle of Loving expression.

When you understand that relationships are lessons in Love being demonstrated in the schoolroom of life, you begin to realize the importance of mastering each Loving nuance of life. How can you best express Love to the partners in experience and help them to grow in Loving understanding as well? The most Loving experience may not always be what they want as directed by their ego but that which serves the higher purpose of their soul. True love comes from what is highest and best for all concerned, no matter what the personal consequences. The courage to stand up to your partner and reflect to them the truth of their actions is a brave and true but very Loving stance that may or may not be understood by the recipient, depending on their illusionary state.

Being willing to Lovingly hold the reflection until the other is willing to recognize themselves is a thankless but Loving service we provide each other in the Journey of life. Tough Love is seldom appreciated at the time, but in reflection can be a mighty bond when the other finally realized that you truly had their highest and best interests at heart. Are you willing to stand fast in Loving kindness and do what you know to be in your partner’s best interest? If not, perhaps this is a lesson for you in self awareness and insecurity of your own needs that are not being met in Loving ways.

As we said, we are all mirrors for our Loving partners and it is in the schoolroom of our relationships that we have the greatest lessons of experience. Do you wish to sign up for this graduate course in human relations or will you take the easier route of solitary experience with only your own council to explore? The choice is yours an in doing so you define the parameters of your experience.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Restoring Balance

The key to understanding lies in one’s ability to accept the principle of Loving awareness and to apply it in one’s life. It is just that simple. If you were to examine all your relationships and interactions and determine where Love was lacking and remedy the situation, you would find that all imbalances would become moot. Now how you recognize what is Loving and what is not is certainly up to your comprehension of the principle Love expressed but that is the general idea.

If you can look at each interaction in your life and see the difference in interacting in a totally Loving, accepting way and behaving in ways that demonstrate an underlying belief of lack, selfishness, jealousy, anger or other illusionary states that do not reflect an awareness of the oneness of creation you will begin to see how the filters of your attitudes and misconceptions are preventing your accepting and embracing the lesson of Love. This is when one begins to find the source of imbalance.

So you are beginning to realize the things that may not have been expressed or demonstrated in a Loving way – how do you go about turning around these thought patterns and expressions in order to redirect the course of your life? We might suggest that after awareness must come a desire to take a different route. It is the “buts” that prevent us from acting in ways that serve our higher soul purpose... Surrender means letting go of the “buts” that tie us to our past vision of reality and prevent our moving into a new level of awareness. As we let go of the tethers in our life that have prevented us from moving past the holds of the ego, we begin to feel the grace of God’s Love shining and elevating us into the magnificence of higher expressions of Love. Dropping our weights of fear we are able to Know at a higher level the freedom to be felt in embracing the magnificence of unconditional Love.

Anger is another impediment in the emotional body that prevents the free-flow of energy. Rather than allowing the mental body to process rational responses to some “injustice” the emotions are allowed to flow freely without mental clarity. These are just a few of the examples of misdirected energy that eventually finds its way into the physical body, often manifesting in dis-ease.

Acceptance can be the door that we open that allows the free flow of experience. Unless one is open to the energetic possibilities, there will be little chance for the energy of Forgiveness to find resonance. The emotional body must be receptive to the energy of Loving response if resonance is to take place. Unless the shields come down, there is little chance for the energetic balancing of Forgiveness to find resonance. When we Forgive ourselves for being part of the process of growth and understanding which inflicted pain on another as well as ourselves, we begin the process of restoring ourselves to wholeness and repairing all of the cracks that prevent the corrosive nature of misunderstanding to permeate our lives.

So these are the possibilities…How does one begin to the journey when you feel shackled to the present? We might suggest that it all starts with Love of the person you are. What do you do in your relationship with others that demonstrates the Love and acceptance of self that you then reflect to them? How do you honor and respect yourself that demonstrates your magnificence? How do you treat your “imperfections” Lovingly and find ways of moving past the feeling of inadequacy into blessing the opportunity for growth? Until you are totally accepting and Loving to yourself you will find it difficult to reflect this awareness to others.

How do you honor yourself with the gift of exercising the mind, body and spirit? Do you devote time each day to reconnecting with your Source through meditation and prayer? What do you listen to that provides guidance and balance in your life? Do the sounds of a delusional environment permeate your environment leaving little room for the still small voice within? Can you begin to shift priorities so that you can balance your need to find inner wisdom rather than being mesmerized by the external diversions of an illusionary society?

I AM Metatron

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The fervent adhering to the present is giving way to the freedom and transforming effects of living in a space, devoid of time. As all is in motion, there are many things in life that do not seem to be in sync with the time/space continuum. While not exactly “future shock” it is a time when many vestiges of the world do not seem in harmony with the present “time”.

As to what this might mean to you, we would suggest that you begin to think in terms of a timeless existence. If there is no time, how might this affect the world in which you live? If there is only the present, how might you alter your perception to coincide with that reality? What things in your life are time-sensitive and will have to be reworked? How does long-term planning figure into this new paradigm of a timeless universe? If there is only now, how does the concept of age fit into the equation? If you were to do away with the concept of age, how would you perceive a person, given their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual condition at this moment? What relation does time have to the state of affairs of the world and those around you? These are some of the dynamics of an ageless/timeless world.

If each moment is all that is, how significant should be the choices you make? If you knew that the sum total of your life was contingent upon how you showed up in life, this very second, how might you alter your behavior? Would you be more caring, compassionate, Loving? Would you have more concern for the welfare of others and less for your seemingly insignificant dramas that are playing out in your life? Might it be easier to see the larger picture unfolding of individuated souls moving together as one in the body of God? Living in the present means that all that exists is this moment in time and how you choose to reflect the image of God in it.

Does anything in your life, experience and actions seem tarnished in this light of understanding? What is relevant to the expression of your Godself and what fails to reflect that presence? This is an opportunity to “clean up your act” just for this moment and to become your Christed Self, just for this moment... and then the next…and then the next… It is one day at a time under a microscope of Now, ever unfolding.

If there were only Now, how might you choose to experience your life different, beyond the constraints of time? How many things in your existence are time-dated? Do you put off things, experiences, to a future time when things might be different? How might you create those preferable conditions to the Now or alter expectations or requirements to enrich the present with the joys you are postponing? If there is only the present, how will choosing to make it filled with Joy and happiness change your perspective? If you choose to perceive something as Joyous, how can it be anything other? If all you can ultimately control is your attitude, how does altering your precipitations, change your reality? This is perception expanded to a global scale if all were to choose to release limitations and expectations and live in the moment of the Now.

What is there to fear if you know and believe you are Loved in the present? If you choose to make this your reality, being and radiating Love to all you are sharing each moment becomes the condition of your life, no matter what the external circumstances. Love is magnified as it is reflected to each other and is the timeless reality for those that choose to see and be it. All else is window dressing.

Begin to live in a timeless reality and you will free yourself of the need to punch the time clock of expectations. Expectations, requirements, and regrets are reigns that tie you to past and future outcomes. In a timeless world, the only thing that exists and is worthy of consideration is our actions in this moment. If we are able to balance on this point of time and space in the brilliance of our God-self, this will be the reality we create in the timeless world of Now. Become that radiant spec of Light right Now and that becomes your new reality. Love on…


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Join Hands

The close of the era of conflict is seeing many vestiges of the past fall away and implode. This is merely birthing pains of the new world of possibilities. Until there is a leveling of the playing field with all obstacles to growth and awareness removed, there will be little room for the new. That is what we wish to speak of today.

