Wednesday, December 29, 2010


If in the course of human events you find yourself searching for meaning and purpose in your life you might wish to take into consideration the far-reaching effect your thought and actions have on the evolving body of humanity. By “merely” perfecting your own attitude and response to the stimulus in your life, you help transform the planetary consciousness in the process. What if your small adjustment in attitude and perception were the spark necessary to ignite the bonfire of realization and become the tipping point for transformation of the planet?

It behooves everyone incarnate to take this opportunity for transformation to look outside themselves and be aware of the others that are interlocked in this process of transformation. This is not a solitary journey. When one cell in the body of divine experience is damaged or diseased, it affects those around it as well. Likewise when one is fanning the divine spark of awareness within the body, the warmth and glow will be felt and appreciated by those around it as well. This is a group experience of Loving awareness.

By remaining steadfast in your Love and awareness of the process taking place, those around you cannot help but being affected with the vibratory field you are creating. While they may not recognize the alchemy, they will nevertheless be drawn to the experience and share in the process. As there are no ordinary moments, neither are there any “ordinary” experiences in this rarefied state. When all of life is elevated a notch in vibration, all in association strive to match this new frequency that is being created. People in the process only know that they instantly feel more peaceful and alive when they tune into this higher vibratory level. It is hard to remain mired in a frequency of doubt, fear and despair when this is not reflected by those around you. As a moth is drawn to a flame, also will those requiring an infusion of Light energy be drawn to those that they feel are part of the process of transformation.

Given this understanding, is it not relevant that your part of the process of planetary transformation is to hold the frequency of Light energy and reflect its brilliance to all you encounter if you wish Peace and Love to reign supreme? What in your demeanor or actions does not reflect this higher purpose of your journey? How are your shrouding your inner Light and vision that is shielding its reflection from those around you? What shift in attitude can you make that helps open the inner doors of awareness for yourselves and for others? This is a Knowing but also a commitment that you can reach higher, not just for your own edification and enlightenment, but for others that are connected on this cosmic grid.

If you consider yourselves part of a string of lights, wired together in the group process of ascension and transformation, how can you repair the integrity of your center of electrification that enhances the performance of the whole and upgrades the capacity for even brighter illumination? This is the process that is taking place. The wattage of illumination is being constantly upgraded as more and more are committed to self growth and inner awareness. Though it may feel like an individual journey, there is in fact a vibratory connection that is coming on line in a big way that is servicing the capacity of the grid. No ordinary moments and no ordinary experiences for all are being called into service as part of the shared process of illumination.

Your charge at this time of growth and restructuring is to hold bright and steady the things you Know to be true and beneficial, no matter what the illusion of destruction around you. This is merely a reforming and rewiring of the cosmic grid and in perfect divine order in order for the new “wiring” to come on line. Continue to hold together the grid of awareness and provide illumination to those around you. The new frequency of Loving awareness is coming on line spark by spark and the conflagration of Light energy will and is something to behold. You are part of the current of illumination so hold steady in the flow. Let there be Light….


Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Those who believe that they are alone in their search for meaning and fulfillment tend to think of themselves in the singular as indicated by the use of “I” in their speech. While connected with and reflective of the attachment to the ego, it is more like an unwillingness to acknowledge their attachment to others on the path. Theirs is a singular journey and they alone are masters of their own domain.

Those that have progressed further in their awareness and raised their level of consciousness to a higher frequency will begin to drop the “I” from their pattern of speech. This is a signal of the deeper acknowledgement that is being felt and understood that we are indeed all One in the body of God. This little shift in patterns of speech is reflective of this awareness and acceptance on a profound level within their lives.

When you shift your thinking and understanding to the inclusive “we”, you open doors of understanding that begin to shift your approach to life on a deeper level. When you view others as “them” rather than “we” it is easy to dismiss, ignore or even ridicule those outside your sphere of influence. If we are separated by a barrier, it takes effort to bring yourself to not only appreciate but understand their position.

Though they are separate cells in the body of God, we all share the same genetic heritage that encodes us to our Creator. It is like a return address on an envelope that will eventually draw us back to Source. Though disbursed far and wide, we still share the homing devices that link us back to the Creative force and in such are all brothers in the journey. The simple “we” acknowledges the kinship that we all share and removes the barriers that separate us.

Now we are not saying that you must condone, embrace, or share the beliefs and choices of another. They are reflections of the unique path they have chosen and the free will that is part of their guidance system. The “we” merely embraces the concept of mutual growth of all on the path. If you were to share with each other your true beliefs, feelings, and conclusions, it is safe to say that you would find more congruities than not. Though all share a path of discovery, there are enough disparate side routes that allow the accumulation of experience that enriches the understanding of the collective mind.

It is into that unlimited pool of knowledge that we share our visions, hopes, and conclusions. What do you wish to be your contribution to the time-capsule of humanity? What seeds do you wish to plant in God’s garden of knowledge that will bear fruit in future generations? The thoughts, dreams, and decisions you make today are being seeded into the fields for future harvest. What might you choose for your legacy to future generations of sojourners? If you were to return in a future lifetime, what buried treasure might you plant now that you know will be of value at a future date? How do you assure that the legacy you leave will have meaningful consequences far after you are gone?

The “we” of your speech is but a mere reflection of your commitment to the Oneness of humanity. At your deepest level, how do you view all of life? Are you part of the evolution that is taking place or do you believe yourself to be outside the gene pool of humanity? Time to examine your beliefs and see how they are playing out in your words and actions. What is your life saying about how you perceive the Oneness of all? What is causing you to embrace separateness? This is a big step on the scale of consciousness. Are you willing to make this leap of faith and embrace it in your life? We are waiting…


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thoughtful Intentions

If you believe that you have mastery over your own destiny, how might you chart your course that reflects your highest possibilities for growth and awareness? Are you content to let others determine how and when you show up for the events in your life or are you willing to take a more active role in the process? We wish to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and become an active participant in your life in form.
When all of your actions and thoughts have purpose and meaning, they reflect the higher vision of your journey. If you set an intention and measure your actions as to whether they measure up to the standards and focus you have defined, you will be assured that all is not only well but on track as far as creating the life you wish to live. It is a process of creation taken to the grass roots level of manifestation. The more you are able to allow the intention to become the shell in which the embryonic process is forming and allow Spirit to take care of the details, the more the magic will take over.

As you go about your lives you will begin to see the fingerprints of your intention on the various elements in your lives that are coalescing into form. The more you are willing to surrender to the mystery, the easier will be the process of creation. The less rigid you are about the form this is to take, the more you open to the possibilities in life. How fun to see the beauty of synchronicity unfolding in life when you get out of your own way.

We say get out of your own way because this is the secret to manifestation with the divine. The more attached you are to outcomes and results in the form you want them to look like, the more you get in the way of creation. It is about having faith that whatever is coming into form is perfect, not only in your limited vision, but in the ever-expanding association of interlocking forms and situations to satisfy not only your needs but also those of your association.

Being open to receive even though it may not look like the creation you had in mind is also part of the process. If you Know that all is for your highest good, the things that do not conform to your vision may be used as pointers to the areas you may wish to examine for closer scrutiny. How is the new direction serving your soul evolution rather than the ego? What is this new form of answered prayer saying to you about the true meaning and value of your actions?

Discernment is one of the perks of advancing years. The more frame of reference you have for your actions, the clearer will become the message and the vision of what is really going on beneath the surface. The easier it is to step back and see the patterns in your life and the predictable results of your actions, the easier it is to alter the destructive ones into more desirable outcomes. Now we say desirable because that is an aspect of thinking that aligns with the ego. The soul’s desire is to align with thoughts and actions that beckon you ever higher on your spiritual path. If you require an attitude adjustment to see the gift in some events in your life, it is a subtle message from your soul to reach higher and deeper for the hidden message.

Your receptivity to change is becoming your highest ally as you move cautiously through the minefields of life. You instinctively know the dangers but also that there is a path of wonder if you are mindful of the risks as well as the rewards. It is no longer “safe” to sit on the sidelines of life. You are being asked by your soul to step forward and engage the adventure of life lived in the fullness of experience. Your challenge is to set your intention and then be willing to follow and engage wherever it takes you even though you may not recognize the terrain. This is the testing of your resolve that will serve you well in these chaotic times. Courage is being willing to rely on your inner guidance unheeding of the fearful admonishments of others because you Know this to be the right course of action. Troubled times call for those of courage and conviction to move fearlessly toward the Light of transformation. Carry on…


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Team Play

Leveling the playing field is usually a matter of finding a common frame of reference for understanding. As you begin the process of interaction with the unknown, it helps to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the playing field itself. What are the rules of the game of engagement? Will the others be adhering strictly to these parameters or will there be room to change courses in mid stream and move into new directions with different objectives and goals?
How you conduct yourself on the “playing field” will determine the depth of your experience with others. If you demonstrate on a consistent basis that you can be trusted to operate from this highest level of integrity, you will certainly be trusted to captain the team and to provide the game plays of life. However if you consistently fail to show up for practice and make up plays for your own edification rather than considering the needs and abilities of others, you will probably find yourself benched on the sidelines of life. These are the rules of engagement in life as well as sport.