In transcending into a higher vibrational experience, there are many things that will be left behind. This is as it should be for there needs to be a revisioning of the future given the lessons of the past. You know the pitfalls, traps and illusions. Now is the time to put into play the lessons of past experience and to build upon this in order to begin anew. Now this may sound like more of the same but in fact, we would like to make a few suggestions that might form a new route of inquiry…

What if in your new world there were no boundaries that separate one from another? No physical limitations, cultural, geographic, or beliefs? What if all were differentiated aspects of the One but with different cellular makeup that was designed to fit together seamlessly in the body of the One? Perhaps this is the new reality…

What if instead of life being a struggle to overcome obstacles in the path, it became a downhill course to be navigated, over and around moguls of experience that merely made the run interesting? What if at the finish line all were waiting, cheering each other onward into enfolding arms of Love? This is the new reality, waiting to be embraced .Gone are the conflicts that are precipitated by outmoded illusions of fear and negativity. In the new world of experience there is not only a common vision of Loving awareness but a commitment to assist each other in removing the scales from each others eyes in order to see more clearly the miraculous change that has taken place.

We say change because this is a radically different approach to life that will leave many disoriented. That is where you come in. As the forward troops of ascension and transformation there is a need for guides and way-showers for those who are new to the process. What if each was to take another by the hand and introduce them to the possibilities of change and understanding at a higher level? Few would turn down such an invitation if they knew that beside them was a champion who would catch them should they stumble and see that they were headed in the right direction. This by no means alleviates the personal responsibility you have for your own decisions and actions, but it is a service you are providing to others around you who may not be as sure-footed on this rocky climb.

This is not a solitary journey and the more those fellow sojourners can join hands on the upward climb, the easier will become the transition. When two or more are gathered together and joined at the heart there is God and Light amongst them and all is well. Envision all in not a freefall but an ascent linking hands and forming a circle of Loving energy that will transcend the illusions of a world gone mad. This is the greater reality that is coming into form. All is well and the vision intact. All is Love…


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11-11-11 The Portals

The mysteries of life can all be solved by finding the codex of Love. Any question, no matter how obscure, will ultimately lead to its unravelment and reformation in the vibration of Love. It is the substance from which the universe has formed and to which all will return. All else is process and necessary to get to this basic understanding.
The portal that you have just entered through the doorway of 11-11-11 is merely one rung higher on the ladder of self-realization. For most, the time passed uneventfully. However for others, there has been a shift, depending upon their level of awareness. This is a shifting of not only purpose but commitment to move higher and deeper into the mysteries of life and how we perceive our world and our place within it. Many on the path are in the process of attuning themselves to the higher energies of growth and awareness. It is a time of preparation for the graduation of many lifetimes.

Those in the realm of consciousness recognize that we are past the point of procrastination and it is time to confront the obstacles in our path in earnest in order to clear the way for our ascent.

This is a time of renewal of not only purpose but commitment. The first portal of 11 was the allowing of past lessons and experiences to dissolve in importance and become part of the building blocks of the present. Those lessons are the elementary school of life and have allowed you to become the presence you are today. Lessons well learned - time to move on…

The second portal of 11 is the life you are creating with your intentions and commitment. This is a new beginning, full of promise and wonder. What do you intend to create today, this moment that is of the new energy of growth and awareness? How will you use this moment to become the embodiment of all you aspire to and realize to be in the highest and best good of all concerned? What does this look like today, in this moment? What exquisite creation are you manifesting through your beliefs and commitments that is creating the love-based planet of your dreams? How are you reforming your life that is plying out in this moment of clarity right now?

We might suggest that you envision yourself in a bubble of light, in the world but not quite of it. As you glide amongst the other sojourners you will be able to merge with the energy fields of others so encapsulated and adhere to many in similar bubbles of phospheresance around you. As you float together in the world of form, there is no need to ground yourselves in the harsh “realities” others have accepted as “real” for themselves. Your reality is in the lightness and mobility of the world of Light within your bubble of life. Though somewhat isolated, it allows you to observe “life as usual” without buying into the darkness and fear that are endmic in the so-called “real world”. You are creating your own reality in the present and it is far different from the world you left behind.

The third portal of 11’s is the one of the divine. As you float beyond the confines of the third-dimensional existence, we might suggest that all is not as it seems. Illusions keep others grounded in that reality but you have new eyes with which to perceive the future and all that that entails. The dissatisfaction with the insanities of the past are causing untold numbers to move away from that stream of consciousness and to place new ways of being in the Petri dish of life. These are germinating as we speak and soon will begin to take form in society. As conflict begets growth, discontent is begetting change. All are becoming aware of the insanity in their lives and reformulating and revisioning a new path of togetherness. The shifts are not easy but necessary. The remaining vestiges of a world in chaos are slowly sinking beneath the horizon, giving way for the new forms of existence to emerge.

The portals of 11-11-11 have opened many doors of understanding and awareness. This is a time of movement and tremendous growth. Be willing to embrace all the facets of change and you will find that the anchor of complacency will be set free and your emergence will be into a new world of joy and Love abounding. It is so and it is now. Enjoy…


Sunday, November 13, 2011


You may think that you are in a holding pattern of life but in fact you are on the leading edge, which means that you see only open sky and not the countless behind you waiting to take off. As part of the advance troops of ascension, it may feel like you are lost in a sea of nothingness but in fact this is a time of readying yourselves for the mission ahead. We say mission, because this is divinely orchestrated and not subject to the whims of chance. Rest assured that you are in the perfect position to take off in higher purpose. All is well.

The infinite number of encounters you have in a lifetime help form the image of who you believe yourself to be and what you believe the world around you to contain. All is illusion but there for your ultimate growth and understanding. As you move into an altered space of “time, space and dimension”, we have a few things you may wish to consider in your processing of “facts” and images.

First we might suggest that all is perfect and going according to plan for your desired growth and understanding. That said, there are directions you may wish to take in order to circumvent many of the roadblocks placed in your path. While nothing is set in stone and you are subject to the options offered by free will, some of the routes are rockier than others.

Second, we would suggest that the flight routes of the migratory patterns of ascension are being programmed into the guidance systems of those ready to ascend into higher dimensions. The programming from the soul level is stepping to the forefront of consciousness in preparation for the shifting of dimensional frequencies. Your inner guidance is receiving strong directional impulses that are allowing you to tune into higher frequencies of consciousness.

Third, while there are no wrong choices in life, many are dragging their feet when it comes to stepping aboard the transformational highway of understanding. It takes a commitment to stay the course of attunement and committing to stay tuned to that higher frequency during the course of daily life that allows one to transcend the lower frequency chatter of “life as usual” and to migrate to the higher dimension of experience.

The migration that is taking place is relocation from frequency bands in the lower dimensions into higher forms of being. When all that is taking place around you seems to be in slow motion, heavy, and out of sync with what you Know to be in resonance with your inner Truth then it may be time to dial up your level of experience accordingly.

Where and with whom do you feel greater resonance? What is calling you at a soul level to come into being, even though there may be no “logical” explanation for the calling? Do you feel that you are living in someone else’s clothes, a life that is not in resonance with the true person you are meant to be? If so, perhaps it is time to join with others who are hearing the same siren call and are returning to their Home elsewhere.

The migration that is taking place is not just a dimensional shift, but a frequency change within the cellular body as well. Just as environments may feel out of sync, so may the habits and lifestyles of our previous existence. Things that have nourished you in the past may no longer feed your soul and are been traded in for things and people who feel more nourishing. There may be a feeling of wanting to cram everything in sight in preparation for the journey ahead but this is not necessary. What is not entirely evident yet is that this is a group effort and those beside you are preparing as well and will help bring the provisions all require for the journey.

While the sky may seem limitless and the road markers few, we encourage you to let go of these previous signs of achievement and direction for they are no longer relevant. As you assume the forward position in the formation of migration, you can see only the possibilities ahead, and not the countless others who have your back and will fall into formation once you have stepped into the unknown of possibilities. Be aware also that this is not a solo process and there are others who can move forward and spell you for a time in the forefront of transformation. The bonding together in the common pursuit creates an updraft of inspiration that helps give new impetus to the stragglers that are struggling in the back.

There is a process that is taking place around the globe that is calling to many to find their own center and resources in order to move into the higher frequency of Light energy. The call of the masters is being heard in a cacophony of languages, welcoming Home all who are willing to lay down their swords and find reason to surrender to each other in Love. The inner clock is ticking loudly, motivating all of look deeper and awaken the sound within that invites us to the chorus of Life. Hear your own voice resonating with the frequency of life that is inspiration the migration of Now. It is time…


Welcome to the Dance

In evaluating the things that call forth your focus it might be wise to look deeper at the far-reaching implications of your choices. First there is the immediate benefit/gain that you will receive which usually gratifies some aspect of the ego. This is what draws you into the encounter. If, however, you are able to step far enough back from the situation to see clearly the deeper and more expansive possibilities that this opportunity for growth and understanding presents, it is possible to take even “chance” encounters up a notch and to glean valuable lessons in Truth and understanding.
If you were to think of your life as a dance with varying partners vying for your attention, then perhaps you might begin to see more clearly the possibilities unfolding before you. There are partners that provide a momentary spark of excitement but who then vanish into the background as well as those who return again and again to share the intimacy of association. The themes in your life in an incarnation undoubtedly could be likened to the background music that keeps the action moving. How you move through life in step with those swirling around you might be thought of as the path or ray you have chosen for this incarnation. Different frequencies of movement attune to different background themes in the dance of life. You may be more comfortable dancing to one certain style of music but at other times you are being summoned forth to learn new steps and attune to different tempos.

The music is being stepped up a notch as we move into higher frequencies. This is a time of discernment but also adjustment. Higher frequencies call us into greater attention as we learn the new steps of life. It is not easy, but that is only because it is new and untried. As all adjust, there will soon be times when you will have mastered the nuances of the dance and will glide in concert with the divine.

Be willing to engage with others who have stepped onto the floor as well for they are finding their part in the new choreography and not sitting on the sidelines waiting for the music to move back into something more familiar. This is not likely to happen and soon they will be unable to join in for the frequency will have taken the participants into a higher dimension. The acceleration of energy is a natural separation of the committed and the hesitant. All who step forward and join in will be able to take masters classes in the dance of life. Those on the sidelines will miss a golden opportunity to be part of this wave of ascension.

While the swirling energies of change are separating the dancers from the observers, there is still time to step forward and become one with the dance of life. Those on the fringes of the circle are offering outstretched hands, beckoning you to move forward and become part of the One. It is only your own fears that are holding you back. Are you committed to the process of growth and understanding or do you doubt your own worthiness to step forth? It is all choices. When do you think you will be ready to join in? Baby steps may not get you any where but into the turbulence at the edges. This requires bold moves of commitment that will take you closer past the swirling energies of change in order to be part of the peace in the eye of the storm.

The dance of commitment is calling you forth. Where do you wish to plant your next steps in order to engage in life? It is time to either be a participant in the process or sit this one out. Choose your partners – the dance has begun…



When you begin to interact with others in a conscious way, it is important that you be crystal clear with your message but also your motivation. There is an energy associated with communication and if the underlying tone is one of resentment or manipulation it will be felt by the receiver and skew the communication. In the new era of truth and clarity, it is one of the areas that will require the greatest adjustment for many.
When you interact with those in your sphere of influence, you may have developed a pattern of holding back the things you believe to be true until you feel a modicum of trust developing. It is not always advisable to lay all of your cards on the table for everyone because it may be more information than they are willing or able to process at that time. We are speaking rather that with those that you share intimate relationships with, there should be no hidden agendas or subterfuge. No one should have to make assumptions as to the intentions or motivations of their partners in life because all are united in process and destination. If all are working together in Oneness, there may be different pieces to the action, but there is a common goal that is being approached.

That said, it is a journey that is fraught with many convolutions as all begin to come into resonance with the Oneness of creation. It is most often the illusions of the ego that prevent our seeing clearly the common threads that unite us. Taking time to step back and view a situation in wisdom and clarity allows all to adjust their perspective in order to create a common vision together. By seeing past the actions and reactions of others and sensing the deeper needs and motivations of their actions, one is able to dissolve the resentments and disharmony that the actions are bringing to our attention.

Few in this time of transformation act with malice. It is rather our personal insecurities and areas we have yet to resolve within our own growth process that are brought to the surface for healing. It is within the safety of those that know and Love us best that we feel the freedom to allow our innermost challenges to be revealed. That is the blessing of openness for it allows us to strengthen our bonds of closeness as we come together and share the process of life.

Rather than lashing out or reacting negatively when one reveals their vulnerable underbelly to us, warts and all, how much more helpful might it be if we were to expose our own vulnerabilities as well and together examine the things we wish to transmute together. We may not be our brother/sister’s keeper, but we are certainly mirrors to each other in the process of life. How we show up in the lives of our friends and acquaintances is the opportunity we have to transform ourselves as well as those around us in the process.

If we are willing to step back and examine what these moments of conflict are telling us about where we need to focus our attention in life, we will find innumerable opportunities for growth and transformation. Be thankful for those you have called into your intimate partnerships for they are your handmaidens to growth and understanding…Namaste,


The Frequency of Gratitude

Coming from gratitude in all that you do does indeed open the doors of manifestation. If you are immobilized by fear and trepidation at the things that bombard you in your life, perhaps it is worth doing a reality check on the things you have to be thankful for. How much can you summon forth in the way of appreciation which helps crowd out the feelings of lack and worthlessness?

Now this is more than just a pep talk from Spirit. When you immerse yourself in a sea of Love and Gratitude, you raise your vibrational frequency. Given that like attracts like, the things that vibrate at that higher frequency will be attracted to your sphere of influence. As in a jar of muddy water that is shaken, soon the elements of dark, dense matter will fall to the bottom, leaving a clearer, brighter field in the area of your residence. The more that you can continue to elevate your vibrational frequency with Love and Gratitude, the less you will be associated with the denser matter of doubt and fear.

In a world of chaos and uncertainty, the waters are constantly being muddied by the turbulence of the times. It behooves you to create your own world of calmness in order for the clarity to reveal itself. Very little requires immediate attention. If you are able to sit with a situation and allow the denser options to fall away, you have a better opportunity for clarity to emerge. As with the muddy water, soon all will be revealed so that the appropriate action may be taken.

In this time of very muddy water, things are being shaken up to a great extent. This is beneficial for it is allowing ideas and situations that have long operated under the cover of darkness to be revealed to the light. Those operating close to the top in clarity are able to discern the patterns and subterfuges which is the requirement for change to occur. The deep agitation that has brought this to the surface is only the instigating cause. It takes the calm, analysis in the less turbulent waters to begin to see the solutions and opportunities that will allow the disruptions to fall away. Only then, when the primary quest for survival is accomplished, will those that have come through the turbulence be ready to address their higher vibrational needs.

It is with those that have risen beyond the turbulence of society into a higher vibrational frequency that the real change that will transform the planet is taking place. These are the ones who are forming the new paradigm where those of a rising vibration will find refuge. This is where the growth and awareness is leading. The inner turmoil is propelling your species forth at an accelerated rate. While it may feel that things are out of control - control is only an illusion. When one cuts oneself free from the limitations of a chaotic world and surrenders to the oneness of creation then true miracles will occur.

It is in this clear, environment at the higher vibrational frequency of clarity and oneness that all come together in the frequency of Light, Love, and Gratitude. By immersing yourself in that frequency, you attract to you all of a similar vibration and life becomes brilliant. Time to don the sunshades until you adjust… Carry on


Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In these times of stress and accountability we are called to be ever more mindfully into our communication with others. Are the words coming out of our mouths a true reflection of the situation at hand or merely and edited version of what we believe the other wants to hear? How willing are we to turn on the light of scrutiny to probe the deeper Truths that not only can bring us together but also tear us apart?

Back to those lessons of the ego… How fragile are our associations if we are unwilling to “fess up” and be responsible for the fallout from our actions? To what extent are we operating out of integrity by glossing over Truth in favor of harmony? What are the presumed consequences and benefits of coming clean and expressing our own shortcomings, misconceptions, and misgivings? Do the gains outweigh the losses in clearing the slate and beginning again from a position of honesty? Is “saving face” the greater virtue or is this trumped by the higher value of being seen as someone of Truth and integrity?