Times are calling for team players in the game of life. Those that “get it” are coming together in associations that mirror teams of understanding. There was a time that called for each to perfect their skills on the home court but now it is incumbent upon you to join with others and begin to demonstrate what you have learned there. Abilities are being shared by those who are traveling together through life in formation and the moves will come easily once you are back in place with your home team.

Who do you feel an instant recognition and affinity with that might signal a team player that is looking for a “pick up” game? Who instinctively knows the moves of life and is there where you need them to supply the supporting moves and assist you in your journey? Who can you count on without question to serve and grow with you unselfishly and be the backup you require for your plays of achievement? You are being called to practice so that you will be ready when the challenge of life in the big leagues becomes the reality. You are being scouted and groomed for higher purposes. It is time to develop your game to the highest level of achievement so that you will all act instinctively and in harmony, fulfilling your supporting roles without question as you move through the challenges of change.

Your teammates are your new “family” in life and you are forging bonds of association that will prove unbreakable in the new paradigm. Emphasis is shifting to the focus of the team achievement rather than on the egotic stance of the individual. All are moving as one and each have their unique parts to play in the metaphor of teammanship. This is a developing synthesis that comes together in diversity but coheses into a functioning unit of common purpose and growth together.

The concept of teammates is played out in the fractal experience of growth together. All are part of not only the process but the formation that is created in ever-repeating patterns in the global community. Associations, partnerships, teams are the new structures of life as more and more are cohesing into patterns of growth together. As more and more are realizing that they are not alone and separate, but interacting cells in the vast body of divine experience, the team rivalries melt away and all are becoming an amalgam of individuals that are coalescing into oneness; individuated but part of the greater whole of humanity.

Your “homework” is to find ways to incorporate this knowledge into form in your life. How can you work together more effectively with those that you feel drawn to on an intuitive level? How do their unique talents and abilities dovetail into your own and that of others who are also drawn together in experience. This has moved past the process of individuation into a process of cohesion. How do you come together with others who “get it” as well and work together in common purpose on the “team” of humanity? Time to “play ball” for the game has begun.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Lessons in Anger

When one is angry, it is usually a result of failing to align with one’s soul purpose and anger at one’s self for failing to heed the warning signs which resulted in untoward action. One can be angry at the injustice in the world but isn’t this merely an awakening and reflection of something within our soul programming that requires us to address that issue? Beneath every cause for anger is a lesson screaming to make itself known.

What causes you to bubble over with anger? Does it have to do with an image of one’s self that is no longer reflective of the way you wish to be viewed by the external world? How do you see yourself and how is the opinion of others different from what you wish it to be? What is causing this disparity? Perhaps you are not acting in ways that reflect an inner shift that you have made. Perhaps this is a reminder that there is still work to be done in coming into alignment with your intentions and your actions.

When the actions of others cause us to rise to anger, it is frequently a message that we need to be true to ourselves. If we are being shown a mirror, what is it we are hesitant to acknowledge? What have we created as our image of the self we wish to be and how has our behavior differed from this ideal? Anger is merely an emotion that signals to our personality that it is not in balance and further consideration needs to be given to its cause.

Many causes for anger are the result of past wounds that have long buried roots. If an “injustice” was perpetrated upon us when we were a child or unable to address it in a powerful way, this memory may be buried in our vault of self-expression until a later time when we are able to resolve it in a more suitable manner. When anger erupts “out of the blue” it usually means that the deep-seated cause of the festering wound is now ready to be healed. Willingness to gently probe the cause for discomfort can open these old wounds and allow them to heal in the balm of forgiveness.

Until we are able to forgive the perpetrator and Lovingly thank them for the part they played in our growth and understanding, we will be forever tied to the process we shared. While you may not condone the actions of the other that caused the wounding, it was necessary for your growth and understanding and therefore valuable as a tool for growth. This is your opportunity to forgive and mirror the grace of God’s Love in finding the Loving message in all experience. As you transform your anger into Loving energy, you release the pent-up energy and allow it to dissipate in the light of understanding.

Anger is a festering sore that causes pain on an emotional as well as a physical level. Unresolved anger frequently erupts in the physical body as dis-ease. When energy becomes trapped, it frequently finds a suitable place for expression. Finding the root cause for disease requires deep introspection as to the emotional components of the process. Where is the disruption occurring and what emotions are expressed in the chakra that is associated with that area? What is your body trying to express in the physical that points to the emotional component?

We are a complex, multi-dimensional energy body. If energy is stuffed down emotionally, it seeks expression in that area of the physical in order to get our attention and calls for resolution. Listen to the subtle energies signals your body is showing you and you will have a greater appreciation of what is going on in your life and what you might do in order to correct the imbalance in positive ways.

Allowing the light of understanding to flow through the mental body and release the anger that is threatening to damage the physical is a process of consciousness that can transform pain into enlightenment. By allowing the message of anger to guide you on an inward journey into understanding you are transmuting this negative thought form into a magnificent expression of light energy and using this light to illuminate the dark parts of your soul journey. Good job!


Friday, November 12, 2010


Sources for expanded thought are never far from your awareness. It behooves you to look close to home rather than on some lofty peak or through the teachings of some guru when seeking the answers to how to live a life of meaning and purpose from outside rather than from within. You have been sent to the earth school with all the baggage you require for your journey securely packed within, awaiting your discovery like an unexpected “care package” from Home.

When we say Home, of course we are speaking of your spiritual Home which implies your return to Source. As one matures in years and understanding, it is frequently from this reserve that one is able to draw on for wisdom and insight to find the hidden resources that are meant to not only sustain, but refresh one’s memory of what it means to come from Love in all one does. Hidden in the chaos of jumbled belongings we all have a keepsake that tells us that we are Loved in the perfection of the God-self but also that we are Loveable beyond measure and capable of reflecting this divine presence and share it with all we meet. You might visualize this as a tiny spark that is secreted in our belongings that once revealed, becomes an all-encompassing brilliance that over shines all that we bring into our countenance. As we are enfolded and bathed in Loving Awareness, we become one with that Light and are able to shine and enfold others into the presence. We ARE one with the Light.

Now you may not always feel that this is the case. When challenges and difficulties are all you can see from your foxhole of obscurity, it is difficult to embrace a Loving, all-seeing God presence. When all around you are consistently pointing out the “failures” of others and how everything you are experience has some malevolent purpose, it is difficult to believe otherwise. Chaotic times call for not only strong strength of character, but an inner Knowing that all is not as it appears. If you are immersed in an atmosphere of doubt, you may not be able to reach for the air mask of inner Knowing in order to find your way out of the fog.

We wish to affirm to you that all is not as it might appear. Instead of “going to hell in a hand basket” the world is on the cusp of change and revelation and is reaching for a life jacket of much magnitude. While there are many who would tell you otherwise, you are on the brink of reaching a tipping point of understanding. Most agree that the status quo is unacceptable but there is much discussion as to where you may wish to go from here. This is where faith comes in. If you believe in the concept of an all-loving father, is it not reasonable to assume that you would have been sent off on your journey with all that you require to complete the process? This merely requires one to look into the recesses of one’s baggage and to examine all you Know to be True on an inner level of Truth and compare this against what others are telling you is the case. Vibrationally there are many who would seek your assurance that what they are purporting is valid. This is not always the case. Just because one shares their version of “truth” does not make it so in your eyes if your inner senses are telling you otherwise.

This is where your inner Knowing comes into play. You have within the “gut feelings” that are the truest indicator of the Truth in your life. This may have been disengaged when the ego tried to override its functioning and substituting the thoughts and opinions of others for what you innately Know to be True. Time to dust off your perceptions and begin exercising your inmate inner wisdom in order to find the Truth in your life. You KNOW the Truth. Whether you are able to accept its existence and follow in your own wisdom, despite “evidence” to the contrary is something different.

You are the master of your own ship and it is time to regain the sovereignty of your journey in order to find your own course of action. Your ability to ride on the waves of discovery and steer by the guiding star of your Truth is being tested. Allow your inner guidance to flow freely and grease the wheels of manifestation and you will be extricated from the log jam of illusion and directed into the current of life everlasting. It is time…


Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Growth can be measured in many ways. There is, of course, the physical accumulation of cells that causes an increase in stature but this is only the obvious. Growth on a deeper level can be measured on a vibratory scale as more experiences and understandings increase the capacity and the content of understanding. The rate of growth is inversely proportionate to the presence of fear in one’s life. Fear might be thought of as a retardant to the growth process. If one is operating in a state of fear, one is unable to move past this impasse in order to reach out and assimilate new ideas and concepts.

It would seem that if one wishes to grow in understanding, the first step would be to address the subject of fear. Is it fear of the unknown that is keeping one grounded in the present? Does this come back to a fear that you will be unable to deal with unseen occurrences? What would make you more confident in yourself and your ability to handle new situations? Perhaps it is time to take mini-steps in order to build up confidence in yourself that you can deal with whatever presents itself in new ways. Confidence is built through experience and as long as you postpone facing new experiences and overcoming challenges you will remain rooted in fear of the unknown and untested. As we test ourselves and achieve confidence in our abilities, we continue to remove the stumbling blocks to growth.

Perhaps you have attempted something beyond your grasp and failed to make the connection. Again, breaking the task down into mini segments can make it more manageable. In reflection, what might have been done differently that would give a greater possibility for achievement? Who might you enlist to help shoulder the load or provide directional assistance that would increase the chances for completion? Growth is a process of overcoming obstacles and finding new ways of scaling barriers in our path. Unless we are willing to step out of our rut of complacency, growth will be impossible.

Growth requires a willingness to step forward and “bring it on”. This can come in an avalanche or in a gentle rainstorm. You decide the rate of your growth by your willingness to let go of the things that prevent your forward movement. The more you let go of requirements and conditions, the easier will be the journey. Perhaps you have ingrained beliefs about the “permanence” of a condition. It might require an earth-shattering occurrence in order to allow you to move pass this impasse and create a greater understanding. Those who have learned to hold people and things lightly in open hands will find an easier situation in going with the flow of life. Do you intend to hold fastly to the anchors of life as the current moves swiftly by or to find ways of ebbing and flowing in the maelstrom until smoother waters are found? It is the choices we make in our lives that control the rate of our growth. Often it is the catalyst of surrender that allows us to move forward in leaps and bounds in the growth process.

One of the results of monumental leaps of understanding is that you are now able to build a new foundation and begin again erecting the structure of life. By shattering the old premise, you can determine which materials are still viable and which need to be discarded. From this you will be able to begin anew to reconstruct the resting places for the present. We say resting places because new ideas require a time of gestation and maturation in order to become part of your repertoire. Once you are comfortable with and understand the concepts, you will be refreshed and able to move forward in the next leap of understanding and begin the process anew.

It is a never-ending process to continue to grow in understanding and awareness as we proceed on our journey Home. To retard the growth process only delays the journey and creates difficulties for ourselves that must be surmounted or blasted apart in order to allow passage. Begin to examine the things that are preventing growth in your life and you will find the flow of moving effortlessly in a steady direction Home.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Polishing the Soul Group

Projection of your beliefs or feelings upon another prevents your living in the truth of your reality. When you operate in a spectrum of reality that assumes all to be congruent with your perceptions, it is difficult to imagine that others around you do not “get it” the way you do. This is not the case in your world which is operating at a full spectrum of dimensional frequencies. There are those that are still growing out of the lower levels of vibration that see life through a keyhole of limited scope. Grounded fully in the egocentric desires of their singular experience, they operate in the dimness of a life lived in the shadows of fear.

As one progresses through many lifetimes, there develops a trust in the goodness of others and one continually adds to the spectrum of beliefs and emotional responses necessary for growth. The more one is able to let go of the fears, the higher becomes their vibrational patterning. The evolution of form requires that one becomes attuned with the Light frequencies in order to let go of their earthly form. This is the journey of the soul.

Time is approaching when many who have chosen this upward spiritual path will be given the opportunity for transmutation. This is not to say that those who have not achieved this level of evolution will be left behind, but merely allowed to catch a future train Home. Those on the fast track to ascension will be rewarded with opportunities to choose the destination of their next growth experience. Many are sensing the separation as there is a natural selection of associates in the journey. Those of lower vibrations frequencies are pulling away and those of you that have raised your frequency of vibration find yourselves surrounded by others who are magnetically being pulled together in association.

Given these dynamics, we might suggest that once the “schools” have been defined, you begin sharing the talents and understandings with those you have called into your sphere of influence so that all may continue to grow together. These are the schools of the new earth that are taking place in the living rooms and family rooms of your homes. These places of shared learning together no longer require institutions and places of worship in which to exchange knowledge and awareness. In the relaxed atmosphere of a home environment, there is a letting down of barriers of separation and an implied welcoming of others to partake of meaningful levels of exchange in a “safe” environment. It is with those we invite into our homes to break bread and drink together that we are forming a new communion of souls of the new earth.

As for the curriculum of the new family of souls, we might suggest that you begin with a sharing of your personal beliefs and motivations. By honestly revealing to the others “who you are” it will open doors of recognition and allow others to express their true, authentic self as well. It is in the sharing and recognition of our own foibles and inconsistencies that we are invited into understanding with our partners in growth together. It is a polishing and that is taking place of the group soul so that growth can be accelerated and transformation take place. It is a time of becoming one in community where all are dedicated to the emergence of the Oneness of humanity. These are the finishing schools of the growth process.

The effectiveness of these microcosms of experience is largely reflective of the willingness of the partners to open themselves to the scrutiny of others. In the stripping away of the layers of illusion that we have shielded ourselves, we let more and more of our inner Light shine freely to heal and enlighten not only ourselves but others we have chosen for our collective growth. This is a group process that is beginning at home but will be expanding as we continue to connect the dots of our new societies. You are at the forefront of the microcosm of experience that is forming the building blocks of an expanded reality. Begin to shine your Light of recognition and invite those you Know to be on a similar journey and you will be able to lay the foundation for this emerging New Earth. It is time…


Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The dissolution of form is something that can be looked at from many perspectives. Those that are holding on to past realities may fear the release of the known and the emergence of the unknown. For those that have chosen to live in the present, however, it is a time of great possibilities for rebirth into higher forms of experience.

The possibilities for growth are diminished whenever one clings steadfastly to the anchors of the known. It is the shutting of new doors of opportunity to move past current experience. Like a shark that must forever keep moving in order to sustain life, life without growth and expansion of understanding is cutting off the oxygen of experience before it is able to nourish the soul. The opportunities for new insights and new adventures are increased with every constraint that is removed which limits one's ability to flow freely in the river of life. By hoisting anchors of doubt, one is able to glide freely past life’s snags and encumbrances.

This is not to say that all of life need be experienced in the rapids in order for growth to take place. Assimilation requires momentary pauses in inlets of reflection that give one the opportunity to stow the new baggage safely aboard before continuing the journey. Unless one is seaworthy, and balanced there is always the possibility of capsizing when partial truths or unthoughtout responses to actions are not weighed before venturing forth.

Journeys into the unknown are always filled with alertness and excitement. When possibilities are waiting around each bend, it is important to be hyper-vigilant as to areas for exploration and glittery dead ends that beckon to desires of the ego. There are no guarantees other than that if one listens to the higher voice of the soul’s direction, the way will be clearly marked and the lessons will be realized.

Smooth waters frequently portend a lull before a storm. It is always wise to take these opportunities to regroup, rest, and assimilate. Learning about a future destination and what might be expected around the bend is also worthy advice. The true test of a pioneer and adventurer is to take this knowledge of other people’s observances but be willing to build upon that with your own vision of reality and update the guide books accordingly. No one’s vision of an event or situation is exactly alike. One person might view an opportunity for experience with dread and trepidation, depending on their beliefs and intentions, while others might see it as a blank slate filled with opportunities for growth and understanding.

It is the choices we make in life that allow us to move through the rapids of experience that portend the outcome of the journey. How do you wish to view your current situation? What are the challenges life is showing you and do you wish to perceive them as impasses or opportunities to rise higher into growth. How can you let go of the fears that hold you back from putting past hurts behind you and moving past these impediments to growth? Is your attachment to fleeting illusions of possibilities preventing your moving further down stream and enjoying even greater vistas?

If one is to willingly embrace the journey of growth and understanding, one must be able to come from a place of honesty and truth. Self-awareness requires that we look critically at our motivations and our beliefs to see if they are still sea-worthy or if they need to be discarded and replaced with new equipment. The journey ahead purports to be rigorous and now is time to do the shake down voyages that test not only resolve but abilities to weather unexpected storms. The winds of change are blowing and it is time to either move into "safe” harbors or get ahead of the storms and move to higher ground. The river of life will be clogged with the lost and disillusioned shortly. Where do you wish to go and how willing are you to make the preparations within to assure a safe passage? Bon Voyage.


Thursday, October 14, 2010


The subject of addictions is complex in that it has many aspects as well as “cures”. The root of all addictive behavior is in the belief that one is not an embodiment of their God-self and capable of facing life without distraction or crutches. If one feels “helpless”, one is vulnerable to the whims and illusions of the personality that prey on the “helpless”. It does not take super-human strength to overcome the urges but a willingness to look deeper and discover the motivating factors of the belief.