In order to feel safe in expressing total Truth, one must feel the other is receptive to the process. If the other is defensive or reactive, the Truth may be partially revealed in the guise of safety. Is it “safe” to operate behind a shield of partial Truth when ultimately disclosure will reveal this to be incomplete and misleading? How do we limit our experiencing the full Truth of others by the shields and reactions we use to prevent us from hearing the very things that can allow us to grow into our magnificence?

As for the tearing apart… If an association is built on partial truths or is fear-based, is it in the best interest of all concerned for it to crumble and perhaps be rebuilt in a higher form? If manipulation of others is the means you have used to create the “truth” you wish to perpetuate, how willing are you to let go of these old tools in order to create more conscious relationships and interactions? If transparency is to be the new modus operendi, how might you go about rebuilding the associations in your life to coincide with this new dynamic?

Consider a world where Knowing is all encompassing. There would be no second guessing those in your association because Truth would be the only language spoken. How does that differ from the world in which you currently reside? How do you intend to alter your perceptions and actions to create this new reality?

What if you made sure that all of your conversations with significant others were in a Loving, open, respectful, stress-free environment and not in tirades, text messages, or in passing? What if you were only to express Truths that you were confident of to a moral certainty and not a product of gossip or innuendo? What if all were to put the ego aside and share from deeper levels of the heart how things show up in our lives, our struggles, dilemmas, and conclusions? What if you were to engage the other in seeing the bigger picture together and welcome comments and criticism with equal warmth as praise?

You are being called into greater integrity with your associations, your words, and your actions. This is the transparency of the new paradigm.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Get Used to It

The feelings of helplessness to come to terms with the challenges of life in your third-dimensional existence are being supplanted with visions of possibilities and promise. While all have not “hit bottom” yet, there are many who have put on the breaks and said “enough is enough” and they are not willing to do this any more. Along with the realization that the status quo is no longer tolerable comes a greater realization that perhaps there is something that you can do to direct life in a more positive manner. If this is not working for you, it behooves you to try looking at life from a different angle in order to see things differently.

If for instance, those in your life that you have significant relationships with seem to be having trouble with the way you are conducting your life, perhaps it is time to step back and see what areas are causing friction. It may be hard to realize that perhaps decisions you made at some point in your life are no longer valid and, given current circumstances, perhaps it is time to reorder your priorities. Keeping a constant focus despite a changing environment and atmosphere may not be your best way of surfing the dimensional shift. The old rules and playing field may have changed while you were on autopilot and now it is up to you to find new ways of dealing with the challenges of life.

Not only have playing fields changed but motivation and purpose. If you were suddenly transported from a world of clearly defined cause and affect into one where not only new rules but need business models are in play, you might be having a similar experience in adjusting. Get used to it. This is the new norm.

The best chance for gliding effortlessly through life is to let go of preconceived notions of reality. It will be more difficult to manipulate the system if it is changing in flight. Those who have held tightly to outdated processes and structures thinking they can outwit the system they have been able to manipulate will be in for a rude awakening as the playing field is morphing into something that might feel like it is made of Jell-O. The only way you will be able to move gracefully through the flow is by setting your heading on the highest and best good for all concerned and letting nature take its course. The revelations of life will move into place in order to accomplish the stated mission to the extent that you are able to get out of your own way in the process. The more you put constraints by trying to orchestrate life to conform to a personal agenda, the more turbulent will be the journey.

As for what you might expect in the coming weeks…We might suggest that things will not seem easy unless you allow yourselves to free-flow with life. There is much turbulence that can blow you off course if you become entangled with the appearance of “disaster”. This is only an interpretation of the events at hand. You might instead prefer to think of much of the turmoil as transformative and necessary reshuffling in order to achieve and birth new forms of life in transition. “Safety” will be secured by those that surrender all in order to grasp the new world with both hands. Clinging to past lives and future possibilities prevents the free-flow of possibilities to emerge.
The events of change are meaningless and should be allowed to drift in and out of life without concern or comment. The concerns should be on how one is able to flow with the possibilities and find the silver linings in each transition. This is a new life unfolding in Joy and wonderment. Do not drag the process down with fear and trepidation. All is good. All is God. And so it is…Blessings, I AM

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hang Loose

The relief you experience when you begin to emerge from the fog of illusion will be magnified tenfold when you are able to extricate yourself entirely from the fog of separatism. All who are making this adjustment are reforming into societies that no longer buy into the message of “us against them”. So were does one go to find such enlightened communities?
The desert southwest including the four corners region of Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico are some. The pacific northwest, down into the Mt Shasta region of California, and isolated pockets throughout the rest of the US as well. There are pockets of awareness around the world where the call has gone out and people are waking up en mass. As to whether they are willing to put this new-found knowledge to use is another thing entirely.

You have heard the expression “You can run but you cannot hide”. This is especially true in these difficult times of transformation. There is no one who will be unaffected by the shift in dimensions. Those that cling desparately to past realities and structures will be in for the rudest of awakenings. Those who realize the futility of the struggle and are opening themselves to new challenges and new possibilities will have an easier time and will find the journey breathtaking and transformative.

Preparation, as we have said many times, involves getting your internal ship in order. While emergency equipment and supplies might be helpful in weathering the minor inconveniences of the temporal world, the main provisions need to be on an internal level Acceptance and gratitude will go a long way in weathering whatever storms, both literally and figurative cross your path. Look for continued disruption on the weather front as poles, planets andcomets do their dance of recalibration. None will be immune to the fury of a world turned on its ear but survival is a choice that is to be made on a conscious level. Those that have agreed to weather the storms and help rebuild in the new paradigm will have clear direction and resources to make it happen. This may not look like your fathers world but that is exactly the point - different priorities and awareness, different solutions.

The byword for this time of flux is “hang loose”. When all is shifting around you it pays to allow yourself to flow with the tide of awareness and not to strike out unprepared into unknown waters. We might suggest that it would also be helpful to gather together those who will be making the transition together. No preparation necessary just check in frequently to assure that spirits are high and that all are on board. Baggage should be stowed and whittled down for little will be required for the journey of spirit. Again we say Hang Loose.

As for what you might be doing to prepare we might suggest honing your skills in self sufficiency. Rebuilding requires skills personally but also the ability to work together in common achievement. It will require many diverse patterns and partners working together to solve the challenges of a new world. Learn to work harmoniously with others in a collective and to find consensus by truly listening to the voice of the other rather than making sure your voice is heard and acknowledged. This is one of the most highly valued skills you can develop in rebuilding communities. If “The meek shall inherit the earth” then perhaps it would be wise to listen to the soft voices of the introspective who are able to set aside the rabble and the chaos and go within for their clear, true wisdom. The boisterous will be seen for the inflated egos they represent and truly those with ears to hear will be the one who will be able to use their “night vision goggles” of understanding and see through the dark times ahead. This is a new world in formation. Be aware that the birthing, while painful, will bring forth a magnificence of Truth and Understanding unknown to these worlds before. Time to just Hang Loose…


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Paradigm Shift

The gap between the awakened and the oblivious seems to be widening as the “time” gets nearer to the shift in dimensions. It appears that those who have drawn a line in the sand of consciousness have erected barriers beyond which they will not cross in this lifetime. So be it. For those that are searching for comfort and affirmation that they are held in the hands of God/Goddess of Light, there is reassurance of this magnificence. While the illusionary state that has created this schism is real to the extent that it is believed by many, in fact it is merely indicative that this is taking places in waves of ascension.

As for what this might look like in the material world, we might have a few suggestions…

First, do not look at major shifts in the paradigm as being detrimental. Growth frequently requires breaking through the seed coat of protection that has contained the growing bud.

Second. Allow for the possibilities of new life forms to emerge from the shielded tips of emergence. You may not recognize forms or structures of the new earth but it is Good and Godly.

Continue to let go of the trappings of life in the old paradigm fall away. Things that have served past models and patterns of life are no longer relevant in a universe based upon the paradigm of Love manifest in form.

And lastly, we might suggest that all is not as it appears. Things that seem off the chart rationally might come into clear focus if viewed through the new lenses of Oneness. Things that made no sense in a world of separateness and competition are finding new voice in the new paradigm. Perhaps this is the new norm of demonstration of magnificence being played out in the field of expanded awareness.

With any shift comes change. This does not always bode well for those lashed to past values and structures. This will be painful to watch but is necessary as the free-will of mankind is allowed to play out. We can only suggest that all have the options to move consciously into the light. If not now, when it makes sense, given the level of change they are willing to experience. One cannot drag others across the finish line; one must do that for themselves. All that is required is to offer a lifeline of your Truth and Understanding. It is up to the other to reach out for themselves.

This is a time of much turmoil and requires a clear vision and commitment to following one’s own inner Knowing rather than being swayed by the misperceptions of others. We are reminded of the admonition to put your own oxygen mask on first in order that you can be of assistance to others. This is the time to take such advice seriously. You are needed to step forward to the front of the wave of seekers for you have the road maps into the new paradigm. It is time to find your footing and ready your self physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually for the challenges ahead. All are One and the more this vision is welcomed and integrated into our being, the easier will be the transition into the new paradigm. Carry on…


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It has been said that integrity is what you do when no one is looking. We might suggest that it is more than that. When one is acting in full integrity, one is listening to the song of their soul and what they Know to be in higher purpose, no matter what the illusions of the third-dimensional world and others are professing to be true. Truth is indeed dependent upon the level of the understanding of the experiencer and if one is operating in the lower levels of spiritual evolvement, they may well believe that they are acting in integrity because they have not embraced the higher truths.

As one moves closer and closer toward the goal, the course gets steeper and the rules are less forgiving. In the lower levels if one knows something on a cognitive level and fails to complete the lesson in integrity there is a small penalty and opportunities to revisit the lesson. At the higher levels of understanding there is less room for error and the penalties more severe. One is required to listen more intently so as to completely comprehend not only what is required, but how this will affect others that are part of the One. This journey is no longer solo and decisions must be made in light of the greater good, not just the individual experience. When one fails to measure up, the vibratory consequence will be felt by all participants, not just the one.

It comes down to levels of consciousness. Those who are experiencing life unconsciously are content to do whatever feels good and right to them with little concern for those around them. As one matures spiritually, there is an increasing connection to others on the path of greater understanding. As one nears the finish line, the small self becomes One with the whole and all decisions and outlooks are from the all inclusive view of Oneness.

So how do you get from here to there? We might suggest that it would be wise to examine your actions for the motivating factors. What is the underlying theme of the decisions in your life? How might you begin to shift your thinking to be more inclusive in your process to begin to create win-win scenarios?

Secondly we might suggest using the insight of others to reflect back to you how you really show up in the world as experienced by those around you. If they honestly reflect back to you something that you have been hiding from yourself or attempting to shove under the rug, perhaps the charade is not working and it is time to come clean to yourself and others and alter the direction of your life and your thinking.

Facades are only good until they begin to crumble. There is frequently a moment of vulnerability and exposure when the things we have used to hide our true selves from those around us as well as ourselves are revealed for what they are. The test of true friendship and Love is whether our partners in life are willing to stand by and help us rebuild shattered dreams and visions in light of the new reality.

Integrity also is showing up true to our word when and how we said we would no matter what the personal cost. Who do you know that can be counted on to be absolutely true to their word, no matter what, without excuses or explanations? Perhaps it is because they do not commit to more than they are prepared to deliver, regardless of the desires of others. How do you fall out of integrity in small ways that mushroom into major breaches of trust especially with those you care for most? Do we believe they are any less worthy of our absolute best, just because they care about us deeply?

Where in our lives have we failed to measure up to our word or our commitments 100% fully? How are we shortchanging ourselves and our Loved ones by not showing up 100%. What does our half-hearted behavior say to the world around us about how we are committed to Truth and Excellence? Who are you more likely to put your own trust in – one who has demonstrated 100% commitment and integrity of being true to their word or one who only shows up as committed 95% of the time?

Once lost, integrity is hard to redeem. If you value the emotional capital you have invested with others, doesn’t it make sense to safeguard it with a commitment to operating in 100% integrity at all times. You will find that the flow of life is simpler in the higher dimensions of understanding because all are committed to the conscious choice of enlightenment. Where do you stand as indicated by the level of commitment being demonstrated in your life? Moment of Truth…


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


You may wish to think of intuition as an inner Knowing that bypasses the doors of reason and logic. You just Know something to be true, without knowing how you know it. It is as if the information were “dropped into” your awareness. As to what you do with this, that is contingent upon how you are able to receive this gift and apply it in your life.

Many “inventions” are merely a case of remembering things locked within your cellular memory. The same can be said for savants or prodigies. This is something that they came in with that has been freed to surface in their awareness.

Intuition can also be a case of removing obstacles of belief that alloy one to fish in the stream of consciousness of All That Is. Once you allow yourself access to the vaults of Knowledge, there is no limit to the realms that may be visited. Your key to knowledge is self-imposed and self- governed by the extent of your reach. Those who have let go of fears that limit their perceptions are more likely to find many open doors with which to find access.

As to how you might weld this ungainly instrument of Truth, we do have a few suggestions:

First, it would be wise to not share all you know to be True, without first making sure others are willing to hear. This willingness is ultimately contingent upon how far out on the limb of possibilities one is willing to go before they hear a crack. It is better to remain in the position of a silent observer until that can be established.

Second, knowledge is power, no matter how it is obtained. Just because something has yet to be proven scientifically does not mean that it is untrue. The truly powerful are those who are all-knowing but resist the temptation to jump in and apply force without ascertaining the results of their actions. Withholding truth until there is an appropriate time and place for the application of such wisdom may be the highest use of the gift of Intuition.

Third, it is wise to realize that all may not be ready for an unedited revelation of Truth. The brilliance of divine wisdom may be unfathomable to some because they may not have done the ground work necessary to prepare themselves for the unveiling. Unless there is a logical progression where one is able to see past the step by step movement to a logical conclusion, few will be willing to take the leap of faith to step out in thin air of believing without “proof”.

Those who are likely to support and embrace an unknown Truth are usually those who either know the person expressing to be Truthful without question, or have had similar revelations themselves but are unwilling to admit it without confirmation. More often it is the case of skepticism until proven otherwise.

Those that are adamant about not accepting anything that comes under the heading intuitive thought are usually those who fear their own inner wisdom and are unable to step into their own revelation of Truth. Without the crutch of other’s confirmation, nothing is real to them. There is a lack of trust in their own inner wisdom that prevents their seeing past the illusions of others and discovering their own inner Truth.

Blind adherence to a guru, teacher or other authority figure is one way of tuning down the still small voice within that whispers your inner Truth. As long as you are looking outside for your answers, you will be unable to hear the voice of intuition, whispering within.

There is a vast wellspring connected to the flow of all Truth and Knowledge once you are willing to wade in fearlessly to the stream of intuition. The deeper you go and navigate the waters of knowledge, the more you will develop the confidence to move in concert with Truth as revealed through your intuition. Baby steps until you learn to swim. Let go…

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Showing Up In Your Life

In evaluating the “keepers” in your life we have a few suggestions…

Certainly Joy is a key component. If something does not have an aspect of Joy associated with it, there is little likelihood that you will be motivated to stay the course. Certainly a sense of duty can override one’s motivation but that frequently brings in resentment as well which is counterproductive to the process. How much greater a motivator to the adventures of life is to be found if you a path that is Joyful as well as personal fulfilling. If Joy is there, so is Love.
Taking a higher road of achievement usually means that you are able to see past the inconveniences and distractions and focus on the greater meaning and lesson to be mastered in life. This takes practice. Unless you have tested a door, there is a good likelihood that you will not know if this is something you can open easily or you are best served by trying another. It is through our experiences and our observations of the experiences and findings of others that we learn how to navigate the narrow path to enlightenment. Both of these require a willingness to observe cause and affect in order to update our data banks. Becoming clear about motivations and desired results is necessary if one is to move consciously on an upward path.