Certainly one common thread that connects the “victims” of addiction is just that – they believe that outside forces are to blame for the situation. If my innate goodness (Godness) is hijacked by beliefs that point outside of me, how can I hope to restore something that is beyond my control? It is frequently when we return our power to the inner guidance and remove the distractions and illusions of the outer that we are able to hear the still small voice within that beckons us ever higher to self-realization.

Certainly there are chemical factors in the physical body that play a part in the equation. In chemical dependency, it is necessary to rid oneself from the deleterious effects of the offending substance in order to clear the body of its effects. Once that it is accomplished, there is a need to reprogram the emotional and etheric bodies to associate different behaviors with the trigger substance. It is a combined effort of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies that are joining forces to turn this out of control train of destructive behavior around and redirect all the body’s systems into new directions with new responses.

As for the emotional component – most addictions are attempts to numb pain. If one is feeling emotional or physical pain the usual response is to try to alleviate the suffering with the most convenient tool at hand. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, and fearful, you are likely to try to alleviate the condition of imbalance with the easiest remedy rather than looking deeper at the underlying cause of the imbalance. Self-honesty can be the prime corrective if one is willing to get at the root causes of any addiction rather than just focusing on the symptoms. Until one fixes the drip of emotional leakage at the source you will be forever mopping up the spill down the line.

At the root of all addiction is the feeling of loneliness (aloneness) when one feels alienated and separate from the world and those around them. The disconnection from the stream of life and the Loving energy inherent in self-belief and self-Love create a perceived need to fill this well of understanding with whatever substance or emotion is available. Since this well is bottomless without the presence of Love, this is a downward spiral of self-deception. Only when one is willing to look oneself honestly in the mirror of truth can one begin to ascend into the Light.

The roller coaster of addictive behavior may have many dips and turns as one begins to regain the balance in one’s life. Momentary slips and self-questioning are possible as new insights are revealed and dealt with. This is seldom a disorder with a single cause as more layers of the onion are peeled and more insights must be dealt with and resolved. However, if one is truly committed to a process of self-growth and self-realization, the patterns and behavior can be redirected into more positive and healthful ways.

Once one has moved back into the Light of Self-Love and Self-Forgiveness, they are free to turn and assist those behind them to extricate themselves as well. This is a chain of growth and self- realization that is forging that can help extricate many from the quagmire of the earth school. There is a new paradigm that is being created of life beyond the hold of addiction. The change begins one day at a time for those who have committed to the path to wholeness. Begin to share the vision of clarity and you will encourage others to move beyond their own shackles into a brighter reality. Go in Love and Peace…


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reforming Life

The times, though tumultuous, are filled with opportunities and possibilities for growth, understanding and self realization. Many are being called to other locals to pick up “course work” they may have been missing this time around. Many are being brought to task for failing to find a loving expression in their work or dealings with others. This is a mop up time that is causing many to examine the things that are really important in their lives and those which have been merely illusions or diversions from the real purpose of their journey.

As plans are changed and courses altered, there is an opportunity for growth beyond measure. Beneath the surface “doings” is the motivation that is finding expression in form. If you are willing to examine the source of your beliefs and see how this is manifesting in form, you will have some indication as to what your soul is trying to tell you. By stepping back far enough, the patterns of life begin to emerge with greater clarity.

As for what you might wish to do to create a different outcome, we might recommend that realizing what is deleterious to your growth and not in your highest and best good is the first step. Letting go of the pattern that created the situation (and perhaps others like it) allows the dissolution of the fantasy surrounding its presence. By seeing something that may have been profoundly wished for “warts and all” and not through the rose colored glasses of hope allows you to confront the true picture of your life in the present.

Now we say present only because this is all that is. Past experience and future probabilities are no indication of what is currently going on. While they are indicators of trends, all is subject to change in the moment given the aspect of free will. Predicting the future may be easier if one takes into account past experience but all is subject to change given decisions of the present. Living in the moment without requirements or conditions allows you to alter your future moment by moment by choosing the higher path (if you are so motivated) in each instance and thus moving through the sludge of the illusionary state.

Given this perspective…what might you do if you find yourself mired in a difunctionary state? We might suggest that examining your life and resources that support a desired outcome might be a preliminary step. By concentrating on the things in life that support the new vision, you give them energy and begin to attract opportunities that support the more positive outcome. Allowing the disillusion of past associations, activities and dramas that were no longer life affirming and supportive of the new vision is also an important part of creating the new life you desire. Allowing the illusions of others to obscure what you Know to be in your best interest is a smokescreen that you must be willing to avoid if you are to maintain your course of action.

Continual reality checks from within and testing yourself to see if something is really congruent with the new path will strengthen the muscles of resolve that will keep you on the higher path of achievement. Distancing yourself from people, places and things that no longer support the new vision are part of the process necessary to break free of the chains that bind you to past experiences. The stronger you become and the more resolve you have to overcome and relearn the lessons, the greater will become your capacity for achievement. One step at a time until the walk becomes a run that will take you away from the hold of the illusion and into the Light of higher reality.

Many are making decisions that embrace the higher aspects of their journey. New societies and communities are forming around higher visions of working together in mutual love and respect. As you venture forth into uncharted waters be aware of the signs of others who share the new dream. Together you will be pulled into associations of resonance as the few coalesce into the many in new forms. It is restructuring and reorienting on similar levels of vibration that is creating the structural basis for a new earth. The process of self selection is taking form in new ways and there is an emergence of the new, built upon the knowledge of the past but with a higher energetic imprint. Awaken to the new dawn of association for it has much to offer and is fulfilling the longings of your soul purpose. Awaken for the time is now.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Choosing Growth

The upstart of growth is that you are no longer rooted in beliefs that tie you to past realities. If you have grown beyond the need to experience a former perception, it is appropriate to discard this prior stepping stone and to allow it to melt away so that you are no longer able to fall back upon outmoded perceptions.

This is a time of great growth and understanding. The events in life are propelling you ever forward into uncharted waters of experience. The vast accumulation of knowledge of past encounters has served you well but they are no longer relevant. Time to begin anew to create the reality.

As you move forward in the new environment, it is tempting to reach back in your memory and retrieve the familiar. We might offer that only the elements that carry the higher vibration of truth will find resonance in your new environment. The building blocks of your new society all carry the higher vibration.

New beginnings require new commitments. In restructuring your world into higher meaning, there is a requirement to move according to a different roadmap of experience. What do you wish to be the motivating factor in your journey? This might require some deep soul searching to clear yourself of illusions and false perceptions in order to discover the underlying motivations of your life. How does the manifestation of form find resonance on the evolving platform of experience? Is life living you or are you living it? Is all going to plan or have you veered off the planned trajectory and require a course correction?

All of these are but tweaking in the guidance system. You alone are responsible for the direction of your journey. While outside influences are certainly the atmosphere you have created for your reality, it is your choice as to how you experience it. It is all choices and perceptions. It is not just your attitude of viewing the glass half full or half empty. It is also your choice to drink and allow it to become part of your life. You are being asked to step forward and becoming intimately involved in the creation of life.

Your world is being formed in the image of your intentions. This requires that you become an active participant in the process. Without your conscious effort, the creation will be usurped by those perhaps less evolved. It behooves those who see and are part of the Light to step forward and take an active role in the creation process. Sitting this one out on the sidelines is no longer an option. Decision time as to whether you wish to join the groundswell of aspirants to the new reality.

Enough posturing. Choice can be either active or passive. Do you wish to let the choices of others become your own because you are not willing to step forward and direct the course of your own life? What is preventing you from becoming the captain of your own ship of reality? What fears are holding you back and impeding your progress? The gangplank is being pulled up. Are you fully on board or do you still have one foot on the dock? You know where this precarious position will lead you.

The choice one makes in favor of truth and integrity are paramount in the process of growth. No one continues to grow by choosing to follow the miss-directions of those less capable or inspired. Shrinking in fear of imagined consequences is not ennobling or inspirational. Times of change call to all to step up and become the embodiment of their highest vision. How do you wish to achieve the dreams of your future if you are unwilling to step aboard the moving vessel of change? The golden hour has arrived. All aboard.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Grief is the collective of many human emotions that allows one to process the events in life that shake the core of “reality”. In order to move past the impasse, one must be able to process input that makes sense of the situation in terms appropriate to their level of understanding. There are states that this may take in order to process the information in “logical” terms to achieve a level of acceptance of the situation.

One of the first steps in reconciliation is the process of anger. When one’s world is altered, it upsets what one believes to be true and introduces a new reality. If one is unwilling to change one’s perceptions, one may be angered at being asked to alter these perceptions. Inherent in the response is the sense of loss that one feels of being deprived of the object of their attachment. It is a severing of ties of attachment that causes one to experience the feelings of separation and anger. Perhaps we feel that we had more to share or experience with the object of our attachment. Perhaps we wish that we could have done more to rectify the situation and heal past wounds. Perhaps we are wanting to fulfill unrealized fantasies with the individual or object of our attachment.