Now this is not to say that one should not be ready for distractions that would necessitate a course correction. The road maps of life are full of detours that take one in a presumably new direction. However from the soul level, this could be just what was set in motion by the directive set in place in the beginning. Decisions made in the earth school call for constant recalibration to determine new avenues of exploration. Nothing is constant and it is the ebb and flow of the rapids of life that can pull you off course or accelerate your progress in new directions.
As to how you might wish to accomplish this we would also suggest that you learn to move with the flow but with greater emphasis on being the observer. It is attachments to outcomes that stall us for we are not able to see the greater picture that is unfolding.
Secondly, the people with whom we have drawn to us may not be the keepers who will be there for a lifetime but we do have things to share with each other. Begin to look objectively at your relationships. Are they helping or hindering your soul growth? What can you do to facilitate a greater understanding and acceptance of each other in Loving partnership? Or has this liaison served its purpose and it is now time to release the other in Love? The dance may be over but the partners are so engaged in the drama that they do not realize the music has stopped and it is time to move on.

Third, we encourage you to examine how you show up in your life and in that of others. Are you someone who has great integrity and can always be counted to be there for those to whom you have commitments? Do you usually have good intentions but frequently “chicken out” when the going gets rough or your fears keep you from fulfilling your promises? Or do you have trouble committing to the process altogether because illusions of life are stronger than a desire for growth and understanding? Understanding underlying patterns and motivations are the required step in making course corrections that give meaning and purpose to life.

How do you intend to go through life? Is this to be a random journey without purpose and direction or do you intend to climb higher out of the fog of indecision and insecurity? It is all about choice and the choices you are making will direct you either Home or again around the track until the journey is complete. Time to look deeper and find the path that coincides with your intentions and, if necessary, restate your intentions to find a different path. All will eventually end up Home but one is more difficult than the next. Choices, choices


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Opening the Mouth

The voice of woman is calling out to her sisters to speak up and be heard. The silencing of the feminine face and voice of divinity by the church and others afraid of the power of the feminine is drawing to an end. The wisdom of the earth mother is calling to her children to open their awareness and blend their voices together in a song of reason and hope.

You personally are finding that the suppression you have experienced in the past when you gave away your power is not working any more. The voice of the goddess within is screaming to come forth into her own magnificence. There is a pecking from inside the egg that will not be ignored.

As to how you might achieve this, we might have a few suggestions…

The truths of your wisdom are not to be denied. Just because something has not been “proven” by so-called rational means does not necessarily make it untrue.

The institutions of your world that have been born out of greed and manipulation of power are crumbling. Be willing to step up to the plate with new ideas that offer solutions that share power and understanding with those who have the skills to make the changes and those who have the higher vision to help chart the course.

This is a coming together into a synergy of Oneness. Be willing to stand up and point out the discrepancies in the present and what can be done to correct and reorder “business as usual”.

Be willing to suffer the assaults of your sisters who are cowering in their own weakness and unwilling to look past the illusions of the oppressors in fear and insecurity. Offer instead a hand up to your sisters in life and be willing to share on a heartfelt level your vision and commitment to shift the paradigm into mutually respectful and Loving ways.

Women are the strength and the hope for the future. We are here not only to teach Love but to hold the mirror so others may find their divine presence as well. This is a shared vision of wholeness that we see manifested in the circles of life, largely populated by women. If it takes a village to raise a child, surely it takes a circle of women to define and reshape the structures of society and bring them into divine resonance. This resonance includes the compliment of men and women working together to achieve Christ Consciousness. It is Unconditional Love made manifest.

We encourage all of you to bring your feminine expression into alignment with the divine principles in order to bring forth the compliment of the divine masculine into balance. This is the shift that is taking place that will facilitate the new paradigm. All else is just housekeeping. Create on…


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


As you sort through the choices in your life, we might suggest that your primary focus will be best served if you begin to consider which ones best resonate with the song of your heart. Deep within your being is a place where you feel attuned to the core frequency of Love. When life does not resonate with this frequency, there is discord that reverberates on a subtle energy level. You Know when something is out of tune. Whether you choose to overlook this internal tuning device or not is a matter of choice.
The ego is a master of disguise. If desire fueled by the static of the ego becomes loud enough, it can drown out the discordance reverberating from within. It is only when we remove the interference of the outer world and still ourselves in a meditative or attuned state that we are able to perceive the dissonance that is taking place.

Learning to listen on a subtle energy level is a learned, refined process. Being able to tune out the distractions of a world in turmoil is a technique that may take a lifetime to fully master. However, it will not likely be part of your tool box of discernment without practice during meditation and contemplation. It takes the stripping away of the superfluous of distraction to reveal the true vision of the divine trying to express itself in our lives.

As for how you might take this to the next step of Knowing, we have a few suggestions…

First we might recommend Knowing yourself. What are the things that define who you Know yourself to be? What characteristics or traits are part of your true nature? Your zodiacal chart is a clue or a pattern of resonance but what choices have you made that flesh out the personae of the You chosen to experience this lifetime?

Second when something clashes with this inner framework, it might be wise to examine why this is causing discord. Is there some deeper warning bell indicating that this is a path to be avoided? Or is it perhaps a gentle nudge from your soul that this is a course correction that needs to be made in life?

And third… What deeper lessons are to be learned from the experience of dissonance? Does this require a course correction on your part? Is it a process of bringing yourself in tune with the new paradigm and discarding old beliefs that are out of tune with the new and improved You? What is really going on on a less obvious level in this stage of life and what new lines might you need to learn to sing along?

Choices are never written in bold script but usually invisible ink that fades from view after decisions are made. You are called into finding resonance with the world around you. Much is transforming your world into a higher frequency of experience. You may wish to spend more time each day recalibrating not only your body, but your inner world to this frequency of change.

It has been said that the only thing constant in life is change and this is true in these times on earth. If you know water is rising, does it not make sense to learn to swim and float with the currents of growth? The willingness to let go of the illusions of control that keep you tethered to the past that are no longer viable is a valuable tool in this time of transition. It requires a surrender of massive proportions to break free from the flotsam and jetsam of past beliefs and flow freely with the currents of change. Such is the freedom of growth and expansion. You will soon find hospitable shores upon which to launch the new world. For now, be willing to flow on the crest of the tide and enjoy the ride. “You ain’t seen nothing yet”…


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

When Push Comes to Shove

When things get tough, greater are the opportunities and the motivation for change. When we resist the road that seems the most perilous, we frequently find ourselves forced upon an even steeper path of understanding. The ability to face life square on, regardless of the challenges perceived, is frequently the road of understanding that will allow us to bypass the pitfalls that take us on disguised side routs and dead ends that will delay our journey. All paths lead to the same destination. It merely takes longer and is more painful to avoid the inevitable lessons of understanding.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions as to how you might transcend the difficulties you find yourselves enmeshed in. When push comes to shove, which seems to be the state of the world, the only thing that really matters is your ability to mirror and receive Love. All else is subject to impermanence and will inevitably be consumed in the inferno of expediency. It is the keepers in life that model the world you are creating with your perceptions. When shove becomes surrender and allow, it is frequently a light-bulb moment when the issues that surround the altercation turn out to be non-events of decreasing importance. The negative energy that sucks one deeper and deeper when the ultimate vision of Loving Awareness slips out of view can be transmuted instantaneously with the connection from the level of the heart and not the mind. When both parties can laugh at their differences and embrace the presence of the other as a mirror for growth, the walls and doors that separate the particles of the One are reformed into the plowshares of growth and understanding.