When something is wonderful, there is always the desire to prolong the experience in perpetuity. If the experience is less than perfect, there is always the desire to realize the higher experience that we visualize. When we are forced to face the reality that we are the master of our own feelings, emotions and interactions, we are in fact angry with ourselves that we may have squandered opportunities for Loving experiences that were unfulfilled. Perhaps that is the source of our grief – we wish we could have been more forthcoming in our interaction with others who mean so much to us in our lives. The misplaced anger of “fate” dealing us a cruel blow helps the ego come to terms with our failure to be our most Loving, generous, and caring selves in our dealings with others.

Following anger at ourselves and others as we attempt to place “blame” for an undesirable situation, we eventually reach a plateau of acceptance. Growth can be measured by our willingness to move past the situations in our life and to realize the underlying lessons our soul is trying to teach us. How has this situation that has shaken our very roots of belief and existence brought us closer to the higher understanding we require for our growth and understanding? What is preventing us from moving forward and using these painful lessons to bring us more in harmony with our divine purpose? How can we grow through the experience and take up the torch of light the object of our grief was carrying? How is this empowering us to be a higher reflection of our divine self longing for growth and understanding?

In every “tragedy” there is the possibility for illumination. We are called into greater awareness through the events in our lives that shake us loose from the moorings of complacency. We may grieve for the things that made us feel “safe” but they were in fact anchors that prevented our growth into higher awareness. How can we use the lessons of Love made manifest in the field of human interaction to lead us out of the darkness and into the Light?

In every “tragedy” there is the opportunity for moving into Loving awareness. How can you use the gifts of the other to enrich your life and pass these on? What can you salvage from the ashes that honors the memory of those grieved for and help them to live forever in the hearts of those they Loved?

We are all a legacy of Love to those of our association. What Loving memories do you wish to carry forward to those with whom you share this intimate bond? Be willing to bury the grief that would consume you and instead share the Loving memories of those who have passed. In such you honor them as well as yourselves for you are carrying the torch they have passed in Love. This is the fulfillment of their Loving experience and yours.


Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The veils that separate dimensions are becoming thinner and more transparent. No longer are those on the cusp of transformation oblivious of the world around them and the possibilities that are theirs to grasp. It is a morphing that is taking place in the present that is allowing the experience of two different planes of existence to overlap and run together in an impressionistic blending of time and space with blurred edges.
The reason so many are having trouble in adjusting to the new world forming in and around them is that there are no distinct forms. If the things you believed to be dependable suddenly began to dissolve and lack the solidity you had begun to rely on, it would feel that you were also becoming amorphous as well. As forms and shapes loose their rigidity, there is the possibility for reshaping them into new structures that carry the nucleus of past realities but are reworked into the higher energetic template necessary to support forms in the new earth that is being born. Rather than a new society vanishing, only to be replaced with untried and unproven structures and dimensions, your world is being rebuilt from the protoplasm of the present, melded together in new forms of association.

When there is less rigidity in a form and the edges become more malleable, there is a greater possibility for corresponding parts to bond together and form new bridges of association. This goes for the alliances of people as well as other types of material expression. The more we relax the boundaries that keep us apart from others, the easier it will become to create the bonds that are the basis for a society based upon Loving awareness. The more one sees the areas in common between one and another, the more these bonds become solidified in intentional associations that serve each other and beyond. It will be through the bonding together of disparate pieces that new societies will be reborn into ones of strength and integrity.

As to what will remain and what will be carried forth into the new earth…we might suggest that only the things that support new paradigm of unconditional Love will be “safe”. To build an edifice on the shifting sand of illusions of avarice and greed is like building a palace near the ocean in a depression protected by the illusion of safety. Sooner or later the storms of life will breach the moat.

The waves of challenge are everywhere. The only “safety” one has is finding the high ground of truth and integrity. Those that hear the higher calling will find an alliance there on which to reform a new earth. It is a restructuring of the building blocks of societies that is not dissimilar to the microscopic view of cells migrating in a sea of protoplasm and joining with others in new patterns of association.

As to how this might take form in the field of present…we might suggest an openness to all possibilities being brought to the surface. There will be those that energetically have more attraction and those that seem worn out. Individual choices that anchor one to the higher realms will attract others with a similar bent. Communities are being formed around the globe that reflect the inspiration and vision of those who hear a higher voice. Those who are unwilling and unable to make this leap of faith will not be drawn to this association.

It is as if the components of life are being shaken in a jar – the lighter elements are rising to the surface and the denser elements are sinking to the bottom. Where are you being drawn and what do you need to release in order to make the transition. Only the upwardly mobile will be able to spill over the dam. Are you willing to remain immobilized or hung in suspension by the fears and trepidations that are preventing this surge forward or are you ready to go with the flow?


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mindful Transitions

In the movement from one paradigm to the next, there is a transition that most go through that is not only disorienting but frightening to those who have not removed the baggage of fear from their “carry-ons”. The surest way to be screened out before entering the new reality is to try to bypass these stringent entry criteria. If this is a deal breaker, what can one do to help remove the last vestiges from the subtle energy anatomy and assure safe passage to the next dimension?

We might suggest examining the things that cause fear and trepidation in one’s life. Are there areas that you feel incapable of handling on your own? What about this situation is intimidating and fearful? Under what circumstances might it no longer be fearful? What might you do to strengthen your position so that this would no longer introduce the specter of fear into the situation? By breaking down emotions into the elemental building blocks of experience, one is often able to examine the situation and discover the illusionary beliefs that are preventing the full functioning of the emotional body. If one is willing to see fears for not only what they express but the underlying root causes of the imbalance, they frequently dissolve in the solvent of greater understanding.

As one moves past the checkpoint of fear-based thinking, one is confronted with what baggage one “needs” to carry with them for the ride. Are there things and distractions that have served their purpose but are no longer necessary in the new reality? If all were swept away in an instant, what might you wish to replace in order to have a fulfilling life experience? Which are merely reminders of past experiences or past realities that no longer fit the person you have become? Which support a vision of the “old you” that is no longer part of your new life lived in the higher dimensions. What “things” might be discarded and replaced in your new environment when you better understand the new world that is being created? Upon examination, there will probably be few “keepers” of a material sense that will need to pass over into the higher vibration.

And what of fellow passengers? Who has continued to grow and expand their awareness in tandem with you and is ready to jump from the plane in formation in search of the new experience. Who is glued to the plane, unwilling to commit to the experience and will not be part of the formation? This is a time for decision making. It comes down to whether we wish to move forward and join the new reality or stay behind and help others overcome their fears and doubts. What is your personal commitment to the new world in formation?

For those who have made the leap but are unable to see the point of landing, we might suggest the coming together with others also in flight and likewise committed to the journey. You will find that you are all being kept aloft on the updrafts of grace until the landing site is prepared. There may be a vast contingent being formed in the ethers between worlds that will arrive en mass at the appropriate time. The important thing is relax and enjoy the process, knowing that at all times you are held in the hand of God and that all is well.

As for the world that will be the destination…We can only say that it will be formed in the image of your intentions. What do you wish to perpetuate and bring with you from your prior existence and what do you wish to leave behind? What are the keepers in life and what are no longer relevant? When weighed on the scale of Loving awareness, what is overweight and must be left behind and what flows freely in the new energetic environment? These are the decisions that you will be bringing along that will form the framework of the new society.

Now is the time to mindfully prepare for the transition that is taking place as we speak. You are an integral part of the creation and are going through the fine screen of discernment awaiting landing. Come from your heart and allow Love to be your parachute and you will land softly in the new world.

Blessings…I AM

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As you are finding, friendship is a deep form of Love that has transcended the carnal aspects of relationship and allows two souls to unite on level of understanding and appreciation. In the new dynamic of growth and awareness, there are more and more relationships that can be called friendships because they meet the new criteria of expression.

As fear ceases to be the controlling factor in life and is being replaced with the presence of Love, relationships are morphing into something of a higher nature as well. As the ego takes the back seat to soul expression, there is a falling away of the old paradigm related to fear. If all souls are whole and complete and know it, what is there to fear from engaging in multiple partners on a level of friendship? If misguided emotions such as jealousy and possessiveness were no longer the norm, what would prevent your opening up to others on a soul level and sharing at the level of friendship? What in your present experience prevents you from befriending each other and thus facilitating their growth and awareness?

That is in fact the basis for friendship. There is a mutual support and assurance to be gained in the expression of friendship that cannot be experienced in the solitary. We look to our friends to hold the mirror for us and to show us the spots we cannot see because we are blinded by our ego. True friends will tell us what is true and not just what we want to hear. They are our partners in ascension.