Too oftwn it is the ego that is the biggest obstacle to this. The whole concept of “saving face” is a miscreation of sovereignty run amuck. How different might be your experience if the alternative approach might be to open the doors and windows wide to reveal all the differing aspects of human interaction to the other. If we are the first to be able to laugh at ourselves, we will have an important lesson on peacemaking mastered in our life. If all were able to come together outside the illusions of the ego, how much more different might be the experience. If we do not take ourselves that seriously and allow the sprite of laughter to dissolve the cords that bind us to our misconceptions, there will be a movement toward the direction of Loving Awareness that will be hard to stifle.

Laughter is the great equalizer for if we are able to laugh at ourselves and our life situations we have won the battle of the heart without a shot being fired. To disarm another you must first seek to create a common point of understanding. Levity is the crack of the door that makes this possible. When we think of our adversary as separate from us and not part of our soul group of fellow entertainers, we overlook a most teachable moment of understanding. It is hard, is it not, to remain angry with someone who has humbled themselves before you and is willing to laugh at their own “shortcomings” first?

Laying down our arms in camaraderie to those we find inflexible and withholding is a great way to coax them to the table of negotiations. If all would find areas of agreement it will be far more difficult to wedge in blocks of discontent. Understanding begins with an open mind and a willingness to find connections of similar energy patterns. Time spent in getting to know your adversaries and partners in exchange is well spent in that areas of communality may be found that will give bridges to circumvent the roadblocks. Open your minds as well as your heart for these are companions that you have called to be your unflinching mirror that are leading you both higher on the spiritual journey.

Patterns of disharmony are being transmuted on all fronts by warriors who are wielding the new swords of Love and understanding with each other. Be willing to suspend judgment and listen to your adversaries if you wish to move past the impediments in your life and you will find doors opening that both can walk through together. It is time and we are waiting to welcome you home…


End Times

The end times as many call it are merely the cleanup operation of loose ends that prepare for the coming era of peace and purpose. While this still remains frightening to many since they do not know the form this will take, it is nevertheless the culmination of many eons of transformational work that has taken place on the earth plane. Though all have not made the leap for graduation of the entire class, enough are shifting their energetic bodies to carry along the stragglers until they can make the transition on their own.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions on how each of you might prepare for the turmoil of transition…

First, do not think that this will be an immediate change like a light switch moving from one dimension to the next. Though there will be events on a global level that will affect masses of people simultaneously, these will be the exception rather than the norm. You will have ample opportunity to move out of harms way if you choose to remain incarnate through the transition.

Second, this is not only a reordering of societies but a redistribution of resources that allow the earth to remain in balance. If you are to maintain this equilibrium, you might begin to think of ways that honor the needs of the many, rather than support the excesses of the few.

And thirdly, as priorities shift away from meeting the physical needs of changing societies, we would suggest that you concentrate on the spiritual understandings that will help reframe the groups that choose to surf the dimensional shift. This is not your father’s world any more and the things that have served in the past may no longer be valid in a society where the primary motivation is cooperation not competition. What can be done to restructure the connections of families, both nuclear and of choice so that the needs of the grouping are met on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels? This is the greatest change that is taking place. The challenges of supply and demand are minimal when weighed against the greater needs of the people for social change and restructuring.

As new communities are formed based on common interests and desires, you are being given opportunities to define the building blocks for life lived in partnership with others. The basis of all is reverting back to experiences based on love, compassion and growth. This may be a new experience for many who have been schooled in the obsolete vestiges of past experience. That is what we mean by shift. It is moving from a football field to a basketball court and deciding what equipment to take with you and what are the new rules of the game. Undoubtedly many skills will be required for reshaping life into new modes of expression.

We have said challenge but this is also a rare opportunity for growth and expansion. You have chosen to incarnate at a time of unprecedented possibility for spiritual growth and advancement. This has been a preparation through countless lifetimes for the opportunity of transformation on a global scale. Do not let the annoyances of the physical manifestation of the process distract you from the real process of inner work that is required. That is the proverbial forest for the trees than is taking place. With a shift in attitude, this is a grand adventure unfolding before you and you have a front row seat on the process if you are willing to step forth boldly, eyes wide open and become one with the process. Allow the grace of Knowing that you are held in the hand of God and that all that is taking place will not only support but exalt you to the extent that you surrender to the Oneness of life. These are seminal times and we ask that you release your hold on the past in order to become one with the fullness of the now which is transforming through you. It is now…


Communicating Your Truth

Communication between those of you incarnate is vital to the progression of not only the species but to the growth and understanding of the individuals involved in the earth school of spiritual growth. If one is unable to find a common ground of interaction, how is Oneness to be achieved? When one assumes to know the desires of the other heart, one negates the possibilities of interchange which would enhance the development of a common vision.

While surprises might be well intended, perhaps they are an attempt to impose one’s will or desires on the other without giving them the opportunity to contribute to the process. Before one moves unilaterally in assuming the at they know the desires of the other heart, perhaps it might be more honoring if time were spent in honest communication with the other in order to uncover the deeper longings and beliefs that are under the rug of complacency. It is often these deep seated hidden feelings of not being heard or acknowledged at a core level that eat away at the fabric of relationship over time, though on the surface the parties may feel that they are honoring each other .

In am effort to “make nice” we frequently do not honor our deep-seated beliefs and desires when they conflict with those of our partners in experience. The Divine Feminine has frequently taken a passive role in interchanges with the Divine Masculine in order to maintain peace in the process. At the same time, the Divine Masculine may find itself searching for clues of unexpressed desires in order to read between the lines of expressed thoughts and repressed ones. The time has come to clear the air and sit together in honest communication of desires and feelings so that all are able to work together in common purpose and expression.

Honoring the other is only meaningful and supportive if the “gift” offered is appreciated in return and not seen as another indication of the other’s will to be overcome. While the element of surprise may be lacking, the heart-felt gift of seeking out the true wishes and desires of the intended recipient of one’s gestures of service and submission will be appreciated far beyond the receipt of the gift. In this instance, the true gift is the one of honoring and sharing the secret wishes of the receiver, rather than the needs for expression of the giver. The underlying motives of both determine whether the interchange of energy has a positive or negative effect. A gift that feels more like a burden may not achieve the desired response.

How might the process be redirected so that the receiver feels honored, heard and seen at a deeper soul level? This can be easily accomplished through communication before initiating action in order to align desires with motives and deeds. Unwanted gifts, though well intended may turn into resentments if there is not an understanding between the parties. This can only be communicated by honest, revealing discussion where one hears and reflects back to the other true feelings, rather than just what the other wants to hear.

This is the challenge and the journey of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine coming together into Unity. When we lay aside the masks of the past and step out of the expectations and blinders society has placed upon us, we step into a rarefied space where our true selves are able to come together in the purity of Truth, seeing and appreciating each other for the unique expressions of the divine that we are. Let the unveiling begin…


Bleed Through

I stand transfixed in the realm of possibilities as the elements of truth swirl aimlessly around me waiting for the attraction that will bind them one to another in meaningful patterns of coalescence into form.

As veils thin in preparation for the dimensional shift there are a few anomalies we would like to point out that may seem out of the time/space continuum… As you know, you have been assembling inner Truths from your experiences from lifetime to lifetime. All of these are free-floating in bands of association with you and your soul mates and fellow sojourners. As you begin to move through this soup of possibility, you are attracting to you those particles of Truth that resonate with the bands of association and putting the pieces together that “make sense”, not to the rational mind necessarily, but in the overall spectrum of Truth.

We say this because at times things may seem out of sequence for the lifetime you are experiencing. It will seem as if this is your Truth, but it does not fit easily into the puzzle of association with the present but belongs to a completely different puzzle of time and space. This will be confusing to say the least as you attempt to catalogue and classify information in order to fit it into your organization of things you Know to be True. We ask you to become an observer of such anomalies, knowing that all is being accomplished in divine order and in the not too distant future, all will be revealed in greater clarity.