So what prevents us from the experience of friendship? Again it comes down to the aspect of fear. Are we willing to face the illusions of who we believe ourselves to be and to see them dissolving into the magnificence we really are. What would happen if others saw us “warts and all” and found that we were all “flawed” and longing to be healed through the friendship of another? How willing are we to be vulnerable in the eyes of another? How is our soul calling to us to be made whole in the eyes of our friend?

It is in the stripping away of the illusions in life that we crack open the shell of separateness and emerge into a new world of expanded possibilities. It is our true friends that are there and assist in the process because they know that we are doing the same for them. Friends are there to help you over the rough spots but also to share in the “good stuff” as well.

As friendships evolve because we no longer share the illusions of lack, there is no longer a competition for “limited” resources. In a world of abundance, we are able to assist each other in achieving and receiving all the bounty of God’s Love they can hold and wish to receive. We are able to share in the wealth of experience in unselfish gratitude because we all “get it” and it is magnificent and joyous.

Friendship is one of the truest expressions of Love because it is pure, unblemished and selfless. This is the new paradigm that is being revealed and emerging in form. It is Love in action.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I AM the presence of Love. In order to dwell in this presence, one must be willing to set aside the trappings of life which are a distraction to the fulfillment of that promise. Now this does not necessarily required the renouncing of all expressions of beauty and form, but rather setting aside their importance in your life. While it has been said that “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”, that has been used in some ways to obscure the true meaning of renunciation of form.

When we speak of letting go of the attachment to form, it is not necessarily meant in a physical sense. It is neither good nor bad to have possessions if they give pleasure to the senses. The slippery slope is breached however when the objects of desire take on the importance of becoming the motivation of your actions rather than a byproduct of appreciation. As in all matters, it is the underlying desires and intention that reveal the motivations of action. All else is merely window dressing.

How easily can you detach yourselves from the “things” in your life? What would you find hardest to “give up”? If all were swept away in the blink of an eye, would you be any less perfect in the eyes of God? Is attachment to the “things” in your life overshadowing and directing your motivations and actions? As we pack our bags for the journey Home, these are the kinds of decisions that determine whether we will take the express route or the local where we must stop and unload excess baggage.

Once you have released your attachment to the “things” in your life you are free to enjoy the finer things in appreciation of their beauty and meaning. It is as if you are visiting in a fine hotel and using the beautiful things there for your amusement without having to “own” anything. Ownership is but another illusion of the ego for nothing in life is truly owned but merely there for our understanding as we clear our vision of reality. It becomes more of a question of the object of your desire owning you in a deeper sense of the word. What “things” own your attention, desire and lust? How important have they become in your life”
As we begin to shed the desires of the ego in our lives, we feel a lightening of the burden of form. In a formless state, reality is quite different from the illusion of the third-dimensional state of being. When life is reduced to the essence of consciousness and being, what are the “things” that comprise this new reality? What characterizes a world of form that is no longer valid in a formless state? How important will the “things” in your life become when the illusion of form is transcended?

If this mode of thinking is beyond your scope of comprehension, let’s step back into the present…What things in your environment distract you from seeking your higher purpose? What attachment have you made that mesmerize your thinking and draw you into a worship of the form itself rather than the appreciation of its presence? Is it Love-ly to behold and therefore worthy of your admiration or is its attraction because it reinforces the baser elements of attraction? Does it serve to elevate man’s understanding and experience or does it merely enchant the mind into a cycle of distraction? Is this a “keeper” in terms of long-term potential for growth and understanding or is it merely a distraction that obscures and detracts from the higher purpose in life? All are considerations to be taken into account as bags are being packed for the upcoming move.

What do you “need” for your substance and growth? What enrich your life and give it purpose and meaning. What things make you feel good because they reinforce your highest ideals and sense of beauty and wonder? And which fail to measure up to this higher standard? Perhaps it is time for a little housecleaning and de-cluttering in order to see clearly the real beauty in our lives and the higher possibilities for growth and achievement. Perhaps?


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letting Go

When you choose to let go of the challenges of a world gone mad and float freely in a sea of consciousness, it will feel at first as if you have lost your mooring and are adrift without a rudder. The loss of the illusion of control may seem frightening to those whose limited vision is that of the personality or ego knowing the desirable route to take. Turning over the reigns to an unknown entity may seem an act of folly or insanity.

If perhaps circumstances or an unwillingness to let go of the reigns of life have moved you into crisis mode, you would be wise to pause and review the alternatives in a higher space of reflection. Given the alternatives, which route has the more Loving potential? Which offers the most opportunity for growth and understanding? Which is more stagnant and reflective of the old energy and options that have proven not to be supportive of growth? How can you take your bags of knowledge, wisdom and faith and move to a new local or situation and begin afresh, richer for the experience? What is your soul trying to share with you about the true value of life and relationships that you are blocking from achievement? What things are of greatest value in your life because they hold the truest expression of Love and understanding? How is the situation moving you to make life-altering decisions you have been avoiding? What has been holding you back from letting go of the “firmament” in your life and moving past these rapids in order to experience calmer waters?

Being “brutally” honest and going within to access a deeper space of inner knowing allows you to take your thumb of ego off the scales and to see the real gift your soul is presenting you in somewhat shabby wrappings. Many who have gone through the darkness and emerged into a lighter passage will share that it was painful but transformative in that the pains of labor are forgotten in the beauty of the new life that has been created.

Are you ready to let go of the pain of past experiences and to begin anew to build a life of Love and awareness? Many are being called to recreate the world around them. As we have said, the only baggage you need bring is faith and understanding that all is being accomplished in divine order. You are self sufficient and reflect beauty that is limitless. Boundless abundance is yours for the taking if you are willing to let go of illusions of limitation. This is a remarkable opportunity for all to ascend past the darkness into the Light of possibilities if we are able to simply let go and BE one with the process of transformation. All else is smoke and mirrors. How far are you willing to go to see this through and allow the perfection of growth take place. It is time and it is fulfillment. Are you coming…?


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


In making sense of the world around you it might be prudent to examine the intentions and motives of your own journey. What have you focused on as the star that you use for navigation in your life? Is your underlying motivation to accumulate wealth, prestige or power? Is it more subtle such as experiencing adventure, or developing relationships? Or have you achieved a higher vision that keeps you focused upon a goal of self-realization and awareness? We ask this only because it is indicative of the journey that you are taking and will underlie all of the decisions you make. What is your prime motivation of your life?

For those that have not made the primary decision to elevate their intentions beyond the physical, the world will be a series of lessons in achievement and loss. While the collection of objects may satisfy at some level for they may increase one’s image of self worth, there is always the possibility, or we should say probability, that this will not have the degree of satisfaction that one would anticipate once achieved. Much of the joy of life comes in the striving to achieve a goal, rather than when one reaches the top of the mountain. When you arrive you realize that there are always greater mountains to climb and the quest is never-ceasing until you reach the final destination of self-realization.

But what if you cannot realize your dream of personal wealth? Part of the lesson may be to see beneath the illusionary states of awareness and to realize that true wealth is always a perception from within and only the things we carry in our heart can we take with us to the bank. There is a feeling of betrayal frequently when one achieves an anticipated object of desire and realizes that it is not the thing that truly stirs the soul to rapture that we believed it to be. It is our soul’s graphic way of redirecting our journey onto an upward path.

So if material objects are not ultimately satisfying, how about relationships? Here the journey gets a little more complicated. There are those we have contracted to for a lifetime that are our soul’s companion at service to share a lifetime of wisdom with each other. While Love is the glue that cements souls together in the physical world it may also be the cement that weights the other down and keeps one from rising higher when one moves beyond the experiences of the relationship and the other is dragging their feet. If may be most Loving some point to cut the tie that binds two together in experience when it is no longer growing, supportive, Loving relationship

Other relationships are more impermanent and can thus be accomplished in shorter period of time. Many people come together to exchange information, and others to fulfill soul contracts left over from previous lifetimes. There are many hidden agendas that fall within the realm of possibilities and have yet to define themselves in the field of form. All are part of the ongoing weaving and altering of the fabric of life, according to the imperative set forth at the commencement of the journey. While the flight plan has been filed, there in no necessity to stick to it and bypass some of the intermediary stops once the journey has begun. It is always possible to audit a class or skip a grade once you have mastered the material.

So say your prime directive has been altered and now the object of your achievement is focused upon spiritual growth and higher awareness. How might you go about achieving this ultimate goal? We might suggest that this is a journey that will look the same as any other, filled with achievements and interactions as before. The only difference is in the attitude of the experiencer. Gone will be the imperative to surpass others that share the path. It will be more important to encourage and empower them to share the path together. Gone will be the need to control or manipulate those that you share a heart connection with for they will become as your extended self as you merge in the completeness of a complimentary relationship. Gone will be the need to dominate man or nature as you come into balance with all of life. And present will be the peace and understanding that life is to be lived in the grace of a Love that enfolds and encompasses all of experience if only you choose to make this your goal. It is LOVE expressed in all of life.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Family Dynammics

The family of origin that you have chosen to embrace and interact within this lifetime is in many cases one that you have traveled together before and will continue to do so in the future. While you may have alternating roles in each other’s lives, it is this one that requires your immediate attention.

There are many lessons that one must master while undergoing the journey of enlightenment. Many of these require the “tough love” of those that know us best to bring home the lesson in ways that are hard to miss. You may have noticed that many of these are “in your face” right now as time quickens. It is those that we have drawn to us in a familial bond that know us best and which buttons to push to bring up unresolved issues between us for examination and integration.

Perhaps we were treated unjustly or cruelly in a previous incarnation by a certain member of our familial group. This is an opportunity to try a different tack to wear down resistance or experiment with a different route to understanding. Certainly the issues that gestate in the familial unit are the themes that will keep humming a familiar refrain throughout our lives in order to draw our attention to what we missed before. Only when an issue has been examined and both have surrendered to that lesson in understanding is an issue “finished” and “complete” and we can move on into new experiences. If not dealt with to the satisfaction of both parties, there is a good chance that it will become the theme of many future encounters.

The familial unit is a ticket all have purchased to a common destination. While some may change direction and transfer off at some point, there is a common thread that unites all in the experience. It behooves us all to examine what qualities and visions we share with those in our family and which are there as a mirror and deterrent to move us in an opposing direction.

We find our most important lessons are ones that we learn through the example of others. We can either choose to emulate them and claim them for ourselves or become aware of the fallacy of the experience and redirect our lives in an opposing direction. All are valid ways of learning.

We can choose how deeply we wish to become enmeshed in the drama of others. Being able to claim our wholeness and be the master of our own destiny is an important way that we cut the cords that bind us to our familial patterning. Part of emotional adulthood is breaking free of the tethers that bind us to the lessons of childhood and become our own person in the image of our higher vision of the self our soul is showing us. The extent to which we are able to reform our personae in this higher vision is the test as to how well we have learned the lessons of our birth family.

Emotional adulthood is achieved when we can see the patterns that brought us to where we are today and the lessons attached but then rewrite the script of our lives in the vision of our choosing. The baton of growth is passed from generation to generation through the lessons we share. What do you wish to take from your experiences in the family unit and pass on to your decedents and which are worn out beliefs and misinformation that need to be discarded in light of your new reality? What do you wish to be the legacy for those to come that will create a Lighter version of reality worth perpetuating? How will your family album look to future generations of those that will reform in new bodies? The seeds you plant today will bear fruit that you will eat in future incarnations. What do you wish that to be? Food for thought…


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Mandate

Feeling that you are in this world but not of it might be a common occurrence these days as more and more move into the transitional vibration. There is a part of you that goes through the motions of growth and understanding in order to prepare for the shift while the physical aspect of your being is embodied in the third-dimensional activities that comprise your mundane world. In which arena do you feel more alive and self-actuated? This is where you are creating your reality. The rest is just the illusion.

As you move into the new energy, you are noticing that you are less drawn into the frivolous pursuits of prior times that seem to have lost their luster. While you may have enjoyed something that involved the mastery of a skill of some sort, you may find yourself setting this activity aside because the skill is now part of your repertoire and once mastered it is time to move on to other things. This is the experience of growth. Once one has learned something it is time to store the experience and find new areas of growth and understanding.

As dimensions shift and vision becomes clearer, you are becoming more attuned to the events and people who have substance and meaning, rather than just filling space or time. Every occurrence in your life is filled with meaning and purpose that is being revealed in ever-increasing frequency. It is if a play is being improvised in real-time and it is meaningful and brilliant, and you are part of the production. This IS the real-time and you are integral to the process.

Your observations are becoming more acute and you easily see through the subterfuge of the world around you. You are able to easily and quickly connect the dots and see where a conversation or activity is going and are able to decide if this is somewhere you wish to be or move on. You have completed your graduate studies and it is now up to you to decide how you wish to apply the knowledge.

You are building a new world, not based on the blueprints of obsolete structures, but with fresh eyes and new ideas. The wisdom of those that have gone before is not lost but has morphed into an understanding of greater depth and wisdom, but also adapted to something that serves a greater purpose. It is as if all the jagged corners of ego have been worn smooth and now the pieces of the many parts fit together seamlessly into a structure that is built together with the elements of the many that have come together in new forms of cooperation and teamwork. It is wholeness made manifest.

This is another characteristic of the new structures of your world is that it is beginning to vibrate in a harmonizing pattern of life. The destructive, egocentric vision that places man at the center of the universe with all of nature subservient to this harsh dictator is coming to a close. The new paradigm of cooperation includes the coming together of the elemental aspects of nature as well as the presence of man.

Man must find a balance of harmony and consideration that recognizes the unique role each plays in the unfolding mosaic of completeness. It is life made manifest in form where all have equal importance in the overall plan. While man certainly has the capacity to think and reason, this can be used either constructively or destructively in its execution. With power comes responsibility to use it wisely for the benefit of all.

This is the mandate that is being given to those who have crossed the threshold of understanding. Form the new world in the image of the god-within who Knows the higher purpose in all endeavors. Find ways of executing the divine mandate of Loving awareness that honors the needs of all in the creating of the higher level of experience. Continue to grow in Loving awareness and you will continue to surf the dimensional shift in ease and grace. This is the plan. The rest is just the illusion. What do you see? What do you intend to do about it? What is your new reality???


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Working and Playing Well with Others

The things that comprise your life are opportunities to experience the growth your soul requires for its evolution. When you enter this experience, you are given certain “colors” with which to complete the masterpiece of your life. Some may choose to bring a darker palate with which to work while others may choose lighter hues. All are valid given the charge of the soul’s path to learning. You may have already worked out certain issues of self in previous lifetimes that require no further exploration in this one. If you come in with the knowledge of say a high school level, there is no need to begin at kindergarten every time. This is a hard-one lesson on which to build different levels of experience.

You might ask if struggle is necessary for achievement…We would offer that it is not the end result but the journey that provides the understanding. As you process the various aspects of an issue, you begin to accumulate the nuances of the experience. These are always stored away for reference in future lifetimes as you begin to flesh out various aspects of your emotional body. The feelings of déjà vous are merely remembrances of similar times and similar experiences that need not be relived in order to know the higher lesson involved.

While all experiences are not necessarily profound, you will continue to be brought into contact with the ones that are most relevant to your soul evolution. As time quickens, we all are cramming for final exams and find that our dance card is full of the things we have missed in previous encounters. It is as if we are called into service as an elite squad of spiritual warriors to mop up and bring into form the final aspects of soul evolution in order to progress to the next level of experience.

Part of the curriculum in the earth school is about learning to work and play well with others. You may remember that this is one of the first activities you encountered in kindergarten that has remained a consistent theme throughout life. It is this interplay with other souls that have the reflections of our life experience in form that help bring us into alignment with our higher purpose. If we are here to learn the lessons of Love in its many forms, it stands to reason that it is through the eyes of our many beloved partners that we will be able to see and recognize the missing parts of our evolving soul. The reintegration of these missing pieces is what we are yearning for when we lash out and posture to avoid the wholeness that we secretly seek. In the surrender and coming together we are reborn into higher understanding and awareness and complete our quest for wholeness in the tender arms of another. In such we will master the goal of “working and playing well with others”.
Before we leave the playground of experience, we might be well advised to make one more connection. Because of fears and insecurities from this and previous lifetimes, all will not be willing to move easily into the new reality. The defenses and struggles that impede the flow of energy into Loving pursuits may not be forthcoming until one has cut the chords that link the prior experience. Only when the benefits outweigh the risks or the pain becomes too great will they find reason and courage to move out of the shadows into the Light.

The greatest service you can provide to yourself and your fellow students is to mirror Loving kindness to each other in order to create a safe place where growth can take place. Continued efforts in this vein will eventually wear down the wall of resistance and create a safe, environment for Loving exchange. You are the mirrors to reflect God’s Loving Grace to each other. How can you best demonstrate this lesson in the masterpiece of your life? This is your assignment for today…


For a free copy of Penny’s book Returning Home – A Workbook for Ascension go to the Journey of Enlightenment website Journey of Enlightenment Foundation is now on Facebook. We invite you to sign up as a Fan.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Prayer for Mother Earth

6/23/2010 2:31 PM

I AM the consciousness of the earth Mother coming through at this time of much strife and concern. I AM bleeding internally due to the conscious efforts of those who did not realize the far-reaching implications of their actions. There is a hemorrhaging of my vital fluids that is causing much pain and suffering to those who make their home in my sheltered regions. Much pain and suffering have been caused in the breach of the actions of a few that is threatening to wreck catastrophic injury to many more. It is a time of great sorrow but also great possibility.