As for making sense of these seemingly random moments of out-of-sequence thoughts and deeds, we might say that you are attracting to you players who have been a part of previous dramas and experiences. When you begin to put together pieces around an idea or theme, it magnetizes the associated elements into attraction. The more of these pieces that fall into place, the stronger will be the energy field. As pieces begin to take form, there will inevitably be parts from other dimensions and lifetimes that will be attracted as well. Though they may seem to be out of time and space, you may wish to suspend judgment for they have a significant role to play in supplying relevant information that is not available in your current time frame.

This is how many scientific breakthroughs are seeded. The missing pieces that have seemed beyond reach in the present time frame suddenly appear in the mind/environment of the searcher without warning in order to complete the query. Missing pieces are discovered “under the rug” in order to tie up the loose ends of experience and move on .This is a time of completion and there are many such anomalies taking place in your world. You may find yourself moving out of paradigms that have entrapped you for many lifetimes because you have completed the coursework and thanks to your fellow students, you now have what you need to graduate to the next level. Well done.

No need to look back and relive the pieces of past experience. The elements of new life are in motion. It is time for shedding the exoskeleton of the old in order to prepare for the rebirth into the new. You will remain a bit tender at first as the maturing cells take time to coalesce but you are being reformed into magnificent bodies of Light energy, perfect for navigating the new energetic environment. All that is not of this vibratory field will seem foreign and stagnant. Your challenge will be to tread water in this energetic environment until others catch up and you can move forward in the new paradigm. Since time and space are illusionary, this will become apparent as you bond together with other souls and experiences that are forming the New Earth in the making. The bleed-through in time and space is merely an element in the new matrix of association that is coming together in the test tube of the universe of form. Your newly acquired vision is allowing you to visualize these building blocks of reality in greater clarity. Carry on…


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Joy and Wonder

If you choose to tread a path of Joy and wonder, you must be willing to take on the other accoutrements of the journey. What if you no longer possessed any burdens that would keep you tethered to the illusionary “reality” around you? What if this set you apart from those who were behind the glass of the perceived world? What if all of your aquaintenances thought you “a little strange” because you no longer subscribed to their illusionary distractions and fears? How might you reorganize your world to find true meaning and appreciation for life outside the bounds of the present?

The first thing you might wish to examine might be where you choose to make your stand for creating this new world. Does your area and environment support the activity to which you aspire? It is hard to grow a crop of great nutritional value in a barren and rocky soil. How might you improve your current situation to make it more receptive to the world you wish to create? If this is impossible or impractical, how and where might you move your growing ground where conditions are more favorable to the process at hand? People and plants all prosper and thrive where the conditions for growth are present and appreciated.

As for appreciation…what is your attitude about the process taking place? Are you grateful to have the opportunity to spread your wings and soar above the constraints of society and your present situation? Appreciation gives you wings to soar past the limiting, while resentment is a leak in the fuel line that will ultimately lead to disaster…

Excitement about the possibilities keeps the lights turned on so that “luck” can find you in the dark. If you are not enthusiastic about your journey, how do you hope to attract others to join you as well? Now this does not necessarily mean that you must shout from the rooftops about what you are doing and how you feel, but it is more about the cheerful, determined process that leaves you with a sense of peace that those around you will notice and come to ask you your “secret” to life lived in concert with the Divine. Inner peace and tranquility are such a rare commodity these days that those that have found the secret elixir stand out in a crowd and can’t help but draw the attention of the frantic and disenfranchised.

As to what you might do when you awaken in your new home , surrounded by others who have flocked together in resonance, we might suggest, whatever your heart’s desire. You will find that synchronicity is the norm in the land that time forgot. When the rules of the old earth no longer apply, you are free to create the reality that nourishes your soul.

Love and caring are the glue that binds you one to another. Finding ways to create communities that honor and empower each other in unconditional Love becomes the imperative, while matters of the flesh take a backseat to the process. If the devil is in the details than the divinity must be in letting go and letting God work out the rest. In an ego-balanced environment, where gender roles are obsolete, all are free to find the areas where they can plug in their talents and abilities in great exuberance, without the fetters of expectation. What if you were to spend your days, doing the things that feed your soul and bring Joy to yourself and others? How magical might be the experience.

Time has come to face the challenges of turning your world into such a utopia. What are the roadblocks in your life that prevent you from stepping across the threshold into this expanded experience? The only real barriers are the ones we create for ourselves through the limiting thought forms of the present. All blocks are there because we believe them to be real. Perhaps the real value of our journey is that we are now able to dissolve them with our new awareness of the nature of reality. Solutions and answers surround us if we are willing to think “outside the box” and call in the angelic helpers that can help us dissolve the illusionary mountains that are keeping us immobilized.

You are not alone in this process. Those around you are also having trouble seeing the forest for the trees. Listen for the cries of “Eureka, I have found it that echo in the darkness and you will be guided forward to join hands with your partners in locating the hidden passages into the Light-filled reality. This is not a solo journey and the more others are willing to release their fears join hands and hearts, the easier the journey will become. Leaping off the precipice into a world of Joy and wonder, locked arm and arm, is the first step in entering this new reality. Bon Voyage…


Thursday, June 9, 2011


When one emerges from the fog of self-deception, one begins to comprehend the enormous possibilities each soul has to transform not only themselves, but the planet through their choices in life. As you trod the upward path, there are many who would lead you astray in favor of things that gratify the ego or less lofty pursuits. It is through constant reevaluation of what resonates with your higher purpose and what feels right that you are able to ascend vibrationally and access the higher dimensions of existence.

Turmoil that rips apart the foundations of life is an opportunity for those in the maelstrom to begin anew to create lives with greater meaning and purpose. Frequently it is not until we have lost everything that we have believed to be important that we break through the false images of life and get the core meaning of associations and material wealth that have eluded us in the past. While no one likes to see others suffer, we can be of most help to our loved ones by being there to support and reflect the things they need to see, hear, and feel in the process.

Life is not predictable other than being what we require for our growth and awareness. Learning to ride with the tide of possibilities and detaching ourselves from the trappings of permanence allows us to flow effortlessly on the tide of change. This is a period of much turmoil because there are those who are grasping at passing branches of the old world. Though the current may be running swiftly, the calmer water is near the center where the channels are deeper and there is less turbulence from hidden boulders that could threaten to overturn the process. Surrender allows us to move into those deeper waters. The seaworthiness of your vessel of life is contingent upon your ability to remain calm and centered in the illusionary world, knowing that this too shall pass and that you are held in the hand of a Loving God. All else is smoke and mirrors.

Now some may look upon this as naivety. This is none of your concern. You can best demonstrate the breadth and depth of your Faith by being true to your own wisdom and following through on what you know to be the True path to enlightenment, regardless of the maelstrom and differing opinions of those around you. Turmoil calls into being the best and the brightest to step up to the plate of possibilities. When those who have been in charge have failed to protect and defend those who have entrusted them with their welfare, it is time to shift leadership to those who would do things differently. As institutions and governments fall apart, burdened by their own weight and misdeeds, there will be ample opportunity for the enlightened leaders of tomorrow to step forward.

You are not the only ones to see through the fog of deception. More and more are waking up to the fact that this is no longer business as usual and that out of the ashes will be reborn new societies with fresh ideas, evolved values and greater purpose. Look at the areas of devastation from the past and see the opportunities nature provided to rebuild societies into shining examples of how we are drawn together in achievement by diversity and the cells of light are drawn together to heal the wounds of tragedy. This is the fractal experience of nature playing out in the body of the planet. Though it may seem tragic on the surface, it is in fact the sweeping away of the old, worn out, in order to make room for the new.

All is indeed perfect and it sometimes takes the perspective of our higher vision to see into tragedy and embrace the opportunity that is being revealed. Nature is stirring up the waters of change and soon the impurities will be cast aside and streams will run clear with new energy and Light. You can weather the storms of change by remaining centered in your higher vision and Knowing that all is good, all is God, despite the illusion. Carry on…