The earth can continue to pilfer the treasures of her riches without concern for the fate of future generations and go out with a colossal demonstration of proportions that rival those felt on Atlantis. You can pray and shift the energetic template upon which this teetering of the dominoes that are ready to fall and perhaps divert disaster THIS time. Or you can begin to dismantle a society built upon the myopic vision of limitless resources that are there to be squandered. This is life at the crossroads of civilizations gone past and to come. How many of you still believe in the illusion of limitless resources and that every man for himself is the only way to survive in times of chaos? How many of you have been deluded into believing that one must face the harsh reality of life torn asunder by exploding theories and suppositions? You have before you a dilemma of major proportions,

How many of you believe that anything can be undone with prayers in the moment and business as usual the next? This is the time that humanity is being called to task for decisions by your forefathers that are bearing the fruit of gluttonous seeds planted long ago. The resources of your planet are bountiful beyond measure if only you are able to respect and cherish them and take only what you need. The gluttony of your species is intimately related to the illusions of self that cause you to reach for more and more in order to fill up the deficits of character that have become the norm. While there are a few shining examples to the contrary, most of your species are lost in a fog of illusions that is spinning them deeper and deeper into oblivion.

This is not to say that all is lost, but there is a need for drastic, rapid recalibration of the moral compass of the earth in its totality which naturally includes, men, women and the other inhabitants as well. It will take a concerted effort of all remaining in form to reset priorities and employ new tactics in order to develop a new model upon which to build your new reality. In order to bring together the consciousness of a community based upon higher vibrational experiences it may be necessary to go through a rebirthing process of some magnitude. This is not to say that it will be without difficulty for pain is frequently part of the beauty of life reborn.

For those of you that have the determination to see this through there awaits magnificence beyond all measure when all “get it” and turn their focus on the possibilities of an expanded reality based upon the highest aspects of the Loving experience. Certainly Joy is to be born from the chaos of the present when the cinders of vaporized illusions come crashing down around you, leaving the solitary Light of recognition of the divine. All is indeed perfect in the execution and beautiful when seen through new eyes of recognition. Do not allow the rumblings and explosions of the earth, realigning and reforming to cause a tidal wave of despair that will lead you off track. Eyes on the beauty of the possibilities and allow the collapsing structures to be consumed and sink into the mud. It is a new earth that is being born out of the phoenix of the ashes. You will have time to reassess where you wish to be when the dust settles.

The prayers of the faithful are altering the energetic environment on earth. Whether there are enough that are making the connection and embracing the Light remains to be seen. Let us just say that the prayer has been heard and things are in motion. Continue to move mountains with your faith and KNOW that all is coming together in divine order. All is well despite the clouds and smoke. It is a cleansing and rebirth that is taking place and you are all in the nursery awaiting the new arrival. Soon…I AM


As you transition into the new reality it is wise to keep in mind that this too is a transitory phase. While it may seem that you are living in a state of transcendence, in fact, this will become the new norm in experience. What if there were little to be achieved by pursuing a life of monetary pursuits? How would you redirect your life to achieve both meaning and purpose? What if your ego were to suddenly relinquish its hold on the direction of your life? How might you reorganize your activities in order to embrace this new reality? When all is said and done, what is important in the overall scheme of things and what is merely window dressing provided by the ego in order to decorate the realm of experience/?

It is this that we wish to address today…

As you analyze the events in your life, it is advisable to see which ones call to you at the level of the soul. What greater or higher good might be accomplished by taking one route over another? Can you see a more universal benefit to be derived from taking one course of action over another? When all of the wants and desires of the ego are stripped away, what continues to shine forth as serving the best interest of the whole, rather than its part? As we continue to evolve in common purpose, what decisions seem to benefit that ultimate achievement? This is the direction your soul is directing you.

As edifices to the individual are crumbling around you, there are emerging new ones to take the place of the old. New structures have the signature and integrity of not only excellence of purpose in that they are designed to serve the needs of the collective but also the individuals who make up the body. Unless it is a win/win, it is of the old energy and doomed to crumble as societies are reborn.

The dynamics of a new society are evolving into structures of equanimity as all are forming so as to share the opportunities for achievement. No longer will power and wealth be hoarded by the few but shared in equal opportunity by the many, according to their desires and commitment to underlying beliefs of the cooperative. You may think of capitalism as being the ultimate equalizer since it embraces the concepts of freedom to achieve for all. We might suggest that a new “ism” is forming which recognized the inherent freedom to achieve by all but at the same time balances the welfare of the components of the cooperative in equal balance. It is an organization based upon the new dynamic of cooperation and teamwork that is finding form in the foundations of change that are taking place in your world. You might call it “Omnivision” that is becoming the basis for growth and understanding in your changing world.

As for the structures that will make this possible…We might suggest that while few of the present models measure up to the balance between individual and collective, there are a few that survive. All are being evaluated to see whether they measure up to the challenge. One might recall the Memorex example when the new frequency of vibration was applied and the glass of inflexibility shattered in the presence of the new vibration. That is what is happening in your world today. Inflexible, outmoded structures are shattering, only to be rebuilt in the frequency of Light and Love. It is a transformation that, while painful to the extent to which one is attached to the old, will heal and reform in ways that will cause restructuring of the world in ways never thought possible. While not happening in what we would consider “a twinkling of an eye”, nevertheless when measured in the scope of the history of mankind, the period of time this is taking is infinitesimally small. Such is the greater view of the time continuum.

As to what you might do to “surf the dimensional shift” we might suggest that allowing all needs and structures to dissolve in their importance might be in order. If one is going on a journey of unknown destination, does it make sense to take baggage that might be irrelevant in the undetermined land? The real treasures of your lifetime are found in the knowledge, wisdom and beliefs that serve you, wherever you may venture. All else is excess baggage and you may find that its weight to be crushing over time. The attitude adjustments and clearing out pockets of misguided energy and beliefs should be the only tune-up you require for the journey.

While the ultimate destination will always be Home, there will inevitable be course corrections along the way that will take you on a more circuitous route. Your willingness to keep your eye on the goal but being open to whatever evolves in perfect order will give you the foresight to navigate whatever you encounter along the way. The journey has begun and you are stepping on board for the ride of many lifetimes. Bon Voyage and Godspeed…all is well…


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Along the periphery of experience lie the seeds of new growth and awareness. Those mired in the center of life lived in the tried, true, and predictable are seldom privy to the revolutionary and innovative that takes place outside the norm of experience. As more and more are moving out of the mainstream and looking for new ways of structuring and experiencing their world, new patterns and structures are forming. It is as if an exploding volcano is creating new land masses and islands that will eventually evolve into new centers of learning and inhabitation.

On these newly formed lands are the most fertile fields for growth and understanding. Where no rules exist, there are greater opportunities to create societies that mirror new thought and understanding. These are fertile fields ready to be planted with inspiration worthy of the new paradigm.

As those that have heard the call coalesce into new forms of association, there are groups of like-minded people who understand that this is no longer their father’s world. There is a coming together into new forms and cultures that serve the new dynamics of cooperation and teamwork rather than the worn out structures that bred greed and corruption. This is a new vision of a world based upon the oneness of experience lived out by cooperating elements of individuated souls. All are aware that they are part of the grand adventure that is heralding the dawn of a new era and it is exciting.

At the core of this shift into the new paradigm is the understanding that all are individuated expressions of Loving energy made manifest in order to demonstrate its truth in a world of form. There are those who may not understand the importance or dynamics of what is taking place but nevertheless feel the shift of the energetic template that is bringing all together in common purpose. There are also others who while accepting of the knowledge, have not yet found ways of incorporating it into their lives. They remain with their noses pressed to the windows of experience, unwilling to venture to open the door and become part of the new world. It is to these that we would like to encourage them to integrate their knowledge and understanding and to take the steps forward and embrace the new paradigm.

In order for change to manifest in your world, there must be a willingness for those that have the keys of understanding to arise and help those around them to remove their veils of illusion and accept their own divinity. Along with this acceptance comes the mandate to embrace a higher degree of achievement by putting into form the higher truths and vision of a world governed by Love and Grace. This is the blueprint for the new paradigm and all structure will be based upon this foundation. Things that are not aligned with this new energy will crumble and not withstand the rigors of change.

In order to understand the dynamics of life in this new world it might be advantageous to begin assessing the relationships and structures in your life and see which measure up to this new reality. Which are “last years fashion” and which are classics that will never go out of style because they bear the signature of the master of Love and understanding? If you would alter the world around you, you must begin by altering the building blocks of the new society. Your personal choices to find meaning and purpose within your life will become the foundation for the new earth in the making.

The building blocks of life are reassembling in the firmament of this newly forming territory. It behooves you to choose wisely how you wish to make this whole and create a new world that reflects the ideals, knowledge and substance of greater opportunities for the evolving creation. This is the call to awareness that is going forth to those who have ears to hear. The new earth is forming and you are being invited to be part of the creation. It is time and it is exciting…